The Flock of Luka


17-year-old Darren Wilson lives on a farm in America with his mother and father and his two brothers, Charlie and Lewis. When Garth Wilson - Darren's grandfather - passes away, his three dogs are left behind for no other than Darren.

With the chlidhood stories about the Flock of Luka - the people that can change into dogs - hanging over his head, he takes the three, odd dogs in, unconciously beginning a journey that will change the rest of his life; one he will never forget.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hush Sound, the rest of the characters are based of my imagination.

Warnings: Contains slash. Nothing too smutty, I think. But if you don't like; don't read. Also, a bit 'fantasy'-ish.

Author's Note: I hope you like it; Concrit is appreciated. See end of chapters for more.