The Flock of Luka

The Flock of Luka(8/18)

During the following days, Darren discovers quite a lot of interesting things about the flock of Luka, though far from everything.

He only lets them change into humans when he’s sure no one can see them. Mostly, it’s in the old abandoned barn – which they only use for storage place for the hay during the winter – or his room.

This is one of those clear and starry nights, he sits on the hay loft, watching the bright stars through the hole in the wall with Chris-the-dog beside him. Bob and Greta are elsewhere, Darren doesn’t really know where.

“You can change now, if you want,” he says, although he knows neither of the three ever misses an opportunity to stretch. He hears the familiar cracks as the skeleton reforms itself, but keeps his eyes to the sky.

“Thanks,” Chris tells him, stretching his arms above his head. They’re back to a comfortable silence until Darren’s curiosity gets out of hand.

“What’s it like? Being a dog, I mean,” he asks, turning towards the older boy.

“Weird,” he answers truthfully. “It’s like… We see better, hear better, smell better, feel better. We do that even as humans, but not really in the same way. You feel kind of small, looking up at everyone,” he explains, laughing lightly and Darren smiles. “But I’ve lived like this for my entire life, so I’m kind of used to it I guess.”

“Still weird,” Darren sighs. “For me, at least.” Another feathery laugh and Chris nudges his leg with his toes. Darren stares at Chris’ knees, trying to tell the green fabric from the darkness.

“Sorry for bothering that Emily girl, by the way,” he says, sounding sincerely sorry, and like it’s been bothering him for a while.

Darren shrugs. “Don’t worry; I probably wouldn’t be able to stick with her anyway…” he admits sadly. “By the way, it wasn’t a dream that night, was it?”

Chris squirms a bit, but shakes his head. “No, that was me… But, look, if it makes you uncomfortable, I’ll leave it,” he insists, scratching the back of his neck.

At first, Darren doesn’t really get it. “I only did it ‘cause I love you”. “Oh… I…” he silences himself, deciding that he doesn’t want to ruin everything, Instead, he takes Chris’ hand in his own, scoots a bit closer and continues to watch the stars.

Every time he glances over, Chris is there, meeting his eyes with a smile. A few more minutes and Darren lays his head on the other’s shoulder. “How do you know you love me?” he asks quietly then.

“Um… What?” Darren hears the frown in his voice and lets their knees nudge a few times.

“That night… you told me that the reason you scared her was because you love me… how do you know that?”

Chris hums for a moment before taking a deep breath. “I don’t know, I just… do. I think it has a lot to do with being a son of Luka – almost certain of it – because we just know when we find the person we’re meant to love…”

“Right… so you just… I don’t know, find the person you’re destined for?” Darren asks, sitting up straight, with a curious look.

Chris bites his lip. “No… yes… I don’t know, it’s not always the perfect story, you know? I mean… sometimes you find them, sometimes you don’t – sometimes they love you back, sometimes they don’t. Just like the human world,” he concludes, looking into the younger boy’s eyes.

“So… you’re saying that…” Darren starts, leaning in a bit. “That you never really know… what’s going to happen; what’s gonna… come out of it…?” It comes out as a whisper.

Chris nods slowly, bringing a hand to Darren’s upper arm. “Yes,” he whispers against his lips. “But I do know that you’re my one… destined… person.”

Darren hesitantly tilts his head slightly to the side, beginning to close the distance between their mouths. They’re so close – so painfully close – when Lewis enters the barn below them, calling his younger brother inside.

With a sad sigh, Chris changes back into the dark Coonhound and they climb down the old stairs to go to bed.