No Particular Reason

Chapter 3

The rest of the week was a blur to Jakob. He avoided Frankito as much as possible, much to his own and Joey’s relief. He tried to concentrate on his classes but Frankito had decided to change his schedule so he had the majority of his classes with Jakob; and made a point to sit right next to or behind him.

“This is your first quiz. It’s twenty questions on what we have covered this week. There is no need to talk. Do your own work and show it on the scrap piece of paper I have provided you with. You have until the end of the period to finish this.” The teacher, Mrs. King, finished passing out the sheets and went back to her desk.

Jakob dived right into the basic Algebra the sheet called for. He had paid ample attention to the lectures and his homework was normally all correct. Plus, it was a half a day at school and this would be the last class of the day.


Jakob ignored it.


Jakob bit his tongue. He knew Frankito was trying to bait him into telling him the answers, but he wasn’t going to risk it.


“Shut up.” Jakob whispered as loud as he dared across to Frankito. He was almost done with the sheet. If he could just finish the last question and turn it in before Frankito could get to him, he would be fine.

“You are so gonna regret that.” Frankito whispered before asking in a louder voice, “What’d you say?”

Jakob’s heart stopped. He had just finished writing the last answer and was about to get up and turn his sheet in.

“What did you say Mr. Wright?” Mrs. King was all ready by their desks. “Did you not understand me when I said no talking?”

“Oh, uh, I was, uh,” Frankito gave a small point to Jakob.

“Were you helping him cheat Mr. Armstrong?” Her beady eyes were now set on Jakob and the entire class was watching them.

“No, no ma’am. I was about to turn my quiz in.” His voice sounded pathetically high in his ears.

“Mmm hmm.” Mrs. King uttered, obviously not believing him. “Well, I’ll just take this.” She took Jakob’s completed sheet. “And yours Mr. Wright.” She snatched his mostly blank one. “And you may both go to the Headmaster’s office.”

Jakob shot both Mrs. King and Frankito a disbelieving look as he got up and followed Frankito to the Headmaster’s office.

“If you had just told me the fucking answers, you could have been spared.” Frankito snapped as he shoved Jakob onto the lockers and kept walking. “And don’t you dare tell my Dad about this shit, or you’re really gonna get it bitch.”


“Were you really helping him cheat?” Billie Joe asked Jakob as he took Jakob home. Billie Joe had to stop rehearsal to go pick Jakob up from school and Tre’ had to do the same for Frankito at the Headmasters bidding and heard why their sons were in his office. Jakob’s only bright spot was that they came in separate cars and Tre’ was taking Frankito home.

“No, Dad, I wasn’t.” Jakob insisted. “I was almost done. I was about to go and turn it in and Frankito kept trying to get my attention so I would tell him the answers and I wouldn’t do it so he faked it and got me in trouble.”

“That doesn’t sound like Frankito.” Billie Joe mused as he turned into their subdivision.

“It is now.” Jakob muttered.

“Jakob, seriously, what has been your deal lately?” Billie Joe sighed.

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about that.” Billie Joe pointed at him. “You don’t eat, you don’t talk to anyone, you don’t sleep hardly because I hear you up every night and you don’t even talk to your friends anymore and if they do, they’re out to get you. I don’t get it Jakob, what the Hell is up with you.” He pulled into the garage.

Jakob shook his head and started to get out.

“Oh, Hell, no.” Billie Joe locked the doors. “You’re not getting out until we settle this. Tell me now, what is going on?”

“Nothing is going on ” Jakob shouted. “Why is it whenever we don’t act all normal and stuff for ten seconds, something’s wrong I’m fine How many damn times do I have to say it? ” Jakob manually unlocked the door and slammed it behind him as he stalked inside the house.

He didn’t stop when his Mom said something to him, he didn’t stop when their cat, Milo, scratched his leg in a plea for attention, he only stopped when he got to his room and slammed the door shut.

He sat on the floor in front of the door and propped his forehead on his palm. He didn’t understand this. His world was going topsy turvy and he could not do anything to prevent or solve it.

He ripped his tie off of his neck and threw it to the side. He could hear his parents arguing downstairs. They were probably arguing on his behalf and that made his mood even worse. There was a tap at the door and there was only one person it could be.

“Go away Joey.”

Jakob could hear Joey shifting his weight. “Open the door Jakob, we need to talk. Me to you.”

“I don’t wanna.”

“I don’t care.”

“You’re not the boss of me.

“You don’t tell me what to do.”

Jakob was silent for a moment. “I hope you die.”

Joey grunted a small laugh. “Go to Hell. Now open the door.”

Jakob reluctantly got up and Joey let himself in.

“What’s your deal?” Joey asked as he shut the door behind him and leaned up against Jakob’s desk.

Jakob shrugged and picked at a small hole that was in his comforter. “Nothing.”

“Horseshit Jakob. I know when your starting to get all depressed. You’re like Dad. You get absorbed in yourself and you forget what’s going on around you. Come on Jake, tell me. Is it Frankito?”

Jakob’s silence was Joey’s answer.

“Ahhh. I noticed him hanging around some new white trash with brass knuckles. Please tell me you’re not getting into that.”

Jakob shook his head.

“Oh.” Realization dawned on Joey. “And Frankito is teasing you and pressuring you and that is why you’re getting the way you are. I got it now.” He sat on the desk and put his feet in the rolling chair. “Frankito was the one that gave you that swirly, huh? And you weren’t helping him cheat today, he framed you. Unbelievable.”

Jakob stuck his entire index finger in the hole. He had successfully made it bigger and more obvious. His mother would not be pleased.

“And you’re not going to say anything?” Joey watched his younger brother intensely and noticed only a shell of Jakob, a shadow of the previous tenant. Joey shook his head at Jakob’s lack of voice and movement. “Just stay away from him Jake. Just stay the fuck away from him.”