No Particular Reason

Chapter 10

“Baby, you okay?” Amy looked at Joey in a worried way as Joey picked at the potatoes on her tray. He had skipped class to come see her at her school during her lunch break. The entire time, Joey had seemed distant and worried, and Amy knew why.

Joey just shrugged at her question and leaned back in the chair. “No. The whole fucking school is divided over what happened with Jakob. Some say he didn’t deserve it and Frankito should fry but the other half is scared of Frankito’s gang and are backing them up. Then there’s the idiots who don’t care. It didn’t happen to them so they’re not concerned with it.”

Amy didn’t say anything, she just let Joey say what he has wanted to say but hasn’t been able to since the accident.

“And there’s people who don’t even know Jakob, didn’t know he existed until two weeks ago when it happened, and are saying the stupidest and hateful things about him. I had to get out of there, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get out of there.”

Joey took Amy’s hand and cradled it in his, softly playing with her fingers with his other hand. “And Christy even came up to me today, remember her?”

Amy nodded. “That girl Jakob was tutoring and was kind of seeing.”

“Yep. She came up to me and told me that she was sorry for what happened to Jakob and that she had told Jakob that night that she didn’t want to make things official with him because she’s going out with Frankito now. Apparently they’ve been hooking up behind Jakob’s back for about a month and a half now.”

“That skank ass whore.” Amy snapped as she brushed stray hair out of her face. “I told you she was a slut, did I not? I knew when she was putting the moves on you when I was in the next room that she didn’t want anything good out of Jakob, did I not?”

Joey laughed, the first laugh in a long time. “She did not put the moves on me.”

Amy’s jaw dropped. “Yes she did She was all over you with her little bikini top on because we were all swimming earlier and talking in like a twenty year old in husky tones.” Amy dropped her voice to imitate Christy’s attempt. “All the while she was going to make out with Jakob later and go sleep with Frankito after that. Damn skank. I should kick her ass.”

Joey curled his fingers with hers, his expression dropping again as new worries crept into his mind. “I can’t say a word about any of that to Mom and Dad, they’re under so much stress, especially Dad. I honestly think he doesn’t know who to turn to or what to do. I mean, it was Tre’s son. Tre’s our godfather and one of his best friends and. . . . he’s just been having a hard time accepting everything.”

Amy pushed the tray out of their way and smiled at her boyfriend. “Joey, you are one of the strongest people I know and your family is too. You’ll get through this, I know you will.”

“I love you.” That was Joey’s only response. His eyes were hollow and lost like a puppy’s as he continued to play with her hand, tickling her and making her giggle.

“I love you too. And hey, don’t worry about tonight. We’ll get some movies and a TV and go hang out with Jakob tonight.”

Joey’s eyebrows furrowed and he stopped tracing patterns on Amy’s palm. “Tonight?”

Amy gave him a half-smile. “Tonight was the winter dance here and we were going to go, remember?”

“Oh no, yeah, I remember.” Joey ran a hand through his hair. “No, let’s go. I know you’ve been looking forward to it.”

Amy shook her head in defiance. “Joey, no. It’s not a big deal. Jakob is more important than a dress and dance.”

“But Jakob wouldn’t want you to miss it.” Joey and Amy’s eyes were locked and Amy wasn’t even paying attention to the fact that her class was leaving the cafeteria.

“It’s not important.” Amy insisted as she got up and kissed Joey on the cheek. “I promise. Movies with Jakob, that’s what we’re gonna do tonight. I love you.”

“Love you too.” Joey watched Amy walk away and knowing she didn’t mean to, she had made him feel worse than before.


“Well, we got the restraining order and the court date’s set for January 16th. Tre’ got him out on bail but he’s under house arrest until the court date.” Billie Joe leaned against the doorway of his and Adrienne’s closet and watched Joey go through his clothes, looking at some pieces thoughtfully and threw others behind him in a heap. “Jakob’s coming home probably in the middle of January. Well, at least that’s what the doctors are shooting for.”

Joey picked up a pair of shoes and threw them back down. “That’s not good enough for me. When he’s at home, he has access to the internet, phones, everything to get in touch with his cronies and living it up in a mansion. I mean, come on. Leave him in the fucking detention center and let him suffer.”

Billie Joe sighed. “Yeah, I feel the same way but the cops are monitoring everything that goes in and out of the house and Tre’ got restrictions on the phones and stuff.”

“So you’ve talked to him?” Joey stopped rummaging through jackets.

“A little, not a lot. I still can’t bring myself to have a full conversation with him yet; but that’s between us though. What are you doing?”

Joey looked at a black jacket with pin striped lapels. “There’s a dance at Amy’s school and I promised I’d take her. Even though she says she doesn’t want to go anymore, I know she does. I forgot about it with everything that’s happened so I’m looking for something to wear.”

“Oh, okay.” Billie Joe watched as Joey shrugged on a white jacket. “That’s not so bad.”

“Don’t you have just a plain red tie?” Joey asked as he went through a stack of ties, none of which were just red.

Billie Joe thought back. “I used to. I had a lot of them but I think I burned them all. What about green? It’s nice and festive?” He held up a solid green tie.

“No, because I think Amy has red in her dress. I know it’s white mainly but I think there’s some red in it.” Joey mumbled and pulled out a white tie with red dots on it and threw it over his shoulder. “Where’s Mom?”

“At the hospital. Do you think your mom has dressed me all these years? Trust me. I know how to get dressed when I want to.” Billie Joe took the tie and pulled a shirt off the rack. “How about this?” He looked at his son for his opinion but saw Joey crying silently as he stood there. “Joey,” Billie Joe went to put his arm around his son but Joey pulled away.

“No.” He said as he put a hand up. “This isn’t right. I shouldn’t be going out with my girlfriend and having fun while Jakob’s stuck in a hospital bed like a fucking vegetable. It’s not fair.” Joey tried to control his emotions, but was failing at it.

“Jakob would want you to go.” Billie Joe insisted as he pulled a pair of pants from the bottom rack. “He doesn’t want you to put your life on hold just because of him and you know that.”

“Yeah, but,”

“Yeah, but, nothing.” Billie Joe put the pant back and pulled out another pair. “I haven’t seen these in forever. Anyways, Jakob knows tonight’s the dance. Just because you forget everything doesn’t mean he does.” Billie Joe pressed the completed outfit into Joey’s hands. “Go, have fun. Have fun for you, Amy, and for Jakob.”