The city allys

The city allys

"I want to leave this city this old town dont smell to pretty and i can hear the warning signs running around my mind ...." Oasis blared in Ians headphones as he walked misarably home for dinner.He walked down his street into the garden of number 17 he pushed down on the handle and went in. His family was siting around the table. " your late again" his mother sighed " oh for flip sake mum its only 10 minutes" he mumbled " its 10 minutes to late" his mother replied."Wheres my dinner" Ian asked " in the oven" his mother replied. He went over to the oven and puled the door open then looked inside. "Whats this" he asked "its steak what does it look like" his mother replied " Mum how many bloody times do i have to tell you im vegeterian!!!" Ian shouted back angerly. He stormed out of the house and started walking towards the city.He went into a chippers and got a bag of chips which he started slowly eating.He was thinking about his famliy and how they didnt understand him.He got so caught up in his thoughts that he didnt relise he was walking into the allys of the city.He was snapped out of his trance by two hooded figures."give us your wallet" the larger of the two said. " look i dont have anything alright" Ian said frightedly " then what good are you" said the smaller one of the two.Ian saw the glimmer of the sun on a knife and a distant pain in his chest.Then all went dark.
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Hi this is just a short story i wrote.Please dont complain about the length i like writing short stuff and im more of a poet anyway but still hope you enjoy.