An Assassin's Arrangement


The next morning I was woken up…
“Good morning Miss Hailey.” Someone said.
“Huh? What time is it?” I asked not opening my eyes?
“It is 6:00 am. You need to be ready in an hour and a half.”
“Oh crap. I forgot about that. Thank you for waking me up. You can call me Hailey I don’t like the miss stuff. What can I call you?”
“Miss Hailey I’m required to call you miss, you may call me Mrs. Stone. I am your assistant for today. So we must get you up and into the shower and get you dressed and your hair and makeup.”
“Okay.” I said. What else could I say? So Mrs. Stone got me up and pushed me into my bathroom. I took a shower and wrapped the towel that was laying on the toilet seat around me. I walked back out into the bedroom area and noticed that my luggage was gone. “Mrs. Stone where’s my stuff?” I asked her
“We put it in the closet dear. All of your belongings are hung up and ready for you to pick out.”
“Okay. Well then…These jeans, and this belt, oh these shoes, and this blue shirt. Wait where’s my white tank? There it is.” I kept speaking to myself out loud. I took my clothes to the bathroom and closed the door. I wanted to get dressed in private. I got dressed and found my hair dryer and straighter in cabinet under the sink. I took my time doing my hair and when I came out of the bathroom Mrs. Stone had an assortment of makeup laying on the desk near the bed.
“Miss Hailey your hair looks wonderful. Time to do your make up you only have 12 minutes to do so.”
“No worries Mrs. Stone, all I have to do is apply some eye line and mascara.” I told her while I grabbed the closest of each. I turned to the mirror across from the bed and put some of each on both eyes. “See all done. Do I look presentable for breakfast?”
“Yes you do Miss Hailey. I will inform Natasha that you are suitable and are ready for Mr. Grey.” And she left after that.
I sat on the chair near the door. I’m assuming that Mr. Grey will knock when he is here. I looked down to my watch 3 minutes and he should be here. I sat in the chair looking up at the ceiling counting the number of lines I saw. A loud knock on the door woke me from my trans state. I got up and opened the door and my jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. There in front of me was a boy around my age maybe a little older dressed in a pair of dark wash jeans with black shoes. He had a black belt on and a blue striped button down shirt. His skin is olive colored and he has dark hair with the most amazing grey eyes with flecks of blue in them. He was gorgeous looking. I mean he was not what I was expecting. Let’s face it I didn’t know what to expect. I was just thrown into this mess, but if an arranged marriage means I’m married to him then I’m okay with that.
“You must be Hailey West. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I am Damien Grey.” He said holding out his hand for me to shake.
“Oh, I’m sorry, just thinking.” I said quietly. “Yes I’m Hailey, It’s nice to meet you too.”
“Well shall we then?” he said
“Shall we what?....Oh breakfast. Right, yes let’s go down then.” I said. I can’t believe I forgot about eating breakfast with him. He grabbed my hand and led me out the door and down the artistic stairs. I hardly noticed that he didn’t take his eyes off of me. (note the sarcasm) He took me through a door on the other side of the stairs and we were in a room whose theme was the color green. The walls were green, the floor, the chairs, even the windows were green. You get my point. He led me to a chair and pulled it out for me.
“Please, sit down.” He said. So I sat in the chair. He sat across from me and snapped his fingers and 2 guys dressed as chefs appeared with carts of food. “Take whatever you like.” Damien said. I did as he did grabbing what I thought looked good. Mostly fruit and some toast and a bagel with cream cheese. I didn’t start until Damien had started though because that’s just rude. Then he looked at me to make sure that I was eating. We were eating in silence for about 5 minutes until I couldn’t stand not talking.
“What’s your favorite kind of cereal?” I asked him
“Personally I like Cinnamon toast crunch. What about you, what’s your favorite?”
“Mmmm…I like Cap’n Crunch with those crunch berries. It’s so good. Okay favorite fruit?”
“Easy one. Kiwi’s. They can be tangy and sweet. Okay same question.”
“I like strawberries. They are so good and you can make strawberry ice cream. Ohh. Whats your favorite ice cream flavor?” I asked him
“Mint chocolate chip.” He said. We asked questions back and forth for a while. “Okay what’s your favorite time of day?”
“I don’t know. Sunrise? Sunset? Either one of those. It’s so pretty out during those times. Okay ask another one.” I told him. This was fun. I didn’t want it to stop. I was no where near as nervous as earlier.
“Okay, how would you feel if we went and got an engagement ring?” he said. He seemed nervous about what my answer would be.
“I…I…I mean…I..”
“We don’t have to go today, but were announcing our engagement in two weeks. I know you didn’t ask for this but I will tell you something. I have never had a girlfriend or anything, because I’ve always know about you. I knew what my future involved and now my life is about to start with you. I understand that this is new for you. You’ve just been thrown into this so take your time. I’m not going to pressure you. You don’t even have to like me but, were still going to have to do this.” He finished
“Thank you. You are giving me freedom. Thank you.” I got up from my seat and crossed over to him. He stood up abruptly not knowing what I was going to do. I wrapped my arms around him. I just wanted to hug him for saying that. He stood there for a second and then embraced me back.
“Your welcome.” He said. We just stood there and I was breathing. Just breathing, no thinking involved and he just held me because he knew that I need just time to breath.
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Okay hope you like it,
love you all