The Pale Ways


When we got back, I jumped through the window, lay down on my bed, then sighed. I know I can be with Ed forever, it makes me happy.

I sat up when I realized Ed hadn't followed me through my window, Looking around my room for him, I walked over towards the window, trying to think of where he could be, he was following me, I was ahead of him because of my speed ability, but he hadn't followed me.

I listened carefully, and heard loud echoing voices, sounds like Ali, I slowly walked out of my bedroom, and the stairs, the smell of blood and the sound of his heartbeat attracted me to him.

My throat begging to burn, but i ignored it and carried on, I walked into the kitchen and stood there staring at him, Ali was there not moving his mouth but i heard his voice very clear.

It was his thoughts i could hear, I was amazed at my talent, and carried on listening too them, I could see into his thoughts also, and mental images of his girlfriend Harriet, naked, I turned slowly and went to walk away, trying to block my head of Ali's thoughts.

"Alex" Ali shouted me

I turned slowly, not changing my facial expressions.

"Why are you so pale, Ed said you where ill, thats why he came back, but you should see a doctor" he stated

"No, I'm fine, it's makeup" I replied

"Make up.. why..." He asked

I shook my head and walked away, the pain in my throat killing me inside, I just wanted too bite him, I couldn't do that too my friend, but any longer in a room with him, thats the way it will turn out.

I ran out of the door, the light now beaming, I looked at my hands and they began to sparkle in the sun,

so this is what happens in the sun, i thought to myself

I ran, sniffing, hunting Ed down, I Finlay came close to his scent, It was at a mansion, I crept slowly around it, I jumped through the window, and heard Ed's thoughts pace through my head.

Thats when I seen him, with her, she was a vampire, he was in her bed, not just friends.

I let out a large growl of anger and pain, they turned too look at me, Ed's smile faded, I ran, ran deep into the forest, getting far away, when I ran about 49 miles i stopped.

I curled up under a tree, hugged my knee's too my chest, whimpering in emotional pain, what a waste of life, my life was took, for nothing.
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:( Poor Alex, lexy doesn't desearve that, after what he's just given up.... LIFE :(