Status: Complete

Opposites Attract

No More Arguing

So Kevin and I were on civil terms. Sort of. Isn’t that wonderful? Now all I had to worry about was working things out with JT. Obviously that wasn’t going to be fun but it had to be done. She was my best friend, even if she was being slightly bitchy. Besides, our performance was suffering. That just wasn’t gonna do.

“JT, I know you’re in there,” I called through the locked bus door.

After a while she yelled back, “Go away!”

“JT, please don’t do this,” I begged.

The door creaked open slowly and she glared at me with a very Kevin-esque scowl. “First you stole Joe, then you stole Dani. What makes you think I want to talk to you?” she hissed venomously.

“I didn’t steal anybody,” I refuted.

“Emma, I heard you and Joe in Concord!” JT screeched.

“He was just being Joe. We laughed about it later,” I said softly.

Some of the anger dissipated from JT’s eyes. “You were never into him?” she asked.

“Never,” I answered, “We’re just good friends.”

“Do you think we could be good friends again?” JT asked softly, green eyes shining with hope and remorse.

“Of course,” I smiled. You probably thinking I’m crazy for forgiving the girl who ignored me for a month but keep in mind that I’ve known JT since we were in diapers.

We hugged and JT grinned widely. I had my bestie back.

“I need to apologize to Dani,” she gasped and ran off. I laughed. Same old JT.

I looked at my watch only to see that there was still some time left before sound check. The boys weren’t on there bus, so I decided to look for them. I could see Dani, JT, and Nick across the lot but I thought it best to leave them alone. Joe was nowhere to be found but I did stumble across Kevin, fiddling around with his guitar, in his dressing room.

“Hey,” I greeted as I slid the door shut.

“Hey,” he smiled back, “how’s your foot?”

“Good. What are you doing?” I asked.

“I was trying to write a new song and I got a little angry. The D string snapped and I’m having issues putting the new one on,” Kevin explained to me.

Wordlessly, I sat down next to him and took the guitar. It was his favorite white Gibson Les Paul Studio so he must’ve been pretty angry. Gently, I tugged the new string out of his hand and after a few minutes it was on the guitar, and the guitar was in tune. I turned to give it back to him and was surprised to see that his slate grey eyes were boring into mine with an emotion I didn’t recognize.

“Kevin?” I said his name softly.

And then his lips were on mine. Intrinsically, my hands became tangled in his dark curls and his rested on the back of my neck. The guitar got pushed aside and I could feel myself falling backward, but neither of us made any effort to stop. Kevin ran his tongue over my lip ring and I couldn’t help but part my lips. His tongue hungrily explored the inside of my mouth and I loved it. He pulled back then, just for a second, and I realized that we were horizontal and he was hovering over me. I pulled him back with a needy kiss and he gladly obliged. Kevin’s hands danced across my hips as he played with hem of my shirt and I let out a soft groan. I could feel him smiling into the kiss. Arrogant. Well two can play that game.

I had him on his back before he even realized it. One hand remained entangled in his curls while the other I slid slowly down his torso, over a belt loop, and rested it on his thigh. My tongue brushed across his bottom lip and almost instantly he granted me access. I smiled triumphantly into the kiss, just as he had. Jusy because we weren’t yelling didn’t mean we weren’t arguing.

Just as Kevin pushed me down and reclaimed the dominant position as his own, a knock sounded on the door.

“Kevin?” Nick’s call was muffled by solid oak.

“In a second,” he called back breathlessly.

He ran his fingers through his hair and patted the wrinkles out of his shirt. I smoothed my hair down as well and yanked the hem of my shirt (which Kevin had so kindly pushed up) back down to a respectable length.

“What’s up?” Kevin asked as he opened the door to reveal both Nick and Dani.

“Sound check’s in two minutes,” Nick told us.

We had to practically sprint to the stage. JT was already standing their with her bass slung over her shoulder and a grin on her face. I grabbed my Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus-Top and jogged to my center stage mic. We played Unlock the Door and half way through, when I tilted my head back fro a high note, my hair fell away from my shoulder. JT gasped into her mic which caused Dani to stop playing.

“Who gave you that?” JT asked, right into the microphone.

“Later,” I whispered, and nodded toward the wing where the Jonas boys were standing.

Dani had wandered over too, and it was her who summed it up best, I think.

“Whoa, that’s a huge hickey!”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I only got three comments, how sad. Thank you to wowlikewoah, You.Found.Me., and HarryPotterFreakie for their comments, this chapter was for you.

I can possibly have the next chapter up tomorrow, but I'd like 4 comments pretty please.
