Status: Complete

Opposites Attract

Hotel Rooms

Since we were playing Madison Square Garden three nights in a row, we were going to be staying in a hotel in New York. Originally I was cool with that. Then I learned who I would be sharing my room with. It wasn’t exactly my finest moment.

“All right, room assignments,” Paul called out as we entered the lobby of the Affinia Manhattan Hotel.

Eva, Dani, Nick, JT, Kevin, Joe and I gathered around Mr. and Mrs. Jonas. Denise had a bunch of keys in her left hand. She tossed one to Dani.

“Danielle and Justine, room 201,” she called out. Denise always calls everyone by their whole names.

JT grinned, “Sweet!”

“Nicholas and Joseph, room 202,” Denise said and gave the next key to Nick.

“Touch my socks and die,” he warned Joe, who smirked and shook his head.

“Kevin and Emma, room 203,” she said and tossed me a key.

“What?” Kevin and I said simultaneously.

“Well I couldn’t put Kevin and Eva together and I didn’t think Emma and Eva would be a good combo either,” Denise shrugged.

“This is ridiculous,” I muttered under my breath.

“Danielle said you wouldn’t mind,” Denise said softly.

I glared at Dani and stalked off to mine, I mean, mine and Kevin’s hotel room. It was nice. There was a little kitchen area, a dinette, and a living room. There was one bedroom with two beds. How lovely. I claimed the bed on the right by dropping my bags on top of it. I grabbed a red bull from the mini fridge and plopped onto the couch. I turned the TV on and sipped my drink.

“Is pop star Kevin Jonas back together with his ex-girlfriend Eva McPherson?” The news anchor asked, “Stay tuned to find out.”

It figures the TV would be on the entertainment channel. For whatever reason, I didn’t change the channel. I waited for the commercials to end and the perky blonde anchor to return to the screen.

“Kevin Jonas called it quits with his girlfriend Eva McPherson when pictures surfaced of Eva swapping spit with HSM hottie Zac Efron. Did Kevin and Eva reunite? We think so. The two have been spotted recently outside a venue where Kevin and his brothers were having a concert, and they looked pretty close.”

Pictures of Kevin and Eva outside the last venue we’d been at flashed across the screen. They were holding hands and laughing. Then they were hugging. Kissing. Bile rose in my throat and I felt sick to my stomach. Then I heard the key in the lock. I flipped the channel quickly and cursed inwardly as the featured couple traipsed in hand in hand.

“Hi Emily!” Eva chirped.

I grimaced, “My name is Emma.”

“Oops,” she giggled and pulled Kevin into the bedroom.

I could hear the bed creak and Eva giggled some more. Kevin said something and again, Eva giggled. Then it was relatively quiet for ten or fifteen minutes. Eva came out first. She was playing with her hair and didn’t even say goodbye as she shut the door behind herself. Kevin came out a minute later.

“Sorry,” he mumbled as he sat next to me.

“For what?” I asked.

“I don’t know. That couldn’t have been too pleasant,” he chuckled.

“What? You making out with Eva in the other room? No, no, that didn’t bother me at all,” I laughed sarcastically.

“I wasn’t going to, it just sort of happened. It was rude though, so I’m sorry,” he continued.

“I really don’t care,” I assured him.

Kevin smiled, “Wanna watch a movie?”

“It’s late,” I pointed out.

“So?” he shrugged.

“We have a show tomorrow,” I reminded him.

“I’ll let you pick,” Kevin smiled.

I shook my head and flipped to the pay-per-view channel.

“The Notebook or Batman Begins?” I asked, looking at the choices.

“The Notebook,” he said definitively.

“What?” I asked in shock. What guy actually wants to watch The Notebook? I mean, I did get my ex to watch it once but only by force.

“I said, let’s watch The Notebook. I know it’s the one you want to see,” he smiled.

I pressed play and the opening credits unrolled on the screen. Kevin yawned and put his arm around my shoulder. Old school and not very stealth, but I didn’t mind. It was late and I was tired, I leaned into his chest so I didn’t have to sit up.

“I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me … everyday,“ he whispered, perfectly in time with Noah.

I smiled sleepily up at him, and he smiled back, but not before softly kissing my cheek. I cuddled deeper into his chest and yawned. I fell asleep before the movie ended. When I woke up, I was on my bed in the bedroom. Kevin had carried me. I sat up slowly and stretched my hands over my head.

“Morning sleepyhead,” Kevin called, poking his head out of the bathroom. His toothbrush was dangling out of his mouth, so his words were sort of slurred, but it was cute.

I thought back to the previous night, cuddled with Kevin on the couch as he quoted the movie in my ear. It was surreal almost, a quiet moment with Kevin. I loved it. I was disappointed it was over. I got out of bed, grabbed a towel, and headed for the bathroom.

“Out,” I told Kevin, “I need to take a shower.”

“Or I could just stay,” he grinned suggestively.

“Perv. Leave,” I laughed and pushed him to the door.

Then I heard it.

“Kev? Kev where are you?” Eva called out.

Kevin sprinted out of the bathroom and into the dinette where Eva was waiting. I can’t believe he gave her a key. I sighed. Back to reality, I guess. I probably shouldn’t have, but I peered out of the door just enough so I could see them. Eva was smiling, and Kevin was whispering something in her ear. She kissed his cheek and headed for the door.

“I love you,” she called out as she was leaving.

“Bye,” Kevin said as she shut the door.

I smiled. He didn’t say it back.
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Um, wow. I'm speechless. Thanks so much to You.found.Me, LilahII, Cemetarydrive, HarryPotterFreakie, shinyxthingsxlevis, and dancergurl112495 for the awsome comments. I wanted 4 and I got 6, so thank you a million times over.

Another update will be ready for tomorrow hopefully so let's see of we can get 5 comments, huh?

Thanks again,