Status: Complete

Opposites Attract

A Day at the DeSouza's

“Finally,” I muttered as I clocked out of work.

“This day was super long,” Dani declared as she started towards my car.

“Amen to that,” JT cheered as she tugged on the passenger’s side door.

I unlocked the car and we all piled in. We were having a sleepover at Dani’s house and were pretty excited. Especially since Marc wasn’t going to be there. A night without his antics would be a welcome relief. When we got to the DeSouza’s house, JT and I brought our things to the basement and then went upstairs to see what Wanda made for dinner. Wanda is Dani’s adoptive mom, in case you were wondering.

“Who’s ready for spaghetti and meatballs?” she called out as we entered the kitchen. I licked my lips. Wanda is the absolute best cook.

“Where’s Tony?” JT asked as we sat around the table. Tony is Dani’s adoptive dad.

“At work. He just started his new job at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre in Irvine today,” Wanda told us.

We nodded and dug hungrily into our spaghetti. I did mention that Wanda is an amazing cook, did I not? I was sort of wondering about Tony’s new job. The DeSouza’s aren’t the most well off family and neither Tony nor Wanda have ever had really great jobs. Wanda is the librarian at Chino Hills Public Library and Tony used to do lights at the Chino Playhouse, neither of which get much use. If you’ve ever watched The OC on Fox then you know what Chino, CA is like. It’s not exactly full of people who go to plays and read books. Tony’s probably just doing lights in Irvine, that would make sense.

“Camp Rock!” Dani squealed as we went back to the basement after dinner. Yes, I’m 18 and I still watch Disney movies. Get over it.

“Oh my pumpkin patch! He is so gorgeous,” JT said, practically salivating, as Joe Jonas emerged shirtless from the lake.

“Oh my pumpkin patch is right,” Dani agreed, eyes glued to the screen.

If you’re wondering about the pumpkin patch thing it’s because JT and Dani don’t like to swear or take the Lord’s name in vain. I do it all the time but they’ve learned to ignore it. But whatever. I think I fell asleep when Tess was bitching out Mitchie but I’m not really sure. I woke up and the DVD menu was on the screen. It was also 9:30 in the morning. I yawned and waited for Dani’s alarm to ring.

“The Jonas Brothers are playing the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre tomorrow night and it’s going to be hot!” the alarm clock told me.

I guess Dani had set it to radio instead of buzzer. I shut it off and nudged JT, who was sitting next to me. Dani was on the other side of JT and I couldn’t reach her. I just watched silently as JT yawned and stretched out her arms, effectively smacking Dani in the face. I started laughing hysterically.

“It wasn’t funny,” Dani muttered as she stood up.

“I beg to differ,” I said between giggles.

“Shut up, Emma,” she said as she headed for the stairs. Dani isn’t exactly an angel in the morning.

Upstairs, Tony and Wanda were already up and Marc was home. Tony was reading his newspaper and sipping coffee, Marc was picking at a bowl of dry Cheerios (that kid has issues, I swear), and Wanda was standing over the stove making pancakes.

“Well, if it isn’t Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest,” Marc laughed as we sat a the table.

“Be nice,” Tony scolded without looking up from his newspaper. Dani smirked triumphantly.

“Mom! Did you see that? Danielle just made a face at me,” Marc whined. What I wouldn’t give to strangle him.

“Dani,” Wanda said, a warning tone in her voice. Dani just sighed.

Tony folded up the newspaper and placed it on the table. He drained what was left in his mug and stood up. From his pocket he withdrew a hundred dollar bill and handed it to Dani.

“Buy yourself something nice to wear,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Something nice to wear for what?” Dani asked in bewilderment.

“It’s a surprise,” Tony smiled. He turned toward JT and I. “You two will need some new clothes too. Do you have money?” he asked.

“Yup,” we answered simultaneously. It was a lie, I was going to have beg my mother for money and I’m sure JT would have to do the same to her grandmother, but I wasn’t about to take Tony’s money. Even if I had a sneaking suspicion that his new job was more than just lights.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments would be greatly appreciated. I didn't get any on the prologue and that was DEPRESSING. I do have two subscribers though, so YAY for them. Sorry if this story seems to be getting off to a slow start, I promise it's going to be awesome.

The Jonases may be appearing at the end of the next chapter, I haven't decided yet.

<3 Ell

P.S. Spell check is being an idiot so if anything is mispelled, I'm sorry.