Status: Complete

Opposites Attract

The Last Hurrah


Have you ever had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach? The kind that feels almost like nausea and you know it’s not going to go away because you know exactly why it’s there? Well I have. I was having it the last day of tour. I didn’t want it to end. The boys were on Sorelle’s bus again, just so we could spend the last tiny bit of the tour together. And by last tiny bit, I mean 4 hours. And in 2 hours, we’d have to do sound check.

“This is depressing. Why are we sitting around doing nothing? I’m sure there’s something productive to be done,” Dani sighed as she sat on the couch.

She’s one of those people that always has to be doing something. I’m quite the opposite. JT grabbed her acoustic and motioned for me to do the same. I picked up my guitar hesitantly and shot her a quizzical look. It would have been useful to be like Edward Cullen and read minds.

“Dani’s right. We need to do something productive, and songwriting is productive,” JT said.

The boys ran back to their bus to get their guitars too. They came back a minute later, Nick sat next to Dani on the couch, and Kevin sat cross-legged on the floor with me. Joe sat at the table with JT. We were all quiet for a second, thoughts swirling, and then we were off.

“I think it be a sort of closure thing for the end of the tour,” Joe suggested.

“Yeah,” Nick agreed, “Something about how it’s over but it keeps getting better.”

“And the uncertainty of the future,” I put in.

It didn’t take long for us to have an amazing song written. The question now was who’s album it was going on. There was plenty of time to argue about that later though. We did sound check and ran through our new song and Denise and Paul told us how much they loved it. Frankie said it was his new favorite song. I only hoped the audience would like it as much. After sound check we went to hair and make up. Then there was an hour and a half until the show and I was hyped up on adrenaline.

“This is going to be amazing. It’s the last show, it has to be amazing,” I said to Kevin.

He nodded in agreement and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Amazingly sad,” he whispered into the crook of my neck.

“I thought I was the one that was all bummed out about tour being over,” I whispered back playfully.

“You just had two Red Bulls. Not to mention that you’re having an adrenaline high. It’s impossible for you to be bummed about anything right now,” he informed me as he pulled away.

“Smile Kevin, or I’ll make you,” I threatened with a grin as I skipped away.

He waved as he wandered off to lockdown and the girls and I took the stage. It was, by far, our best performance. The boys were amazing too, I have to give them props. Dani, JT, and I were practically jumping up and down by the time Nick told the audience we were coming back on stage. My Les Paul was on the other side of Kevin so he handed it to me and helped me slide the strap over my shoulder.

“You can’t get rid of us that easily!” JT giggled into the mic.

Dani sat down behind her drums. “You wanna hear a new song?” she asked.

“This one is called Our Time is Here,” Joe yelled.

“We all wrote it together and I hope you enjoy it,” Kevin said.

“Enough small talk, let’s sing!” I urged into my mic.

Dani counted us in and I played the first chord. Whoa. More adrenaline.

Emma Joe Nick JT, Dani, and Kevin All

We're done but it's not over
We'll start it again

Until the end of the day
It keeps getting better

Don't be afraid
we'll do it together

Come on, come on, you know
It's your time to move
It's my time move

Come on, come on, let go
Leave it all behind
Your past and mind

Gone are the days of summer
We couldn't change it if we tried
Why would we want to
Let's go where we got to
Our paths will cross again in time
It's never the same tomorrow
And tomorrow's never clear
So come on, come on, you know
Our time

Our time is here

We know but we're not certain
How can we be
How can we see what's ahead
The road keeps on turning

And all we can do is travel each day to the next

Come on, come on, you know
It's your time to move
It's my time move

Come on, come on, let go
Leave it all behind
Your past and mind

Gone are the days of Summer
We couldn't change it if we tried
Why would we want to
Let's go where we got to
Our paths will cross again in time
It's never the same tomorrow
And tomorrow's never clear
So come on, come on, you know
Our time

Our time is here

Yeah! Yeah!
Come on
Come on
Come on

Our time is here

Gone are the days of summer
We couldn't change it if we tried
So come on
Come on
Come on

Come on
Come on
Come on

So come on, come on, you know
Our time
Our time is here

The applause was deafening as we stood there, taking it all in. Talk about a last hurrah.
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