Status: Complete

Opposites Attract

Joe Jonas is a Very Convincing Person

“You should so be our opening act tonight,” Joe shouted out while disposing of yet another empty Red Bull can.

“Inside voice, Joseph,” I laughed as he jumped next to me on the couch.

We were sitting in the Jonas Brothers’ dressing room. Dani, JT, and Nick were sitting on one couch and Joe and I were on the other. Kevin had decided not to join us for, as Nick so eloquently put it, “Reasons unknown.” Except that the reasons were not so unknown. Kevin hated me. It wasn’t very difficult to tell. Unless maybe you were blind and deaf.

“But really, you should!” Joe exclaimed while rolling on top of me.

“What do you weigh?” I asked while trying to push him off. He was sitting on my lap and leaning into my left shoulder. It wasn’t exactly comfortable.

“I don’t know. 140, maybe,” he guessed.

“Yeah, more like 240,” I mumbled while shoving him away with no avail.

“I’ll get off if you open for us,” Joe said with the cutest little puppy dog pout I’ve ever seen.

Dani and JT nodded at me. “It’ll be awesome,” Dani smiled. She never took her eyes off Nick.

“Fine, we’ll open for you. But don’t you already have an opening act?” I asked. Joe rolled off me and I finally regained feeling in my legs.

Nick laughed. “Joe has been looking for a reason to give Aly and AJ the night off since the beginning of the tour. He and AJ have some history and she’s not really over him,” he chuckled.

“She’s obsessed with me!” Joe screamed in frustration. Nick continued to laugh. “She calls me Joey,” he told us as if it was some sort of criminal offense.

“Maybe I should call you Joey,” I smirked.

“Don’t,” was all he said.

Kevin entered the room. He had his guitar with him and that ever-present scowl was still affixed to his face. He even gave Joe a dirty look, for sitting next to me I suppose. That loser was in serious need of a life.

“Where are the Michalkas?” he asked .

“Around,” Nick told him.

“If you see them, tell them they’re not performing tonight,” Joe added.

“Why wouldn’t they be performing?” Kevin asked, a little bit shocked.

“Because Sorelle is performing instead,” Dani gushed. She was still staring at Nick, in case you were wondering.

“This is going to be the worst show ever,” Kevin muttered as he turned and left.

“I don’t know what his problem is,” Joe shook his head as soon as Kevin was out of earshot.

The five of us talked and laughed for another hour before it was time for the show to begin. The boys showed us there lockdown room and we got to meet John Taylor, Garbo, Ryan Liestmann, and Jack Lawless. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas were there as well, along with Frankie. He is absolutely adorable, by the way. And their parents were super nice. Just as we were about to pray, two blondes burst through the door. One was wearing a quite infuriated expression, the other looked like she could care less.

“Joey, why aren’t we performing tonight?” The angry one, who I now assumed was AJ, yelled at Joe. He cringed.

“Sorelle is going to open for us tonight,” he explained. This only seemed to make her more angry.

“Why do they get to replace us, Joey? That’s not fair!” she whined. She was now two inches in front of him.

“Well, Emma’s got a really great voice. We want to give them a shot,” Joe attempted to back away as he spoke but was unsuccessful.

“Joey, I’m better than her,” her voice was soft and sickeningly sweet now. She was trailing her hand up and down his arm and he was clearly uncomfortable.

“Could you please stop molesting my boyfriend?” I asked angrily.

“Your boyfriend?” she repeated coldly.

I took a step closer to him. “Yes, my boyfriend,” I responded.

AJ grabbed her sister’s arm and fled the room. I laughed.

“You are my hero,” Joe exclaimed and gave me a hug. Even Mr. and Mrs. Jonas seemed to have liked my performance.

“That was awesome,” Nick agreed.

Kevin was, as you might have guessed, scowling. Not that bothered me. Much. In any case, we all joined hands and prayed for a good show, thanking God for the opportunity to share our music with an amazing audience. With our hands in the air we all yelled a phrase that I’m sure you’re all familiar with.

“Living the dream!”

The amphitheatre was packed. A billion, and yes that was an over exaggeration, screaming girls were jumping up and down. My breath caught in my throat. I had never performed for so many people. I swallowed nervously and smiled.

“Hey everybody, My name’s Emma and these are my friends Dani and JT. We’re Sorelle and we’re opening for the Jonas Brothers tonight. Are you ready to have some fun?” I yelled.

The response was incredible.

“Alright. This one’s called Believe In Me, I hope you like it,” I smiled.

We played Believe In Me, then two other songs before Joe ran out on stage and stole my microphone.

“Are they boring you yet?” he laughed. I pretended to be angry.

“Joseph!” I mock scolded.

The audience seemed to think we were funny, so Joe kept up our play bickering.

“Well, The Jonas Brothers are clearly better than Sorelle,” he stated, matter-of-fact.

“In your dreams,” I laughed.

“No really though, we are,” he continued.

“Why don’t we let the audience decide? Nick, Kevin, come out here!” I summoned.

Nick gave me a quick a side hug as he took his place on stage and the girls and I exited. Kevin scowled (what a surprise) at me and then smiled out into the audience. I ignored his stupidity and attempted to have a good time. We watched from backstage as the boys totally rocked out. It was amazing. Seriously.
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Again, Kevin's moodiness will be dealt with later. I know he's not an ass in real life; he's awsome!

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