Status: Complete

Opposites Attract

Unlock the Door

“Holy shit!” I shouted, whilst jumping up and down. Yes, I can multitask; be jealous. The Jonases were looking at me like I was crazy, Dani and JT too, so I stopped jumping. “Oh my gosh?” I corrected myself, but it came out more like a question. Joe chuckled and shook his head.

I bet your wondering what the hell is going on. Well, let me tell you. Nick and Joe invited the girls and I to hang out with them the day after the concert we performed at and we said yes. We weren’t expecting any surprises, but boy did we get one. Denise Jonas, with two of her four boys beaming behind her, had just asked Sorelle to go on tour with the Jonas Brothers. I was ever so slightly flipping out.

“Aly and AJ are already the opening act. You can’t just kick them off the tour,” JT pointed out.

“We won’t kick them. We’ll just nicely tell them that their services are no longer needed,” Joe grinned. He was only too happy to be rid of his ex-girlfriend.

“My parents will never go for this,” Dani frowned.

“I already talked to Tony and Wanda. I talked to your grandmother, JT. And I talked to your mom, Emma. They all said it was okay. All you have to do is pack,” Denise told us.

“Well then what are we waiting for?” I asked.

“What are we waiting for?” Joe reiterated.

“Kevin,” Denise answered.

I gulped. “Why?”

“He’s driving you to your house so you can pack. I’m going to take Dani and JT since they live next door to each other,” she explained.

I gulped again. Being alone in a car with the curly headed dolt did not sound like fun. If it meant going on tour and performing though, I’d stomach it. Definitely. When Kevin finally appeared, I didn’t say anything. I just followed him to a car which I assumed was his, or maybe a rental. He didn’t say anything either. If Joe had been there he would have yelled out AWKWARD!

“I didn’t mean to, you know, eavesdrop or anything the other night,” I said softly.

“I don’t care,” Kevin responded stiffly.

“Yes you do. I can tell. You’re not even being mean to me,” I explained.

“I’m not mean to you,” he protested.

“You’re right. It’s more like being evil,” I said.

Then a strange thing happened. We both laughed. I looked over at him; he was concentrating on the road. The rest of the ride was silent. When we got to my house, I could tell Kevin was unimpressed. I don’t live in the nicest neighborhood so it wasn’t hard to see why.

“Welcome to Chino,” I muttered as I unlocked my front door.

It was no surprise that my mother wasn’t home. She never was. There was a note on the counter telling me to have a nice tour, that was it. Apparently the fact that I wouldn’t be home until September didn’t bother her. I took a deep breath and continued to my room. Kevin might have been following but I can’t be sure because I wasn’t paying any attention. I pulled out a duffel bag and started to throw clothes into it.

“Emma?” Kevin’s voice came from behind me.

I turned around. Some of the clothing I had been tossing into the duffel had missed and landed on Kevin. Oops. I grabbed the t-shirts and put them in the bag. When it was full I zipped it and started downstairs.

“That’s all your bringing?” Kevin asked.

“That’s all I have,” I answered.

I passed the note on the counter and exhaled sharply. He didn’t seem to notice. Again, Kevin and I rode in silence back to the Irvine venue where the tour bus was still parked. Dani, JT, and Denise arrived a few minutes after we did. So did the Michalka sisters.

“What are these wannabes still doing here?” AJ asked with her nose in the air.

“They’re our new opening act,” Nick announced.

“What?” AJ shouted.

“Tragic, isn’t it?” Kevin chimed in. He was back in evil meanie mode again.

“So am I, like, fired?” AJ asked.

“Firing isn’t nice. Think of yourself as being honorably discharged, like they do in the military,” Joe smiled, a bit too cheerily.

AJ and Aly stormed off and the boys showed us to our bus. It was pretty awesome. There were four bunks. JT and Dani took the two top bunks and I chose the one below JT. There was a bathroom and a little kitchen area. In the back of the bus there was a couch and TV.

“This is crazy,” JT said as she sat at the table in the kitchenette.

“Tell me about it. We’re on tour with the JoBros,” Dani exclaimed in disbelief.

“The proverbial door has been unlocked,” I smiled. I paused for a second and then gasped.

“New song?” JT asked. She knew me all too well.

“Where’s my guitar?” I asked.

Dani pointed to the case in the corner of the bus. She and JT left, they know I like to write alone. I took out my old Gibson acoustic, grabbed a pen and my notebook, and started to strum.

There's a long line waiting for me
I'm sure I'll find an easy path to see
I'm gonna run, shout and scream
‘Cuz I am waiting for my dream
And I am waiting in this Hollywood scene, oh!

I'm gonna unlock the door
I'm gonna scream some more
I'm gonna make the night last forever
Nothing's gonna stop me at this point of time
I'm gonna sing some more ‘til my lungs are sore
I'm gonna make this final, this dream is just a touch away
You can't deny it nothin's gonna stop me now
It's not gonna be a dream anymore

I promised myself that this would come true
I think I see a light comin' through
I have some advice, I have some clues
Watch out I'm comin' through
I am waiting in this Hollywood scene, oh!

I'm gonna unlock the door
I'm gonna scream some more
I'm gonna make the night last forever
Nothing's gonna stop me at this point of time
I'm gonna sing some more ‘til my lungs are sore
I'm gonna make this final, this dream is just a touch away
You can't deny it nothin's gonna stop me now
It's not gonna be a dream anymore

There's no ifs, buts, or anywhos
Please make my dreams come true

I'm gonna unlock the door
I'm gonna scream some more
I'm gonna make the night last forever
Nothing's gonna stop me at this point of time
I'm gonna sing some more ‘til my lungs are sore
I'm gonna make this final, this dream is just a touch away
You can't deny it nothin's gonna stop me now
It's not gonna be a dream anymore

“Whoa,” I heard a male voice exclaim. It was Kevin. “That was really good.”

“Stop being nice to me. It’s freaking me out,” I mumbled. I was not use to nice Kevin. I was very use to mean Kevin. Is that guy bipolar or something?

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop,” he apologized.

“You’re forgiven. This time anyway,” I smirked.

Kevin smiled back and left. He has an amazing smile. Really sexy. But I digress. Those types of thoughts should not be thought by someone who hates his guts, such as myself. I do hate his guts, don’t I?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I've taken my sweet ass time putting this up and I extremely sorry. Life is hectic. I'll try to be more time concious from now on. The song is Unlock the Door by Savannah Outen, if you were wondering.

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<3 Ell