Everything's Overrated

Priscilla, Victoria, and Lydia are three girls in Harry Potter's year. The girls must try to find themselves in the 7 years they spend at Hogwarts.
Features HP/OC, DM/OC, OW/OC, FW/OC, BZ/OC, and various others. Begins with Year 1, up to 7. Minor Changes. WARNING! Eventual rating change to Mature or NC-17.

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns every part of Harry Potter and the magical world she created. All OC’s (Priscilla, Vicky, Lydia); are property of Adylaine. There are SPOILERS, you have been warned.
  1. Everything Has A Beginning
    The day before the girls' first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
  2. Diagon Alley Adventures
    The girls visit Diagon Alley and meet other students from Hogwarts
  3. The Hogwarts Express
    Platform 9 3/4 and The Hogwarts Express
  4. The First Evening
    The first evening at Hogwarts for Priscilla, Victoria, and Lydia.
  5. Potions and Halloween
    The first day of school, as well as Halloween.
  6. Wintery Christmas Eve
    Winter has come, and the girls will experience their first Christmas at Hogwarts
  7. Kidnappings With Consequences
    Christmas comes and goes at Hogwarts, but the girls receive a large suprise, not in the form of presents!
  8. Pranks and Shrines
    This is the final chapter of the First Year
  9. I Spy
    Second Year Begins!
  10. Revelations With Petrifications
    Shorter chapter, a little bit serious at times