Crows Don't Fly Through Autumn Rain

Birthday Surprise

Dakota rolled over on her bed as she heard someone come up the stairs, surely to wake her. She groaned, about to put her pillow over her head to block out any noises when she suddenly felt something wet on her arm. With a screech she leaped up, her pillow sent flying.

"Leroy," Dakota groaned when she saw the excited border collie at the side of her bed. Leroy's ears perked up and he licked Dakota's arm again, his tail wagging frantically. "You aren't supposed to be in here." The dog simply stared at her, panting as he sat down expectantly. With a sigh, Dakota climbed out of bed and grabbed onto his collar, leading him out of the room. She could hear a truck pulling into the driveway and glanced at the clock. With a start, she realized what day it was.

"Happy Birthday!" Mrs. Kendall called out ecstatically as she came in the front door, her face glowing. "It's about time you got up! I sent Leroy up to wake you."

"I noticed," Dakota mumbled, letting go of Leroy's caller. In an instant the border collie took off out the door to investigate the truck that just pulled in. "Is someone here?"

"Yes, why don't you come outside and see? Tammy called, by the way. She said she would be over around lunch."

Dakota slid on some flip flops, grabbing an apple out of the basket on the table nearby as her stomach growled. She followed Mrs. Kendall outside, squinting against the sun's glare for a moment as she stared at the truck and horse trailer outside in the front yard. She could make out the words 'Crown Nest Stables' along with the logo. For a second she wondered why her mom wanted her to go out and see them; perhaps Aubrey was picking up another horse? She then realized that there was a horse being unloaded, instead of one of the farm's horses being loaded up.

Taking a step closer, Dakota stared at the bay mare coming down the ramp. She instantly recognized Jalisca and gasped, spinning around to face Mrs. Kendall.

"Surprise!" Mrs. Kendall called out, coming up behind Dakota to give her a hug. "I know you really like this mare, she's your birthday present."

"Wha-?" Dakota was finding it difficult to come up with a coherent sentence. "You bought her?"

"No, we just thought we'd bring her by so you could say hello," Mr. Kendall said teasingly as he came around the trailer. "We made an arrangement with Aubrey and traded two of our mares for her."

"Thank you so much!" Dakota hugged both of her parents, feeling speechless. She turned back to the mare, recognizing William as he led her around the side of the trailer, bringing her to a halt in front of them.

"Why don't you take Jalisca to the pen near the barn for now so we can get the other two loaded up for Aubrey," Mr. Kendall suggested. Dakota nodded, taking the lead line from William. She blushed, suddenly aware that she was still in her pajamas and self consciously led Jalisca toward the barn.

The mare walked after Dakota eagerly, her head held high and ears perked forward as she looked around her new surroundings. Her nostrils flared and she paused suddenly when she heard Icarus, the farm's stallion, in one of the far pastures. Raising her head she whinnied shrilly and a couple of the other horses responded.

"C'mon," Dakota mumbled, tugging on the lead line as she led the mare into the small paddock next to the barn. She closed the gate before removing the mare's halter, noticing how it was leather with Jalica's name on a name plate on the sides. She hung the halter up outside the pen as she watched the Warmblood mare trot to the other end. She noticed Jalica's long, floaty strides she took and she couldn't wait to try her out. She was quite a lot taller than Charlie and would take some getting used to.

Dakota sat on the top rail, munching on her apple as she watched the mare wander around the pen, occasionally putting her head over the rails to watch the other horses. After a few minutes she glanced over her shoulder, watching Mr. Kendall load up one of their younger mares into the trailer. Mrs. Kendall walked over to the paddock, watching the mare as she came up to where Dakota was sitting on the fence.

"I'll get a stall in the barn ready for her," Mrs. Kendall said as she leaned up against the fence. "If you want you can try riding her later, but she might need some time to settle in. I'm also aware of a party Tammy is having for you later?" She raised an eyebrow as she glanced up to Dakota.

"Oh, yeah, I think so," Dakota replied, her attention on the mare. "I don't think it's anything big, just a few friends coming over."

"Well, you better get changed. You slept in enough this morning and I'm sure you want to tell Tammy all about your birthday surprise," Mrs. Kendall said with a smile before she headed off into the barn. Dakota jumped down from the rail, glancing at Jalisca before jogging up to the house, only pausing to wave briefly to William and the driver from Crown Nest.
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More coming soon.
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