Fixing the Broken

Easy Street's Got Detours, Too

"You're such a fucking pussy!" Jack yelled, throwing himself across the couch. Rian, Zack, Jon, Spencer, Ryan and Brendon just laughed, watching as the teen moped pettily beside them.

"It's not her fault she plays guitar better than you."

Bailey smiled triumphantly, turning off the console. "Don't worry, Jack. At least now we know if we ever lose you, I'm a terrific replacement."

He huffed angrily and sat up, arms crossed over his chest. "I dislike you. Intensely."

She leaned towards the guys, her hand covering her mouth dramatically as she whispered. "Didja hear that? He's being intense."









"Damnit!" he cried.

"Score. Bailey; 27. Jack; 0."

Spencer looked at Jon. "You kept score?"

Zack laughed. "Naturally."

Jon stuck out his tongue in his own defense. "It keeps me busy."

"That's what she said."

Brendon fell off the couch, his sides aching with laughter at the joke he'd made. The guys found little point in fighting their cackles and did the same, yelling with glee at the stupid comment. Bailey stood over them, curious as how long they would keep laughing for. She decided not to hold her breath and stepped over the bodies to get herself a soda.

"What the fuck is with all the noise?" called Sky, peeking into the bus. She slid the scarf from her neck and watched as the guys proceeded to howl on the ground. She looked up at Bailey who merely shrugged. "It was a 'that's what she said' moment. Ya had to be there."

She nodded understandingly before looking over her shoulder. Behind her stood Alex, eyes wide at his band mates and friends on the floor.

"Do I want to know?" he murmured.

"Not really," she assured him, stepping over the cackling idiots.

"Ouu!" laughed Zack. "I can see up your skiiiiiiiirt!" he chuckled, grabbing her leg.

"I swear to God I will kill you if you don't let go."

"Fat chance!"

The guys all grabbed at her legs and she screeched grabbing the table for support. "You guys are retarded! Let go before I rearrange your faces!"

"Nuuuuuuuu!" they chorused, yanking at her clothes.

"You're gonna undress me!"

They all paused, evil smirks tugging at their lips.

She looked up at Bailey and Alex. "I swear to God..." she huffed.

"Okay, okay," he laughed, reaching for her hands. She took them gratefully and sighed as he lifted her up and over the grabbing hands. She frowned in dismay as the shoes slid off of her feet, getting swallowed by the immature rascals that were still lying on the floor.

"There's a pair I'll never get back," she huffed, straightening out her skirt.

"I'll have you know I almost didn't pull you out of there."

She nudged him. "And why the hell not?"

"Because the thought of you naked is extremely sexy."

Bailey sat herself on the couch and flicked on the TV. "Typical Alex. Thinking with your penis. Going wherever your pelvis takes you. Tsk tsk. For shame, Gaskarth. For shame."

Sky giggled as she stood on the couch, crossing over to the other side of the bus. "I'll be in the bunk room changing. Warn me if anybody gets naked. I'll lock myself in."

A moment later, Alex was on the couch, following her.

"Slow your roll, Gaskarth," called Bailey. He turned around. "Get these douche bags off the floor and then we'll see what we can do about getting you into the bunk room."

"But they're always like this. They'll get up eventually," he insisted.

"Look. We all know you haven't gotten any in months, but suck it up and be a man. She's just not ready."

"I never said she was," he replied sheepishly.

"Alex is a wiiiiiimp," Jack jeered, poking at Brendon's temple. He swatted at his hands, annoyed.

"Shut the fuck up and get your nasty asses off the bus floor."

The guys all groaned and sat up, tugging at pants that had ridden up, and shirts that had creased.

Bailey clapped her hands together and their heads shot up. "Already, bitches. Panic," she said, pointing to the boys, than towards the door. "Let's get to gettin'. We've got a sound check in 10 and press in 20. Not to mention the signing at 4. Andale!"

Ryan got up and slid an arm around her waist, leaning in for a kiss. "Do we have to?"

Whistles and cheers sounded as she caught his nose between her fingers. "Hold your horses there, Ryro. Let's get through today and we'll see about how lucky you get tonight."

His cheeks deepened to a bright crimson as the guys all "oh-ed" and "ah-ed" at the comment. With the dopiest of grins on their faces, it was hard to be mad at them for being as immature as they were. They just enjoyed ragging on the couples of the group; it was a form of entertainment and sport between band mates and buddies. Both Sky and Alex and Bailey and Ryan had gotten accustomed to it, but Sky and Alex had become more passive sooner than Bailey and Ryan. It wasn't particularly shocking. The girls came from pretty opposite spectrums, and yet they were the best of friends. One of life's greatest mysteries, no doubt.

"You better go before she pulls it off," Alex teased, admiring his friend's throbbing red nose.

"Guh' poin'," he said, yanking at her pinching fingers. He groaned in pain once she finally let go, cupping his face as he descended the bus' steps. The rest of them followed, leaving ATL to sit in their bus alone as Bailey went off to boss around her bosses.

"Poor guys," Jack laughed. "They're in boot camp."

"It's all a front," Zack insisted. "She's not really like that."

They gave him all knowing looks.

"... Is she?"


He stared at the guys sheepishly. "Oh. Well..."

"So Gaskarth?"

Alex turned to look at Rian.

"You and Sky, have you... y'know...?"

He sighed at the sexual movements he had proceeded to make and shook his head. "No, Rian. We have not had sex yet."

"Dang, man. You're really holding out for her, arentcha?"

"Yeah. And my dick hates me for it."

"That's what you get for getting into a relationship," Jack teased.

Alex gave him a teasing grin. "Just you wait, Barakat. One day, you're gonna fall head over heels for a girl, and then you're gonna have to eat your words."

"Nope." He knocked on his skull a couple of times. "This river runs too deep. I am fully incapable of falling in love. Falling in love's for wooses."

"That explains why you haven't gotten laid in a month," Sky chuckled, opening the fridge stealthily.

The guys held back laughs but all Jack could do was portray disgust. "The only woman I will ever love in this world is my mother."

"Give it time, non-believer. You'll find a girl someday," she said, sitting down beside him. "You'll find an amazing girl and you'll be able to look into her eyes and see lotsa things."

He gave her an inquisitive look and they all smiled, realizing they had hooked him on the concept. He was officially curious.

"Like what?"

She looked over at Alex. "The past, the present, the future."

"Sissy stuff."

She glared at him, but her expression softened slightly as the guys continued.

"Dude, when you're in love, things get clearer."

"Yeah, you see things differently, brah. You're a happier person."

They gave him a reassuring smile but he brushed it all off. "That's weak. I've heard it all before. It's what everyone says. At least be creative."


Jack peered over at Alex. "Whuh?"


"Yeah. What about 'em?"

He sat down and ran a hand through his hair, thinking of the right words. "When you look into the eyes of the woman you love... sometimes, when she doesn't realize it, you see things, important things that she doesn't notice you care about. Things that she thinks don't cross your mind. Well, they do. And sometimes... sometimes you can see what your kids will look like in her eyes. You can see them through her. That's magic, man. You can't beat that."

Everyone was silent as they watched Alex. In all the years that the guys had known him, they'd never heard him say something so meaningful. They knew he'd been through a lot and his lyrics showed that. When he'd first sung them his first draft of 'Lullabies', it had been a pivotal moment in the band's career. They had finally realized they weren't just making music, they were immortalizing memories. At that moment, what they were doing was no longer a job, it was a calling. And Alex had made them realize it. Now, he was going beyond mere lyrics. He hadn't sat there for endless hours, picking apart lines and licks to the best of his abilities. He was speaking from his heart, and that only came from the love he had been feeling.

Sky got to her feet and enveloped Alex in her arms. She buried her wet face into his chest, her tears seeping through the flannel of his shirt. The guys remained awestruck, watching two there with their hearts on their sleeves. Even Jack couldn't say anything sarcastic; he could only stare.

"I love you," she murmured, her lips brushing against the side of his neck. The heat of his skin collided with the cool feeling of her lips and she finally looked up at him, brushing a strand of hair from his face. He smiled genuinely, almost minx-like as he pressed his head to hers.

"I love you, too."

As they sat in the deafening silence, all of their hearts beating soundly in their chests, they realized the bond they all had. They were a real family, they were meant to be together. Not just Sky and Alex, but all of them, together, for years to come. Nothing could break them apart, and nothing ever would.

Softly, a non-believing voice broke through the quiet air.

"I take it back," Jack whispered. "It's not sissy stuff. It's got meaning."

Sky got to her feet, her eyes still tearful despite the smile on her face. Her knees pressed against the carpet beneath her, she pressed her hands against his cheeks and kissed his forehead before enveloping him in a hug.

"One day you'll get it, Jack. One day, you'll really get it."

He smiled shyly and stared at his friends. "I was kinda hoping I already did."

"Silly boy, when will you learn?" She let go of the kind-hearted trouble maker and chuckled. "You can't rush compassion."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you all like itttttttt.
And you know what this means: one chapter til' it's OVER!
But not to fear, lovelies.
I've already got three sequels planned out.
Arentchu just stoked? ^_^
But yeah, one chapter left, & then it's on to my next story!
Ps, Alex's heart-felt speech about seeing his future children through Sky's eyes was inspired by the song "Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?" by Bryan Adams. One of the lines in the song is "and when you can see your unborn children, in her eyes, you know you've really loved a woman." It's one of my favourite lyrics of all time & I got the idea to incorporate it into this chapter. Just felt like pointing that out! :]