Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


I'm Not Insane

Jimmy’s eyes were a sickly red color now since the black seemed to disappear, but the fangs were still there. We were just staring at each other. I was still too afraid to move. Now I knew what it felt like to be scared stiff. His breathing had slowed down and wasn’t as ragged as it was before and he still cast such an intimidating figure.

“Colie, I-”

Just hearing his quiet voice and seeing that he took a step forward set my body into motion. I cried out in fear and took off. Jimmy was calling out for me to come back but there was no way I would listen to him. The cool breeze that hit my face when I ran outside was a much needed comfort. What should I do now? Surely he would be coming for me now that I knew his secret. He probably already decided that I’m going to be his next meal. Just thinking about this made me run further away from the locker room. Running in the direction of the guys I saw them in the clearing but stopped. The group looked at me in curiosity and continued to watch me. Their pale, beautiful skin glowed underneath the tiny white lights. It all became so painfully obvious that I still couldn’t come to terms with it.

Holy shit, they are as well.

Turning around I ran away from the guys and girls and fought my way through the crowd. I hit the edge of the school property and booked it all the way home in bare feet. My eyesight was blurred to the point where I couldn’t even see straight when I finally landed on my front porch. Before opening the door to get into my house I scoped out the front yard to make sure that nobody had followed me. Slipping into the doorway I locked and bolted the door behind me. After making sure that the front foyer was secure I went to every window in the house and locked them. To make myself feel better I also pulled the shades down once they were locked. I walked quietly back into the living room and sat in the corner listening to the creaks of the house and other nighttime sounds.

So, Jimmy was a vampire. I know that what I saw I couldn’t have imagined. If he was a monster then guaranteed the rest of the guys and their girlfriends were as well. This wasn’t right. Vampires just didn’t exist along with the boogeyman, werewolves, and Santa Claus. But how did that explain for the frightening act that I witnessed earlier? Jimmy couldn’t have faked those fangs and why would he? Surely this was a horrible dream and I would wake up to find that vampires weren’t real and that my parents weren’t dead. Why did this have to happen to me? The moment that I feel like my life is nearing completion it has to come to a crashing halt. How was I suppose to cope in life now? Everything that I have been told could be a lie right now. It’s not every day that you find out a mythical being is real. I just can’t take this anymore. Being fed up with the insanity I went to the medicine cabinet and chugged a whole bottle of Nyquil. This should allow me to sleep for a longer time then possible for me. I sat down on my bed still gagging from the nasty taste of the syrup when it already began taking effect. An instant later my head slammed down on my pillow and I was out like a light. No dreams would visit me tonight.

I tried to force myself to keep sleeping. It didn’t seem time to get up. I opened my eyes anyway and let the orange glow from the sun into my vision. The sun was setting right now. Or was it setting? I didn’t quite know really? My alarm clock said it was around 8 pm. Great, I hadn’t even slept for 12 hours like I wanted. Rolling out of bed I looked in the mirror to see that I had fallen asleep in my dress. Eyeliner was streaked down my face and my eye shadow stained my forehead. A shower was definitely in order. The dress became heaped in the corner as I discarded it from my body. Not bothering to test the water first I just stepped into the basin and let the water run down my petite frame. I couldn’t quite relax because I thought that any second a vampire would rip the shower curtain open and shred my throat to pieces. Shampoo was the only thing I used because I was just so paranoid. Wrapping my towel around my body quickly I peaked into my room before leaving the sanctuary that was my bathroom. It appeared empty so I ventured into the room to get dressed. I picked out a pair of oversized grey sweatpants and my Master of Puppets shirt. The house was deathly silent as I walked around it. It was good that way though. Meant that nothing was hear, or so I wanted to think.

“Damn it, Colie, stop thinking things like that.” I whispered to myself.

A red blinking light came from my phone in the kitchen which meant I had some messages waiting for me. I pushed the playback button and waited for voices to start talking to me. The first message was from last night and came from Kourtney. She was just worried because she never saw me again last night and wondered where I was. I guess I needed to call her back at some point. The last message was from a lady I didn’t know.

“Hello Colleen, my name is Andrea and I am calling on behalf of your parents estate. I know this is a hard time for you but things need to be sorted out soon so we can get them over with. What I need from you is to help plan the funeral seeing as how you have no other relatives to aid in the process. Another thing we have to do is your parents last will and testament. There are just some legalities we have to cover. Please call me back Colleen.”

I stared blankly at the black cordless phone in front of me. Needless to say I didn’t exactly want to plan my parents funeral. But it was what I had to do. It would all help in bringing closure. Sighing in frustration I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my flip flops. I locked the front door behind me and set off in a brisk walk. I wasn’t going to see Andrea. At least not yet anyway. My head was bursting was everything that has happened in the past day that I needed someone to talk to. Kourtney wouldn’t understand and I was looking for a person who I knew for a fact couldn’t tell another soul. Staring up at the building in front of my I was relieved to see the lights were on. The sign on the door told me that I was indeed at the right place. My parents therapist brought me here. Every so often they would go see her when they were having difficulties and they both spoke highly of her. I could hear footsteps behind the door as I knocked on it. It cracked open and I looked up at her smiling face.

“You must be Colleen. I can see you have your father’s eyes and mother’s nose. Please come on in.” she said warmly.

I nodded in appreciation as I stepped into her office. Every piece of furniture was made of a deep mahogany and the walls were painted a deep blue color. I read somewhere that blue was supposed to be the most soothing color. Well, I’ll see if that’s true or not. She sat down in her leather armchair and motioned to the plush loveseat across from her.

“So what brings you here tonight?” she asked as I sat down.

“Well doctor, I just needed someone to talk to.” I said meekly.

“Please, call me Patti. Yes, I heard about your parents tragic accident. I’m so very sorry for your loss.” Patti commented with sympathy.

I nodded in return. How do I tell her that I’m not really here to talk about my dead parents? Am I that bad of a person to be more concerned with a guy then with my deceased mom and dad? On the other hand, I bet Patti never had a client tell her she was in love with a vampire before.

“Colleen, you looked very stressed. Please tell me what is on your mind.”

“Everything I say here will remain confidential right?” I asked hesitantly. There was no way that I was going to let her tell the whole city that I was crazy.

“Yes, I am held under law to keep our meetings private.” Patti assured me.

Ok, well, it’s now or never. I inhaled deeply before I began speaking.

“I saw a vampire last night.” I flat out said.


How does Patti respond to this?

1. “You are clearly delusional from the deaths of your parents.”
2. “Colleen, you are wasting my time. I want you to leave.”
3. “Really, tell me more.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Special thanks to Patti and Andrea for being in the story. More of them to come!