Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


So Many Things

I waited to see what she would say. It would have been stupid for me to just spill all of last night’s events in one breath. Patti’s face was still calm and she continued to look over me. Was I supposed to continue? I really wasn’t sure if she believed me.

“Colleen, please continue. Tell me more.” She said patiently.

“Um, ok.” I said hesitantly. Where to start? “Well, I guess I should start from the beginning then.”

My story began at the very first day of school when I first saw Jimmy to last night. I made sure to cover every detail of Jimmy that I could think of. Every characteristic of a vampire that he had I told her. I even told her of what his friends were like. When I got to the scene in the locker room I got choked up. It was all so fresh in my mind that I was still being affected by it. Patti never flinched when I described the sights and sounds. Nothing sounded quite as horrifying as the sound of ripping flesh.

“That’s everything Patti. I saw him drain that girl dry.” I murmured.

My hands were clasped tightly together in my lap and had my full attention. It wasn’t until she spoke that I gazed up.

“Do you think he would harm you?” she asked thoughtfully.

This wasn’t the first time this question had entered my mind. It was what consumed my mind. I searched for the right words before I said anything.

“I don’t think he has it in him. You think he would have killed me before all of this right? I don’t want to hear anything about cats playing with mice before they eat them because it isn’t necessary. Who would take care of me like he did and even ask me to a dance if all he wanted was to drink my blood?”

“Your rational way of thinking makes me wonder if you truly are afraid of this Jimmy person.” Patti commented.

Her words left me speechless. I wasn’t even sure if I was afraid of him. He was a monster. That was all I knew. People like him weren’t supposed to exist, yet here he was invading my dreams at night and my thoughts during the day.

“In a way I am scared of him. I’m scared of what he could do to me.” I whispered.

“So you don’t trust him at all then do you?”

It was Patti’s use of the word trust which triggered past memories in my mind. How could I forget that night? Jimmy must have sensed this coming or just wanted to do some damage control for the future.

“Colie,” he whispered, “can I ask you something?”

“Sure Jimmy. What is it?”

“I want you to promise me something. This may seem weird but it will put my mind at ease. Colie; just say that you’ll trust me no matter what happens. Can I have your trust and support?”

“Well Jimmy,” I responded while wearing a small grin, “you haven’t steered me wrong yet and I don’t have a reason why I shouldn’t. But why are you asking me this?”

“I just needed to know, that’s all.”

“What is it Colie?” Patti asked with full concern.

As her voice brought me out of my trance it was then that I realized that I was gripping the edge of the loveseat so hard that my knuckles were stark white. I instantly relaxed and glanced up at Patti to see her watching everything I did like I was under a microscope. God, why do therapists have to analyze everything?

“I kind of already told him that I trusted him. He made me promise that I would.” I said very confused.

“Obviously there was going to be a point in time where you found out his secret. I’m guessing that last night was not the right time for you or him.”

“True, but I don’t know what to do now. I trusted Jimmy when he was normal. Now I’m not so sure.” I told her.

“Colie, the boy was never normal. Ignorance is bliss.” She stated calmly.

“What do you think I should do? Please give me some advice.” I asked, almost in a begging manner.

“Sleep on it. I know you probably want something more substantial, but I think that you still need to think this over.” Patti said.

I stood up from the soft loveseat and held my hand out for Patti to take. She shook my hand and I thanked her for listening to me. Patti nodded understandingly and said that it was a part of her job to help people with their issues. Excusing myself from her office I let myself out of the building and ran home for fear of being ambushed by someone or something. The locked let out a muffled click as I bolted the front door behind me. I still wanted to take every precaution. My mind was swimming with thoughts that I needed to wrestle with and I knew exactly how to start. After filling up the giant marble bathtub with steaming water and a bit of bubbles I took off my clothes and let them fall to the floor. I slowly lowered myself into the water until I was completely submerged in the lavender bubbles. Time was what I needed. The more of it I had the more I could make a smart decision. Another thing that worried me was I wasn’t dealing with just one vampire, it was multiple. Some of which could, and probably would, do me in at the snap of a finger. My heart was telling me to find Jimmy and confront him, but I was fighting with my brain because I was also thinking the same thing.

“Why do I have to be the person to get in this mess? Why do I have to feel this way?” I asked myself.

The last of the water gurgled down the drain and I finished up towel drying my body. Tomorrow I had the daunting task of meeting with Andrea, my family’s attorney, so that I can finalize things for my parents and also myself. Needless to say I really was not looking forward to this. Wrapping the towel around my body I went to my room where I found some things to sleep in. I know that I had only been up for a few hours but I still felt drained, both physically and emotionally. A pair of purple shorts and my black Misfits shirt was the outfit for the evening. Before slipping into my bed for the night I quickly fed and watered Mr. Crowley. Poor cat really needed some attention. I closed my eyes and settled down for what I knew was going to be a restless night.

beep…beep…BEEP BEEP BEEP – Smack!

The palm of my hand came crashing down on my annoying alarm clock that for some reason went off this morning. It was then that I realized it was set to wake me up for school. Christ, Mondays were the worst. I wasn’t going to school today or tomorrow for a matter of fact. I really don’t know when I’ll be going back. My head wasn’t ready for that place again. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I greeted the day with a groan as I sat up in bed. Why I hadn’t noticed this before I wasn’t sure, but upon staring at my nightstand every last hair on my body stood up. The breath in my throat became hitched and I couldn’t think straight. The only thought I had really gave me the creeps. Seems like someone felt like visiting me last night and left me a present.


What does Colie see on her nightstand?

1. A note
2. Her mother’s pearl necklace
3. A packet of pictures
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Mua ha ha ha ha! I think that I've picked the best options yet! This will really be an interesting outcome! Choose a great one and thanks for being the best readers ever! Also, tell all of your friends about this story.