Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


I Never Left

I opened my eyes to find not sun but a cloudy day. This didn’t seem like a great way to start the day. A bit of sunshine would have been amazing.

“Good morning Colie.”

My heart practically leapt into my throat causing me to fall off my bed backwards. With my sheets over my face like a shroud I cautiously peeked over the top of my mattress to see who was in my room. All the muscles in my body relaxed as I saw it was only Jimmy sitting in corner of the room.

“Jimmy, what are you doing here?” I asked groggily while stretching my arms above my head. It was then that I noticed I was still clothed in my black funeral dress from yesterday.

“You fell asleep on me last night so I brought you in here.” He answered me quietly.

“Do you always sneak into my house like this?” I questioned again remembering how I found the pictures that one morning.

“I actually never left last night. You’re dreams seemed to be troubling and I didn’t feel like leaving you in that state.”

When I heard this I look curiously at him. He knew that I was staring at him but he avoided my gaze. Look at me please. I could tell that he was reading my thoughts so I knew it was the only way to get to him. Jimmy picked his head up just barely enough to see me with his eyes. For the first time he seemed fragile. Like if I said something hurtful he would actually be affected by it.

“Thank you Jimmy, for everything.” I told him softly.

“You’re welcome Colie.” He responded with a small smile. “I’d like to take you somewhere. Can you get ready?”

I slowly nodded at Jimmy and watched him leave the room. Grabbing a few articles of clothing I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. The water quickly rinsed the shampoo from my hair which allowed me to kill the flow. I turned on my hair dryer and let it blow through my wet locks. Once it was completely void of water I let it hang naturally. It’s been a while since I left it in its state. I pulled on my slim fitting Guns N Roses t-shirt and skinny jeans over my matching underwear and bra. Not wanting to keep Jimmy waiting any longer all I did for my makeup was just a little bit of eyeliner. Once I came into the living room Jimmy jumped up from the couch and came to my side.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yes, just let me slip some shoes on.”

I closed the door behind me and then started to follow Jimmy. The thick grey clouds hung ominously in the sky which only meant that rain was on the menu. All the clouds did allow for the temperature to be fairly cool which was an improvement on the unseasonably warm weather we have been witnessing. His old worn out Addidas and my converse slapping the sidewalk was the only sound that came to my ears as we continued on our journey. We traveled in silence but I didn’t mind. I had already pegged Jimmy as the strong silent type. A few minutes later we passed a familiar building. It was Andrea’s office. Thinking of Andrea brought back some memories from last night and a whole boat load of more questions.

“Jimmy, how do you know Andrea?” I asked as I watched the building.

“Well, obviously the group and I aren’t the only supernatural beings out there. You’d be surprised at the people who live double lives. Andrea is a vampire just like us though.” He answered while kicking at some rocks that were in his path.

“But you said something about vampires falling in love with humans. How is she involved with this?”

“Her tale is one of sorrow amongst our community.” He started off by saying. “About ten years ago there was a rogue vampire running around the streets. This guy was 50 years old at the most. Well, he ran into Andrea one day and fell in love with her and when a vampire has these emotions he makes them known. Pretty soon Andrea was infatuated with him. The guy wasn’t very street smart and decided to change Andrea thinking that he had found his other half. Long story short his feelings weren’t eternal the way they should have been and he up and left her when she was, for lack of a better term, an infant. She is now what the guys like to call ‘damaged goods’ and lives a solitary life. We’ve only seen her a few times when we go out hunting.”

“I take that it’s a big no-no to do that to a human?”

“It’s heavily frowned upon. We aren’t cold heartless creatures Colie. Even we like to keep humans in their form. We only turn them when it is absolutely necessary.” Jimmy answered gravely.

“And when is that?”

“When they need to be turned for a vampire’s well being. Either they become a fledgling in a growing group or, in Andrea’s case, for love.”

My conscious screamed at me to continue grilling him about vampiric ways but I couldn’t. Something told me that I would be going into a topic that I wasn’t ready for. I looked around me and noticed that I was in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Glancing at Jimmy I sensed that he knew what he was doing so I decided not to pester him. We walked another block and then stopped in front of our apparent destination.

“Here we are.” Jimmy said while looking the place over.


Where does he take Colie?

1. The morgue
2. Brian’s house
3. A cemetery
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you guys are making me so happy with all the comments. i really do look forward to what you have to say!