Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


You're Stuck With Me

Lauren’s nervous eyes kept on darting between Jirony, Audrey, and me. Quickly, Jirony jabbed Lauren in the side and she spit her words out.

“We weren’t talking about Colie being your other half.” Lauren said with a serious voice. “Nope, not at all.”

My eyes grew wide and my jaw hung loosely. I couldn’t believe that that was the best thing that Lauren had. Audrey hid her face in her hands and Jirony stared at Lauren like she was crazy. Cautiously I turned my eyes up towards Jimmy who still stood there. His face was one of pure alarm. He really didn’t expect that to come out of Lauren’s mouth. I watched as Jimmy’s gaze fell on me for a split second before he looked away. Without warning he walked out of the living room leaving us in complete silence. Jumping up from the couch I followed where I heard Jimmy go until I heard a door at the end of the hall close softly. Putting my ear up to the door I heard a soft squeak of bedsprings so I knew he was in there. I opened the door to find myself in a small bedroom. The only things that were in the room were a bed and a dresser. Jimmy’s back was facing me since he had chosen to sit on the side of the bed which focused on the window. Not knowing what to do I just stood there. My first thought was that he was angry, angry at me. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so curious about vampires and their ways. But could anyone blame me? I mean, I was dealing with them after all.

“Colie, I meant to tell you, I swear.” He said as his quiet voice floated across the room. “I just didn’t feel like you were ready to know yet. If you want to be alone for a few more days I understand.”

So much pain was in his voice. My heart ached for him because it was like he was putting the blame on himself. I knew it was time to embrace Jimmy for who and what he was. Slowly I made my way to the bed and crawled across the messy sheets so that I was right behind him. My arms wrapped themselves around his chest so that they were under his arms and I was able to rest my chin on his shoulder. Our cheeks brushed up against each other as he let out a contented sigh.

“Jimmy, I don’t want to be alone anymore. For my whole life it felt like I had no one there for me. I kind of like the fact that I have someone that I can spend the rest of my life with.” I whispered into his ear.

“Are you sure Colie? This is a very important decision.” He said with hesitance.

“What’s my other choice?” I asked. “Because I know at this point either one of us would be lost without the other.”

He pulled my arms away from his body so that he could turn around. I sat back on the bed and watched as he sat close to me on the plushy mattress. His blue eyes burned into me like they did on the first day of school.

“Colie, are you ready to spend eternity with me?” Jimmy asked softly.

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be Jimmy.” I said smiling at him.

The words had no sooner left my mouth when Jimmy’s door fell off its hinges and came crashing down with Johnny and Zacky on top of it. The two guys looked up at us with guilty written all over their faces. The rest of the guys and girls stood silently out in the hall as they watched us stare at the guys on the floor.

“Ah, sorry?” Johnny asked more that stated.

“Yeah, we just wanted to see that you weren’t angry with each other.” Zacky said trying to shove Johnny off from him. “But seeing that you two have this perfectly under control we shall leave you alone.”

The crowd that Jimmy and I had created out in the hall had disappeared with Johnny carefully putting the door against the frame at an odd angle. I glanced at Jimmy and couldn’t help but laugh at the grimace he was currently giving the doorway where they just stood. His face softened when he looked at me and soon enough he was chuckling softly as well.

“Nothing like your best friends to kill the mood huh?” I asked.

“Yeah, well, they have to be good for something.” He answered.

“Anyway, where were we?” I questioned just to fill in the awkward gap in our conversation.

“I believe you agreed to spend eternity with me and only me.” He responded.

“Oh crap, can I retract that statement? I think I’d rather find a guy who worked in a gas station and wasn’t as awesome as you.” I said with an evil smirk.

“I’m sorry Miss Schulz. You’re stuck with me for quite some time.” he said while scooping me into his arms and bringing me closer to his body.

Jimmy ended up falling backwards on the bed bringing me with him. With his arms snuggly around my waist and mine around his broad chest we both became content with our position. Jimmy started massaging his cold fingertips through my hair which was surprisingly calming. If this was what I had going for me for the rest of my life then I could somehow manage. The silence of the room mixed with the soft touch of Jimmy soon brought my eyes closed and threw me into a deep sleep. My thoughts soon became riddled with flashing shots of something totally random yet terrifying.


What does Colie see in her dream?

1. Her high school graduation
2. A bunch of vampires fighting Jimmy
3. Being turned
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yeah, thats right! you guys are awesome!
keep up the good work