Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


More Than Good

Central Park is a scary park, especially when you walk through it alone. But with Jimmy by my side that wasn’t a problem. A cool fall breeze blew through the trees nipping at my bear arms as a reminder of the changing seasons. His arm wrapped around my shoulders as Jimmy softly brought me closer to him. I could definitely get used to all this affection. We walked on the small concrete path that would eventually lead to my house. My argyle tote carelessly bumping my leg with each step as my school books helped to propel it. Whatever books didn’t fit in my bag hung loosely in Jimmy’s other arm. One of the first great smiles that Jimmy ever wore adorned his face. Just seeing him this happy made me feel the same way.

“Colie, I have a question for you that I’ve been dying to ask.”

My brows furrowed as he asked me this. Usually Jimmy was straight forward. “What is it Jimmy?”

“Despite our current situation and all, I wanted to make this official. Colie, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked in a quiet voice.

I stopped abruptly on the path which caused him to take a few steps in front of me. The excitement in me was brewing and I wasn’t sure what to do first. Hug him, scream yes, or keep smiling. Right as I was going to give him my answer, snapping of twigs came from all around us. It was like something hit the ground surrounding us. A high pitched whistling came from behind me and something cold brushed against my neck very quickly. In just a matter of three seconds the temperature dropped at least 15 degrees. I was becoming frightened. Turning my focus back to Jimmy my emotions sky rocketed when I saw his eyes morph into black diamonds. His gaze was so harsh that I actually whimpered.

Colie, come here now.

Jimmy voice entered my head and I immediately obeyed because I knew better then to not trust him. I ran to his side where I clung to his body like a child to their mother. When deep growls left his throat I instinctively buried my face into his chest. A few seconds later four swooping sounds entered my hears that reminded me of giant birds as they landed on the ground. Peeling my head from his body I saw two men coming at us from opposite angles telling me that two other men must be behind us.


Don’t say a word and do what I tell you.

Words were being exchanged but the only reason I knew this was happening was because their mouths were moving and Jimmy’s chest would rumble every now and then. I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t hear them. I desperately wanted to know what they wanted with Jimmy. His grip on my tightened and all of a sudden I was thrown to the ground by him. Frantically looking up at his face I watched in vain as Jimmy mouthed ‘run’ and I did just that. My feet stumbled a bit to catch their hold on the damp grass. Everything around me was going black and I started to get a severe case of tunnel vision. As soon as it began it was suddenly over.

I sat straight up with Jimmy’s sheet thrown over me. A light sweat covered my forehead as I struggled to catch my breath. The bed was empty next to me and I started to panic. He wasn’t here and I needed help coping with what happened. That dream was so real. I was sure of that.

Come downstairs darling.

Hearing his voice in my head I fell back to the mattress and breathed a sigh of relief. I pulled the sheet from my body and quickly checked my appearance in the mirror. A few strands of hair were sticking out randomly and my clothes were askew from twisting in my sleep. I dragged my fingers through my chestnut brown locks and patted my shirt down. Their house wasn’t hard to get around and my memory served me well as I slowly went down the creaky wooden steps into the basement. Halfway down the staircase clicking from drumsticks met my ears and a loud blast of sound broke loose. Pausing a bit to get over the shock from what I was hearing I immediately flew down the last few steps to see what was going on. Matt was standing idly by a microphone stand while Brian and Zacky were side by side playing a melodic intro. Johnny was hanging in the back just plucking along on his bass. Looking at the back of the basement I saw Jimmy sitting behind his drum set. He looked so confident keeping the beat. Out of nowhere this dark, deep voice came through the speakers. I watched in awe as Matt screamed and roared into the mic. Nothing could have prepared me for how good these guys were. When Brian told me that he played guitar for fun I thought it was just a few chords. This was anything but your normal garage band. The girls probably thought I looked pretty stupid just standing there so Lauren leapt from the couch next to me and grabbed my arm. She pulled me down to the beat up old hunk of furniture and laughed at me.

“The guys are pretty good aren’t they?” Audrey asked from the other side of Jirony.

“Wow, they are more than good. I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” I told her.

With one final scream and slam of instruments the song ended. Matt sat in a chair and Brian, Zacky, and Johnny went to their respective girls. I stood up from the couch and walked to Jimmy who was still behind his drums. I could see him watching me while I ran my fingers over the cymbals which created a slight ring.

“You want to tell me what was wrong earlier?” Jimmy asked quietly.

My hand clamped down on the golden metal to stop the ringing and I looked up at him. His smooth face was emotionless as he stared back at me. I could tell that he was reading my mind so instead of telling him I decided just to play back whatever images I could remember. An involuntary shiver went down my spine as I had to go through it again. I really wasn’t a fan of odd dreams like that.

“It felt so real Jimmy. I didn’t know what to do.”

He stood up from his metal stool and walked over to me where I found myself being wrapped up in his long arms.

“Don’t worry about it Colie. It was just a bad dream.” He cooed into my ear.

“Thanks Jimmy.” I said as I smiled into his chest.

It was in this perfect moment that Jimmy and I were sharing that what happened next threw me off. To say in the least I was not expecting it.


Normally, this is where I would have your options laid out for you lovely readers.

But, you can see that there is nothing here for you. That is because I want YOU to pick what happens. I'll read all the comments and whoever gives an idea has a chance. Whichever idea I like the best I'll use it for the next chapter and give credit to him or her.

Have fun with this guys! Show me what you got!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that I gave you guys a crappy chapter.

I hope you read that last part. Tis really important! Also, if you haven't heard, I have a new story up called My Fair Rocker featuring the illustrious Synyster Gates. Go check it out!

Also, if anyone wants to make me a banner I'd be more than happy!