Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


Dream A Little Dream

A loud thunder like boom came from the front door. Jimmy’s grip on my waist tightened considerably and I became frightened. Hadn’t I had enough things happen to me today? Jesus, I needed a break. I watched as the rest of the guys suddenly put themselves on high alert and closed in on their girls. Brian’s eyes grew pitch black when he raised his nose to the ceiling like Mr. Crowley does when he smells something. He looked back down from the floor above us and glared at Jimmy. I wasn’t sure why he was looking at Jimmy like this, but it couldn’t be good.

“No one move until I get back.” Matt said in his lowered voice.

He bounded over to the staircase and slowly climb towards the door. Matt was halfway there when all of a sudden the door to the basement was thrown open and ripped off its hinges. Faster than my eyes could envision, Matt flew back to the group and away from the splintered wood. Like ducks on water four men floated gracefully down the stairs and settled in the open middle ground of the basement. Jimmy and I were cut off from the group where we stood next to the drum kit. My heartbeat picked up exponentially as one of the men looked into my eyes. Then another of the group met my gaze and I began to panic. These were the four men from my dream. Jimmy had said that the dream was nothing. If it was nothing then how were people from my dream in their basement?

“Why are you here?” Johnny growled while blocking Audrey. “You and your men have no business with any of us.”

One of the vampires laughed sinisterly. He had shoulder length blonde hair with amazing highlights in it. It really looked like some surfer dude was changed into a member of the undead. The vampire had piercing blue eyes, but there were nothing in comparison to Jimmy’s. At least Jimmy’s orbs had the ability to emanate warmth from them.

“Dear Jonathon, that is where you’re mistaken. We do in fact have business with one of you but I’m sad to say that it’s been awhile and we miss him.” He said in an eerily calm voice that nerved me.

The guy turned around and smiled at Jimmy. I felt Jimmy’s hand run up my body and placed it protectively over my neck. Craning my head I looked up at his face. It was stone cold and his gaze was locked on the man before us.

“James, it’s been awhile.” The blonde leader said with an evil smirk.

My palms were sweaty and I could feel my knees begin to buckle underneath me. Like in my dream earlier blackness began to swallow my vision and I could barely see anything. The last thing I remember was Jimmy throwing me into the arms of Matt. Then it was dark.

With a harsh thud my body hit something hard. When I opened my eyes I saw that I was looking up at Jimmy’s bedroom ceiling. Over the edge of the bed I saw Jimmy’s black hair covering his eyes that were peering down at me. I was so confused. At this point I wasn’t sure what was real or if I was in a dream.

“Somebody pinch me.” I whispered. “Ouch! Who the hell…Johnny?” I screamed as I sat up a bit.

The munchkin sat in the corner and smirked at me. I wasn’t mad at him for pinching me so hard, in fact, I was glad that he did that. I knew I wasn’t dreaming because of it. What I was wondering was how he got in here.

“How the fuck did you get in here?” I asked as I rubbed the spot on my thigh that he got at.

“I’m a vampire. Need I say more?” he chuckled at me.

“Johnny, get the fuck out.” Jimmy interrupted with a frown.

Johnny rolled his eyes as me walked out mumbling under his breath. Something about us being no fun at all. I sighed heavily when he closed the door behind him as he left. My mind felt like a ball of string with many fanged people pulling on different parts of it. Tiredly I glanced up at my other half who was continuing to watch me with care.

“You fell off the bed.” He stated bluntly.

For some reason I found this extremely hilarious and burst out with giggles. As much as I’ve been through today falling off a bed was the best of it. It was then that I realized that I had a dream inside a dream. How fucked up is that?

“Are you guys in a band?” I asked out of the blue.

“Yeah, I play drums, Zacky plays-”

I broke through his words and rattled off the group’s lineup. He watched with humor as I finished.

“I had a dream about it.” I shrugged. That was all he was going to find out about my dream. There was no need to bring it up.

“Wow, either we were really good or we sucked seeing that you fell off my bed.” He said with a grin as he lowered his hands to pick me up.

I let out a squeak as I flew into the air. No matter how many times he did that I would never get tired of it. There is just something magical about flying. Landing softly on the bed I became attracted to his side like a huge magnet. My palm rested on his breast bone as I positioned my head in the crook of his neck.

“Jimmy,” I began, “how did you find out that I was your other half?”

He exhaled heavily as he sought for an answer. “Well, I guess I had two huge clues that hinted at you.”

“Oh yeah, what were they?” I asked excitedly as I sat up on the bed Indian style.

“When I saw you on the first day of school, well, you looked different.” He said scratching his black fluffy hair. “Vampires have this weird vision where some colors are distorted. We see people like this as well. Every time I ever saw a human they were always in shades of black and grey.”

“What color was I?” I questioned further with anticipation growing.

“You were this deep pink color. I had never seen a color like it in my life. Even right now you have this pink glow about you.” Jimmy said with a growing smile as his eyes darted over my figure.

I looked down at my body stupidly thinking that I could be able to see it. Obviously I wasn’t a vampire so I wouldn’t see the color he did.

“And this is the biggie. After this I knew I had found that one person who I was going to spend eternity with.” He said softly.

His large hand reached for my much smaller one and picked it up. He ran my hand up his broad, muscular chest until it came to a stop above where his heart would be. I raised my eyebrow at him but Jimmy just applied a bit more pressure to my hand. Then I felt it. It was very slow and faint, but it was there. Jimmy’s shallow heartbeat pumped at a deathly speed that would mean the end for a normal human.

“Umm…Jimmy, you have a heartbeat. Aren’t you dead?” I asked very confused.

“Colie, I haven’t had a heartbeat since 1850.” He answered softly. “This is because of you.”

I grinned as the light pounding continued to be felt on my fingertips. Pushing him back on the bed I crawled on top of him so that I could rest my head directly on his chest. It was one of the most amazing things to me. Knowing that I gave a dead guy a heartbeat was a major ego boost. A quiet knock came from Jimmy’s broken door and Jimmy called for them to enter. Zacky’s head poked through and he smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry to intrude on the love and all, but I have something to say.” Zacky stated.


What does Zacky have to say?

1. There is a group meeting
2. We have company
3. Everyone needs to go to Colie's house now
♠ ♠ ♠
240 comments?! thats a lot lol
does anybody want to help with the story? great! you wanna make a banner for this story?
id be thrilled if someone did. anyone can do it. ill use all the banners i get.

anywho, thanks for reading, commenting, and voting/giving ideas

congrats, it was ultimately her idea that i used. but all were very good.