Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


Harold and Miriam

“Well, what is it Zacky?” Jimmy asked lifting his head up a bit to look at his friend.

Zacky bit his lip a bit and scrunched his forehead in deep thought. It seemed that he was looking for the right words but it was taking a lot longer and the curiosity was killing me.

“Just spit it out!” I yelled with a giggle.

“We need to go to Colie’s house. As in everybody and, like, now.” Zacky responded urgently.

Both Jimmy and I sat up in bed. The rush in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by us. I got off the bed and bent down to find my shoes while Jimmy went over to Zacky’s side. They were talking in very hushed voices and I never would have been able to hear what they were saying. The looks on their faces told me that something was up. I knew that it wouldn’t be long until someone told me so I continued to gather up my things and wait for Jimmy’s command. He suddenly began running around the room and started packing a bag with anything that could fit in it. This worried me. What was going on?

“Eliza, go into the kitchen and wait by the door now!” he told me quickly.

Knowing better then to argue or ask questions I grabbed my purse and walked briskly into the kitchen. There the girls were standing and all of them had bulging bags over their arms and had concerned looks on their faces. In the background I heard the guys talking to each other and a lot of bustling going down. The waiting was getting to me and right when I was going to demand someone tell me what the deal was all of the guys came into the kitchen. Everyone but Jimmy ran out of the back door without a word.

“Jimmy, what’s going on?” I asked.

“No time for that. Now, I want you to hold on very tight ok?” he questioned looking deep into my eyes.

From the living room came two loud voices but they weren’t from people I’d expect. They sounded old and jovial. At least they started that way.

“Harold, it feels so good to be back in warm weather.” A lady said ecstatically.

“Your right Miriam, but something doesn’t seem right.” Harold said quietly.

Jimmy and I just stood there as the elderly couple entered the kitchen. Miriam fixed her beady eyes on us and almost keeled over.

“Harold, we have intruders! Call the police!” she screeched.

“Old on!” Jimmy yelled into my ear.

A blood curdling scream ripped from my mouth as my body lifted from the ground with a great force. We were moving so fast but everything around me moved at a snail’s pace. Jimmy’s arms were wrapped around my middle and mine around his neck so that I could see behind him. In slow motion I saw Harold, the old man, come out with a shot gun and look around wildly for the intruders his wife was talking about. As soon as it had started it quickly came to an end. With a quick stop I was wrenched from his arms and landed hard on the grass. White stars floated above my eyes as I tried to regain normal vision. I slowly turned on to my elbows and saw that I was lying on my front lawn.

“Wow, that was surreal.” I mumbled as I stood up. Turning around I saw Jimmy standing there watching me. “Where are the rest of them?” I asked him.

“They’re inside. They didn’t want to be out in the open for too long. Someone might get suspicious you know.”

He put an arm around my shoulder and walked to the front door with me. When I stepped into the house I found everyone scattered about the living room. The guys had been here before but since the girls were new they were looking about with curiosity.

“What was that all about?” I demanded to know since I was still in the dark about this.

They guys looked at the girls and the girls glanced back at the guys. In unison, the group turned their gaze to Jimmy like it was his job to fill me in. He raised an eyebrow at them and glared at Brian. The silence mixed with all the starring was making me crazy. Why wouldn’t they just tell me? Finally, Brian sighed and turned his soft eyes on me.

“You know how I said that that was my house? Well, it wasn’t.” Brian stated slowly.

“What do you mean it wasn’t your house? Is that why the old people were there?” I asked in confusion.

“Yes, they were there because it was there winter getaway house from Minnesota. You see Colie, we don’t actually have anywhere to live.” He continued to say in a quiet voice.

“I still don’t understand. Can someone just tell me the entire story?” I begged. All I needed was a full explanation for why I had a house full of vampires.

“We’re like leeches Colie.” Johnny piped up. “We live off of other people. When someone goes on vacation we move into their house until they come back. Today you got to witness one of our bad moments.”

“Colie, they came a few days early. We were supposed to move into a house down the road when that family moved out tonight.” Zacky added. “It’s quite a nice system we got going on.”

“Oh, I understand. I think.” I murmured.

“There is one more thing that we haven’t mentioned yet.” Matt cut in. I looked at him and he had this guilty appearance about him that worried me. “Colie, we need a place to stay so, do you think that we could crash here?”

Now it was Jimmy’s turn to say something. He stepped forward and took a protective stance in front of me and focused on his friends.

“What did I tell you? I did not want Colie to be brought into our mess!” he said angrily.

Before he could go any further with his rant I stopped him. “Jimmy, I don’t mind if you guys live here. It’s not like I can get rid you guys. I have plenty of room for everyone.”

Jimmy turned around and towered over me. Gazing into my eyes it was as if he was asking me all over again but just for us.

“I want you guys to stay here.” I said firmly. I want you to stay here Jimmy.

A small, innocent smile tugged at his lips as he stared down at me. Taking my hand in his he turned back towards the group.

“Looks like we’re staying.” He announced cheerfully.

The guys hollered with joy and the girls looked relieved. It seemed that they were getting tired of moving from empty home to empty home. I showed them were they could stay if they like or if they wanted to switch. I gave Lauran and Zacky my parents room, Johnny and Audrey claimed the cozy guest room, Brian and Jirony had called the basement from the start, and seeing that Matt didn’t need that much privacy, he got the couch. I stood back and watched the scene unfold around me. Everyone had on a happy face which made me feel great. It was like I was really a part of the group now. I felt a presence behind me and glanced over my shoulder to see who it was.


Who is behind her?

1. Matt
2. Jimmy
3. Jirony
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for all of the comments! it really does make me glad to see them.
keep up the fantastic work :)