Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


Blood on Her Hands

A small pool of blood was in the middle of my kitchen floor. I wasn’t sure about all of the Vampire stuff but I knew that the blood did not come from any of them. In my rush into the kitchen I had never really noticed that an addition had been made to the group. I heard a little whimper in the corner and there was Kourtney against the wall clutching the palm of her hand. Her face was a little pale but she didn’t seem to be in serious trouble. I was about to ask what had happened here when a deep guttural sound came from the opposite side of the kitchen. My eyes darted to the other side of the room to see Matt gazing intently at Kourtney. Zacky and Lauren had a protective hand on each of Matt’s arms. Similar to that one night in the hospital with Jimmy, I watched as Matt’s eyes slowly clouded over.

“Colie, I think that you should take Kourtney to the bathroom to clean her up. Yes?” Jimmy whispered into my ear.

I nodded slowly. The scene the I had been met with was too strange for me to fully function, but somehow I had gotten over to my friend and quickly ushered her into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me. Just in case.

“Do you want to tell me what happened in there?” I asked.

“I was there in your kitchen holding a glass of water that Matt had given me when it just broke. I didn’t think that I had that strong a grip on the glass.” She answered.

“That’s strange. I wasn’t even aware that you were here or were coming over.”

“Well, I just wanted to stop in and say hello.” Kourtney said weakly. “I was very surprised when I walked in and found them in your kitchen. I knew you and Jimmy were getting close but I had no idea that you were friends with the rest of them. I feel hurt that I wasn’t invited to your little shindig.”

“Oh, Kourtney, don’t feel that way. They came over without warning really. Besides, you’ll have to get used to them quickly. They might be here for a long time.”

“Why is that?”

I smiled at her. I wasn’t sure how she was going to take this so I tried to sugar coat it as much as I could.

“They ran into a bit of trouble and need a place to stay. Well, it’s been lonely here since my parents’ deaths and figured I could use the company.”

“Are you serious?” she asked. “You letting them live here?”

“Well…yes.” I stated.

“I guess that means you’ll be around Jimmy more huh?” she asked with a hint of humor in her voice.

“I guess so.” I said while doing a poor job of hiding my smile.

Kourtney erupted in laughter as I finished wrapping her hand up. During our little talk I had cleaned the wound and found no shards of glass so it was safe to wrap with some gauze.

“There, all better.” I said putting a small metal clip on the end.

“Thanks chica. Honestly, I have no idea what happened. One second Matt handed me a drink the next it’s on the floor and I’m bleeding.” Kourtney said.

“Yeah, maybe I’ll ask the guys what they think or something.” I said quickly. “Don’t worry your pretty little head off.”

We left the bathroom and entered the kitchen to find the whole group was there. They were all quiet and looked on edge as if they were just in a heated conversation when the two of us entered. Being in on their life I was becoming more aware of the little things but I don’t think that Kourtney realized what we may have just walked into.

“Are you ok Kourtney?” Jirony asked to relieve the tense atmosphere of the room.

“Oh yes.” She said with a smile. “Colie is a great nurse.”

With the rush of new conversation the group began talking about plans for the night. I was content with whatever they thought up so I just sat back and didn’t say much. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I felt the coldness of Jimmy’s arm as is touched mine. It sent a shiver down my spine. Oh, the things he can do. Jimmy lightly chuckled next to me. I was about to ask what he thought was so funny but I stopped. I could feel the color rising to my cheeks and the warmth spread throughout my face.

“I have to stop thinking.” I said loud enough so that he could hear me but the others couldn’t.

“No you don’t. I like the way you think.” Jimmy said with a small smirk twisting at his lips.

The guys and girls were still talking about what to when Jimmy softly guided me away from the group. I was about to question him when he finally guided me to the spot he wanted.


SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!! :( Better late than never...right?

ANYWHO! I hope you remember the drill. Pick the one you want to see in the next chapter.

Where does Jimmy take her?

1. the basement
2. a spare bedroom
3. the living room
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment. I know, I've been a bad author due to my lack of updating. Please find it in your heart to forgive me?