Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.



An ear shattering scream came from upstairs and was heard throughout the house and no doubt around the block as well. The scream came from Kourtney, I was sure of it. Our faces slowly pulled away from each other as we gazed at the ceiling above us. It was then that Jimmy and I became immersed in total darkness. Jimmy’s grip on me tightened so much that I couldn’t help but whimper from the pain. His hold on me lessened and he pulled me closer to his body. He quickly stood up from the couch and brought me up with him. I could feel his head dip down to mine.

“Colie, whatever happens, do as I say. Promise me?” he whispered.

“Yes, Jimmy.” I whispered back.

Similar to earlier that day, my breath became stuck in my throat as I was ripped from the ground in great force. At least this time I stayed quiet and didn’t fall over. In an instant I was in the living room which was also dark. It seemed the whole house was in complete blackness. Everyone was whispering but I couldn’t tell what was going on.

“What happened? What’s going on here?” Jimmy said quietly, but still in a stern, commanding voice.

“Rev, the lights went out without warning. I think someone flipped the breaker outside.” Matt said coldly.

I peered behind Jimmy and looked out a kitchen window. I’m sure I wasn’t mistaken in by thinking that there were shadows floating by the window. Something out of the ordinary was going on.

“Guys, we aren’t alone.” Lauren whispered.

With her statement Jimmy turned my body around and faced me. Placing his cold hands on either side of my face I could just barely make out the whites of his eyes and the pale blue of his irises.

Take Kourtney to a safe spot while we take care of this. Don’t come out until one of us gets you. Do you understand?

I nodded in his hands. Jimmy guided me to Kourtney and I quickly took her arm. Trying to be as quiet as possible I led her into my parents’ room where they had a closet that would accommodate the two of us in this situation. Closing the door behind us I burrowed past all of the suits and coats so that we were as far into the closet as we could be. I stood there silent. Not wanting to make a sound. My heart was beating a mile a minute. Kourtney was sniffling every now and then, telling me that is some way, she had been crying. I wrapped my arms around her trying to comfort her and calm her down.

“Colie, what’s going on?” she said in a barely audible whisper.

“I’m not sure. The guys will explain later. Right now we have to be quiet though.” I told her.

We had been silent for a few seconds when we both jumped at the sound of the front door slamming open. I could barely make out voices coming from the other room but I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

Try to slow your breathing. They may be able to sense your presence.

Jimmy’s stern voice made my heartbeat increase. Knowing that there were strangers in my house scared me. I knew they had to be vampires as well. I took a deep breath and kept doing these breathing exercises.

“Kourtney, everything will be fine if you slow your breathing. Trust me.”

A few minutes had passed and I could feel Kourtney’s chest rising less often, as was the case for me. We slowing down my breathing I could feel myself becoming calmer. I knew it shouldn’t be like this but it just happened to be that way. I’m not sure what time it was. I wasn’t sure how long we had been in the closet. I was hoping that any moment now one of the girls or guys would get us and tell us all was well. It was then that Kourtney sneezed. It was just a dainty little sneeze. Just one and she was done. We both wimpered from the fright of what was going to happen. Even though it was a small sneeze I knew that we were going to be discovered. Suddenly the door was ripped open and the curtain of coats were pushed back. I gazed up into Audrey’s cold face. She grabbed us quickly and we were gone. Kourtney was screaming her lungs out but I was watching the scene unfold. In slow motion I saw the guys fighting with four men. It was the men from my dreams. They were in my living room. I spotted Jimmy on the floor with the blonde man hovering over him very closely. It was then that I lost my composure.

“Jimmy!” I screamed but no one other than Audrey and Kourtney could hear me.

It always happens so fast. Once again I was thrown to the ground with the wind knocked out of me. I quickly struggled to my feet with tears streaming down my face. I spun around quickly so that I could take in my surroundings.


Where did Audrey take Kourtney and Colie?

1. Kourtney's house
2. Her parent's law firm
3. The beach
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yeah! Over 300 comments! I love you guys and I hope you like this chapter. All of you guys decided that a scream and then the lights going out would be good, so I went with you guys.