Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


Late Night Adventures

I guess that was a problem. Now that we were out of the hospital I had no idea where to go. Glancing at Jimmy who was still eyeing me with curiosity I immediately grasped his hand and took off. My legs carried me as far as they could until I was dieing to stop. Jimmy seemed unaffected by the run while it took me a few minutes to regain composure. Must have been his long legs. When I finally took in my surroundings I found that we had landed right on the beach just south of the pier. Not a soul was on the beach was nice because every time I ever came it was loaded down with tourists. I kicked my green flip flops off to the curb and let the cool sand seep around my toes. The tide was just coming in so I walked towards the crashing waves and stopped just shy of the surf. A crescent shaped moon gave off enough light to cast a bluish hue over the scene.

“Well, I guess this is good enough.” Jimmy said quietly from behind me.

“Hey, what’s wrong with the beach?” I asked.

“A little dull if you ask me, but hey, if you like things on the lame side then I can respect that.” he answered with a cheeky grin.

“Listen here, the beach is a totally fun place. You can lay out in the sun, make a sand castle, or even go for a swim.”

“If you insist.” I heard him say softly.

My body left the ground and he literally threw me into the ocean. It felt like I had been tossed fifteen feet. I was caught off guard so I didn’t have enough time to get a substantial breath. When my head broke the surface I gasped for breath while hearing Jimmy utter a few choice words. His hands were soon on my hips holding me in place so that I would stop freaking out. I coughed up the last bit of water and shot daggers at Jimmy. Death seemed to always be within reach when I was around Jimmy.

“Colie, I’m so sorry. Trust me, that was meant to be playful and not deadly.”

My eyes were still in slits as I glared at him, but soon softened as I saw that he was really upset with himself. I have to keep on reminding myself that Jimmy probably wasn’t used to interaction with other people outside of the guys. Rolling my eyes at him I made my way back to the beach to hopefully wring out the water in my clothes. I was squeezing the hem of my tank top when a black sweater was shoved in my face. A few clumps of damp hair hung in my vision as I stared at Jimmy. He must have taken off his sweater before going in the water. I gratefully accepted the dry clothing. Turning around I stripped off the purple tank top and put his sweater on.

“Thanks.” I murmured now that I faced him.

Jimmy raised an eyebrow at me before he said, “Are you just going to be Ms. Grumpy Pants now?”

“No.” I grumbled.

He rolled his eyes at me then grabbed my hand. All I could do was follow him as I tried to think of where he could possibly be taking me. I laughed in disbelief as the orange and black colors of our football field came into view. Out of all the places Jimmy brought me to the football field. While I struggled over the chain link fence, because of my skirt and my lack of height, Jimmy easily managed to swing himself over. The two of us walked in silence as we continued through the stadium. It was an eerie atmosphere to be in as all of the belongings from the last game came to life. A few shiny pom-poms were dotting the track that surround the green field. Poster boards with slogans like GO TEAM GO and BEAT THOSE COUGARS littered the stands. I could also smell a faint hint of stale popcorn and old nacho cheese. Behind me I heard a clanking of metal so I turned around to see Jimmy examining a rusty old lock on yet another chain link. In amazement I watched as he broke the lock in one swift kick. Following Jimmy out onto the field I stood on the center of the fifty yard line and put my hands on my hips in confusion.

“Well I guess this is good enough.” I said in a mocking tone of Jimmy’s words earlier.

“Hey, this is better then any stupid beach that you could go to everyday. When’s the last time you were on a football field?” he said in defiance.

“Last year in marching band.” I said with grin on my face.

He looked at me in shock before he said, “You were in the fucking marching band?”

“What the hell is that suppose to mean?” I said in anger. “I can’t help it that I have musical talent.”

“For your information, I’m in a band as well. Just not something as gay as the marching band.” he said with a smirk.

“You’re in a band?” I asked with curiosity, completely forgetting my previously argumentative state.

“Yeah, the guys and I just play around for fun. That’s why Zacky wanted to show you his skills that one night.”

“I’m intrigued now. Next time you guys play I want to be there to watch.”

“Sure, if you want to.” he said. “Hey, race you to the goal post.”

In an unfair advantage Jimmy not only got a head start, but he also had longer legs then I did. When I finally got to the dark end of the field he was no where in sight. I spun around a few times but there was wasn’t a place for him to go.

“Up here Colie.”

I stifled the scream that wanted to come out as I stared up at the cross bar of the field goal post. Jimmy stood on the bar and was smirking cheekily down at me. Even for his stature it was odd how he managed to get up there. This guy continues to interest me with everything he does.

“You are a strange one Jimmy Sullivan.” I whispered.

His grin grew larger as he held expertly sat down on the bar and held a hand out to me. I raised both of my arms and was surprised at how easily he lifted my frame off the ground. Once on the bar I warily got into a comfortable position so that I wouldn’t take the 12 foot drop to the turf below. We both chose to sit so that we weren’t facing the field any longer. Instead, we were now facing part of the quad were we ate lunch. It was like an inverted pyramid with Coliseum like seating. Bright flowers dotted the top row of seats that would soon be opening in a few hours when the sun rose. Actually, we were pointed directly east, so if we decided to stay that long, we would actually get to see the breath taking view.

Do you think that is why he took me here? To see the first rays of sunlight?

Don’t count on it. Remember Colie, he could never like a weirdo such as you. You have the brains that he needs to get away from this place.

“So why are we here?” I asked, trying desperately to ignore the voice that was becoming stronger with every chance.

“I don’t know. It’s a good view and when the guys and I are unwinding from a night’s activities we just come here to chill.” he said quietly.

“Night activities? What sort of activities?”

“Late night hunger pangs.” he answered, with a hint of a smile on his lips.

I left it at that and continued scanning the skyline of Huntington Beach. This place really was heaven on earth; like a huge melting pot of everything on earth.

“This really is a great jewel of a town.” Jimmy said as if he was reading my mind. “I could see myself here forever. Just me and my friends until the world ends.”

“That’s a long time Jimmy.” I smiled. “I’m not sure we have that kind of time.”

“I choose to think that I do Colie. I have a positive outlook on something negative.”

We both went silent again and waited for something to happen. I’m not sure what that something was, but I was content in waiting for it. Like usual, my mind traveled to the guy sitting next to me. He was the spice in life that I needed. My life usually ran like clockwork. Keeping to the same routine day in and day out. I could see Jimmy becoming a life long friend. A feeling of eyes scanning me washed over my body, so I turned to Jimmy to see him looking at me. It was as if he was taking a mental picture of me. His eyes would bounce to different areas of my face every now and then.

“Jimmy don’t move.” I said quietly as I noticed something. “You have a spider in your hair.”

Disregarding my order his arms shot up to his head and began waving around like a helicopter. Without his arms to stabilize him his body fell foreword and hit the ground with a thud. I cringed as a sickening crack broke the night’s silence. I got down as fast as I could and went to Jimmy’s side. His wrist was sticking at a nasty angle and the skin was raised in one spot indicating that he had broken something.

“Holy shit Jimmy. Don’t budge an inch. I’ll run and get some help.” I said trying to calm myself down.

“Colie, it’s ok. I’ll be fine, seriously.” he laughed.

“This isn’t funny Jimmy! That looks so gross and I’m getting some help.”

Before he could argue any longer I detached myself from his side and ran away from the field. I was in the wrong area to be looking for help. The school was located in a business section of the city so all the stores were sure to be closed at an hour like this. There was no way that I was going to leave Jimmy for that long a time. Feeling defeated I turned around to head back to the field. The dark outline of the stadium came into view and right as I was about the go through the gate something odd stopped me.


Ok, there was a tie in votes so I just went to both places. Hope that this was ok.


1. Jimmy isn’t there anymore.
2. Jimmy is standing as is perfectly fine.
3. Matt, Johnny, Zacky, and Brian stop her before she gets to Jimmy.

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like i said, hope the whole tie in voting didnt ruffle anyone's feathers.
hope you enjoyed it!

also, if any of your friends like vampire stories, tell them about mine, for i'd be eternally grateful :)