Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


Popping the Question

“Are you serious? He just disappeared on you without saying anything? That’s odd.”

I nodded at my friend’s comment after telling her the story about how Jimmy broke me out of the hospital last night. Instead of sitting at home I went to school today only to be more confused and even slightly angry. Upon entering school this morning I wasn’t sure what I wanted to see. The guys weren’t there in the morning and they were still nowhere to be seen during lunch. After I waited an hour in the gym for my tutoring session with Jimmy I had returned home pissed off. All I was trying to do was help him and the least he could do was show up for half an hour. The thoughts that I had accumulated over the past 24 hours needed to be let out. This is where my best friend came into the picture.

“Yeah, I walked back to the spot where I last saw him and there was no one there. I called his name but he didn’t answer me at all. Plus, he stood me up for his lesson after school today.” I said quietly.

“Colie, he might have found himself some help. Who knows? Maybe he could be at home right now healing.” Kourtney said to reassure me.

“True, I can’t just jump to conclusions. But I still want an explanation why he flaked on me twice.”

“Have patience chick. Now, I brought some stuff over that might cheer you up.” She said with a smile.

She walked out of my room and ran into the living room quickly. I could only imagine what it was until I saw the horror before my eyes.

“No Kourtney! I am not going to be doing this.” I screamed in protest.

“Colie, you promised me that you would go to Homecoming this year.” She fought as she placed the garment bags on my bed. “So I brought some of my sister’s old dresses over for you to try on.”

“I don’t even have a date for the dance and last time I checked neither did you.”

She frowned at me for a second while she thought about this. A troubled feeling hit me as I saw a look of triumph break across her face.

“Lets make a deal. The first person to ask us is whom we’ll go with. Easy enough right? God I pray that someone good asks me.” She laughed loudly.

Before I could argue any further she thrusted a dress bag into my arms and ordered me into the bathroom. The next hour went by like one of those cheesy montages in romantic comedies. I would put a dress on then parade around my room and wait for Kourtney’s verdict. Every dress so far was either the wrong color, cut, or fit on me. Just to make the cliché wardrobe change complete, I finally gained a smile on the last dress.

“If you don’t wear that dress then I will kill you. You really look stunning in that Colie and whoever takes you to homecoming won’t be able to take their eyes off of you.”

I walked over to the full-length mirror on my wall to take in my full appearance. Usually I was never too keen on my looks but this time I had to side with my friend. The dress was a deep scarlet color, almost like blood. The material hugged my body like a glove and came just above my knees so it wouldn’t make me look shorter. I smiled as the gown supported my breasts amazingly well and framed them like a top of a heart.

“All you need now is a great pair of heels and a few accessories.”

“I’m glad you came over Kourt and helped me get this far but you’re wrong on one thing. I still need a date for the dance.”

“Don’t fuss over it. Some handsome man will surely ask you. Well, I better be getting home or Mom will have my ass.”

Giving her a hug good bye I was suddenly engulfed by the silence of the house. Seeking comfort from the loneliness I sought out my cat Mr. Crowley. Once the heavy load of fur was in my arms I wandered into the family room of the house. My body sunk into the material of the huge couch as I prepared myself for a night of the cat, the TV, and me.

I walked into English class the next day at school to see that Brian was there today. Sitting down without a word I began to get my things ready for the class. Feeling Brian’s eyes on me I decided to meet his gave just to see what he wanted from me.

“Yes Brian?” I asked with mild curiosity.

“Long time no see Colie. How’re you feeling?”

“Just like normal. How about you?”

“Can’t complain.” He stated.

It was killing me inside to keep myself from asking him about Jimmy. Surely he must have gone home from the field that night and met up with the guys. Finally, the interest to know what happened that night became too much for me and I caved in.

“So, you guys weren’t in school yesterday and Jimmy wasn’t there for his Biology lesson. Anything wrong?

“No, it’s all good. Zacky didn’t feel like coming and he passed the feeling along to the rest of us. I’m not sure why he never showed up.”

I was going to ask another question but Mr. McManus called the class to order. Brian’s answer quenched my thirst to figure out what happened with Jimmy for the moment. But when he took that fall from the goal post there was no way he could have just gotten up and walked away. Looking at the clock I saw that I only had two hours before lunch. I figured that would be the time to get down to things. The bell rang at the end of class and then I headed off to the last lesson before lunch. Attendance in that class didn’t matter really because I was watching the clock the entire time and didn’t bother paying attention. Once again the bell rang signaling my freedom. I ran out to the tree that Kourtney and I sat at so that I could wait for the guys. Hearing some tree bark crunch next to me I knew that Kourtney had joined me. I was still watching to any sign of the guys when she plopped a pack of poptarts in my lap for me to eat. She earned a grunt of satisfaction from me as I opened the strawberry treats and began to eat my lunch. Hearing Kourtney gasp in surprise I tore my eyes away from the open quad and turned to see what had gone down. A ball of paper was just sitting in her lap and I was about to grab it from her when one hit my lap as well. The two of us exchanged glances and gazed in the direction that my wad of paper had come from. Should I have been surprised to see that Avenged Sevenfold was looking at us with an equal amount of curiosity? We both shrugged and opened up the notes.

Homecoming Dance?

I was shocked. One of them actually asked me to the dance and I suspect Kourtney was asked as well. I glanced down at the signature and it took a few seconds before I was able to make out whom it belonged to.


Blah, blah, blah…you guys know what to do.


1. Matt
2. Brian
3. Jimmy
4. Zacky
5. Johnny

Make me proud readers!!
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from what i can see the few of you who have been commenting seem to like this story which really makes me happy! im glad to see that some odd endings can make a good idea.