Status: I will update as much as possible. It all depends on who comments.


Will You Trust Me?

Holding the movies out to Jimmy I watched as his light blue eyes scanned them. A smile began to tug at his lips when he reached out and chose Queen of the Damned. I nodded at his decision and put the movie in. He already had made a spot for himself on the couch so I sat next to him with a bit of space between him and I. The opening credits started rolling which gave me some time to talk to him before the movie actually got good.

“So, what made you pick this one?”

“Well,” he paused, “vampire movies make me laugh.”

“How do they make you laugh? Most of them are suppose to be scary.” I said being quite serious.

“I don’t get scared easily and some of the stuff they put in those movies is quite laughable.” He said with a grin.

I had to agree with him. In reality, the thought of vampires was funny in my mind. Who really turns into a bat and takes off in the middle of the night? Chuckling at his response I quieted down because Stuart Townsend’s voice drifted through the speakers. The movie was currently at the part where Lestat enters the room that the band was playing in.

“You’re cold-”

“Like death?” Lestat’s eerily calm voice answered the girl.

Hmm…maybe Jimmy is a vampire.

As soon as this thought echoed in my head, laughter burst through my mouth. I can’t even believe that that even entered my mind. It was sheer stupidity. Glancing at Jimmy he was looking at me cautiously.

“Sorry, like you said, these movies can be funny.” I whispered.

He smirked at me like he knew something that I didn’t but I shrugged it off and continued watching the movie. It was hard for me to watch the movie at all because I couldn’t get my mind off the fact that he was next to me and he hadn’t left for some weird reason. These feelings I had were strange. I couldn’t put my finger on it even if I tried. Trying to stay inconspicuous I used my peripheral vision to sneak a peak at Jimmy. The light from the TV screen illuminated his face and made his blue eyes sparkle. Without warning he turned his head and smiled at me. A deep burning spread across my face as his deep laughter floated through the room. If I hadn’t been so embarrassed I would have marveled at how infectious his laugher was.

“Colie, you shouldn’t be so shy. It’s not like you.” He said warmly.

Looking up from my hands, which were tightly clasped together, I was about to ask how he thought this when I felt something on my face. I waited with baited breath as Jimmy slowly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. An uncontrollable shiver ran down my spine as his cool touch found the warmth of my cheek. His hand went back down to his side but the smile was still on his face. Finally regaining control I found the ability to actually spit the words out.

“Why do you think that?” I asked in a barely audible voice.

“From what I’ve seen so far you tend to hold yourself back. On the other hand, when I see you and Kourtney together you have so much life in you.” He explained. “Why do you keep to yourself so much? Why do you keep so much from me?”

I stared in shock at Jimmy at his bold choice of words. But really, I guess this is what I asked for.

“I’m not sure Jimmy. You make me nervous.” I answered.

“You shouldn’t be nervous around me.” He said quietly. “You have nothing to worry about.”

“Still, I’m confused as to why you would talk to me. I’m not one of the pretty girls in school and I’m not some badass that’s going to skip class with you everyday. I’m nothing special.” I honestly said.

“Colie, look at who the guys and I hang out with. No one, that’s who. If we didn’t think that you were special do you think that we would have connected with you like we have? Do you think that I would have asked you to the dance?”

“But all of this was just so sudden.” I stated. “I wasn’t sure what to make out off these new people entering my life. I’ve only really had one person ever get close to me and that is Kourtney.”

“I know how you feel.” He murmured. “I haven’t let someone get to me like this for a long time. In fact, I’m not sure if I ever have before.”

We both fell silent at this point. To make this even weirder, the only noise was coming from the music in the background during the sex scene of the movie.

“Colie,” he whispered, “can I ask you something?”

“Sure Jimmy. What is it?”

“I want you to promise me something. This may seem weird but it will put my mind at ease. Colie; just say that you’ll trust me no matter what happens. Can I have your trust and support?”

“Well Jimmy,” I responded while wearing a small grin, “you haven’t steered me wrong yet and I don’t have a reason why I shouldn’t. But why are you asking me this?”

“I just needed to know, that’s all.”

I nodded to show him I understood but on the inside I was confused. It wasn’t clear to me why he seemed to be so intent on asking me that, but if it made him feel better then I guess I could trust him a little more. My attention went back to the movie to watch what was left when yet another odd thing happened. Butterflies erupted into my now clenched stomach as Jimmy’s arm went around my shoulders. Putting away any warnings my mind was throwing at me I relaxed into his touch and snuggled closer to his body. Resting my head on his shoulder we continued to watch the rest of the movie in this position. The ending credits began to roll but neither of us moved. I think we were both too comfortable to want to break away from the other person. Jimmy’s head lowered toward my ear in an attempt to whisper something.

“Can I ask what color of dress you are wearing so that I am prepared for tomorrow night?”

Smiling sweetly I got up from the couch and pulled him up after me. I lead him into my room and turned on the lights, which lit up the pitch-black room. My dress was hanging on a hook on my wall when I reached up to grab it. Unzipping the garment bag I pulled the cover off to reveal the scarlet dress.

“Kourtney said this was the only one that looked good on me.” I explained as I twirled it around on the hanger.

“I don’t believe that.” He stated with a sly smirk.

“What a charmer.” I retorted.

“I have my ways.” He chuckled with a slight gleam in his blue eyes. Glancing at the alarm clock on my nightstand his face turned into a grimace. “I should be home by now. The guys are expecting me and they didn’t know I was coming here.”

My dress was put back on the hanger and I followed Jimmy as he made his way to the door. He turned the doorknob and had half of his body out of the frame before he turned around.

“It was nice being here tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I stood there and watched him leave. The black abyss swallowed his body just at the end of my driveway. It almost saddened me to see him leave. Just as we made some improvement on our friendship it stopped abruptly. Walking back into my room I changed into some clothes to sleep in. Green shorts and a white tank were the choice of the evening. Mr. Crowley finally came out of his hiding spot and waited for me to slip into my warm bed. A yawn escaped my lips as I pulled the sheets up to my chin. My eyelids drooped heavily and I finally drifted off to sleep with the help of thoughts about the dance tomorrow.

thunk…thunk THUNK

Whoever was knocking on my front door was going to pay for waking me up. Rolling out of bed I saw that it was only 8:42 am. Death threats were said under my breath as I grumpily opened the door to see who wanted to die today.


Ok guys here are the choices!

Who woke up Colie from her beauty sleep?

1. Kourtney
2. Her parents
3. The police

Winner winner chicken dinner!
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I'm so glad to see that a lot of you are really taking to this story! Right now this is my favorite one to update and I love doing it for you guys.

Please leave some love for the writer :)