Status: Indefinite Hiatus.

The Adventures of the Mini-Kaulitz Twins!

Chapter 3

Tom’s POV

“How the hell could you mistake them for US?!” I yelled, throwing my hands in the air. The interview had long since been over and everyone had freaked out about the two imposters that had taken our place. What we hadn’t known though, was that Georg and Gustav had been responsible for that.

“They looked just like you guys! And they ACTED just like you guys too! If you were in our shoes you wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference either!” Georg yelled half heartedly from his chair in mine and Bill’s living room. “The fake Bill even yelled at me for trying to take his Gummy Bears!”

“Just calm down you guys. Nothing is going to get solved if we sit here and yell at each other!” Gustav spoke next. He was right though.

“The other guy that they had with them was following them around with a video camera…Maybe if we search around we can find out who they are!” Georg said after a moment as I collapsed onto the couch next to Bill.

“Good idea! Come on!” Bill bounced out of his seat and started heading down the hall for the computer room. By the time the three of us got in there he was already typing away on his laptop. He pulled up youtube and started searching through the most recently added videos.

“This is going to take forever!” I grumbled, looking over Bill’s shoulder.

“Then get on YOUR computer and HELP ME!” He snapped. He wanted to find these guys just as much as I did. I still couldn’t believe that they had looked enough like us to fool our own band mates! So I went over to my own laptop and turned it on.

“How are we going to know if it’s them or not…?” Georg asked when I got on to youtube and started searching.

“They will probably put our names in the title somewhere of course…” I said, glaring at the computer screen in concentration. We have to find these two on our own because there was no way the cops would be able to do it. We didn’t know what they looked like for real or anything.

Hayden’s POV

Our video’s had been getting hit ALL NIGHT AND DAY! It was amazing. We got a lot of comments, some from disgruntled fans, some from fans that thought we looked exactly like the twins, and some from people who thought it was our funniest prank yet!

“Damn you guys, listen to this one… 'How DARE you girls pose as the twins! I hope you get arrested!’” I mocked in a rather high pitched voice. Some of these people were just stupid. Don’t people know how to take a joke? Well…My boobs don’t. Because they still hurt. I’m never masquerading as a guy ever again. I’m serious. And I don’t think I’ll be able to wear a bra for the next week either.

“Stupid bitches, no one understands that it’s a PRANK! It wasn’t OUR fault that Georg and Gustav couldn’t tell the difference between us and their own band mates.” Joss quipped with a mouthful of Lemon Sorbet.

“Most of the people that have commented love it though! So who cares about them. We just need to home that we really DON’T get arrested for this.” Sasha said.

“Well, all they have from the videos are our first names. They don’t know what we really look like, they don’t have our last names…” I stopped and thought for a minute before going through our videos and clicking on the 3rd one. The ending of that video had COMPLETELY gave us away… “BUT THEY KNOW WHERE WE LIVE!! NEIN!” I yelled, pointing at the video. It showed us running at the apartment complex, and up to our apartment…

“We need to take that shit down and re-edit before someone we don’t want to find it FINDS IT!” Sasha yelled, pushing me over and deleting the video. It had already been up for most of the day so who the hell knows who has already seen it!

Josceline’s POV

We are all gonna go to jail! We are GOING TO JAIL! We have NEVER made the mistake of putting a video up that showed where we lived…EVER!

“I can’t believe this…What if someone sent it to the cops or something?” I was now shoveling my Lemon Sorbet into my mouth, trying to think happy thoughts.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. Most people don’t even pay attention to shit like that.” Sasha said as she kept editing out that last part of the video.

“How can you say not to worry! You won’t be the one getting arrested for impersonating celebrities!” Hayden yelled, jumping to her feet.

“CHILL OUT! Sheisse! I’m trying to get this FINISHED!” It was a rare thing for Sasha to yell, but when she did we listened…She can be a little scary sometimes.

“You do have to admit though. I was the perfect Bill.” I said, nodding to my own words.

“Oh shut up Joss…” Hayden grumbled, heading off to the kitchen.

“Grab me a coke!” I yelled after her. I feel like being lazy. So sue me!

“Let’s just look at it this way.” Hayden started as she came back into the room, handing me my requested coke before sitting down on the couch again with her own. “If someone that we didn’t want to see it has seen it the cops would already be beating on our door. Plus what do they care? They probably get impersonated all the time…” She finished, cracking the can open.

“You’re right…Let’s just relax and enjoy the feedback!” I said, bouncing happily in the comfy recliner I was sitting in.

Tom’s POV

After quite a few hours of searching through the endless videos one caught my eye…It was called ‘The Adventures of the Mini-Kaulitz twins!’.

“Guys come and look at this…” I muttered, clicking on the link and waiting for it to load up before hitting play. There they were!

‘This is Sasha here guys with another prank from the girls you all love…Josceline and Hayden! Today, as you can plainly see, the girls are dressed up as the infamous Kaulitz twins. We are planning to hit the streets and see just how many people actually think that these two are the real deal!’ Obviously a girls voice said, pointing the camera at our imposters…

“They’re GIRLS?!” Georg yelled and we all simultaneously told him to shut up.

‘Shut UP! Don’t let anyone hear you!’ The GIRL that was impersonating me whispered at the camera. We watched the whole first video all the way through and then I noticed that there were 2 more…So I clicked on the second one and when it was done loading I pressed play.

“They ARE good…” Bill said from my right side, but my eyes were all for that video. He was right though. They were pretty much perfect with it.

“There has GOT to be something in these videos that will help us catch them…” I mumbled when we got to the last video. It started off with them in a pretty dirty looking men’s room. They were all trying to figure out a way out of that interview and complaining about their boobs being squashed. We all couldn’t help but laugh at that part. These girls were funny…But I still wanted to catch them for impersonating us.

‘Well, how about we sneak out of here and ditch them? Oh man… my Gummy Bears are all gone!’ The girl that was impersonating Bill complained, looking sadly into her empty bag.

“She’s got you down to a tee Bill.” Georg said. It went through until they got to the interview…Us showing up and them running away and heading for an apartment complex. I knew where that was too…It showed which building, which floor AND which number…I paused the video and scribbled down the number on the door.

“Got it!” I said, smiling triumphantly. “What are we waiting for?” I asked.

“Tomorrow. I’m tired and I want sleep.” Bill said and I just groaned.

“Fine! But we are going over there FIRST thing in the morning!” I said and that was the end of that.

“I still can’t believe you guys thought they were us though. Really, they are shorter then us! How could you NOT notice.” Bill said as we left the computer room.

“We were just worried about the fact that we were already late for the interview.” Gustav said, shrugging his shoulders. Yeah, right. I was wondering though, just what the hell those girls actually looked like for real. They had been good enough passing at my brother and I to get one over on the fans, Gustav AND Georg, plus the interviewer! Maybe our mom had quadruplets and just didn’t tell us about it…? Nein, not very likely. But still, it was pretty weird to say the least.

Hayden’s POV

The next morning I was woken up by a loud knock on the door. I grumbled and flung my blankets aside, cursing under my breath as I threw my long dreads into a pony tail and headed out of my room. When I got to the door I tried to look out the peep hole but someone had it covered…That got me worried.

“Who the hell is it?” Joss asked from behind me and I swiftly made a shooshing motion.

“They have the peep hole covered…” I whispered when she came to stand next to me. The knock came again and both of us jump.

“Will ONE of you TRAMPS get the DAMN door?!” I hate Sasha in the morning…That is the only time I ever hate that girl.

“I’m not answering it.” Joss said and I nodded in agreement. We never really got visitors much, and when we did it wasn’t ass early in the morning…

Josceline’s POV

“Who the hell would be so damn persistent?!” I whispered harshly to Hayden as we stayed by the door. Sasha came out at the third knock and was about to wrench the door open but we both grabbed one arm and hauled her back.

“What the hell?!” She yelled and I slapped my hand over her mouth.

“Shut UP! Who ever is out there is covering the peep hole! We don’t want to answer it and now you just gave it away that we are HOME! Stupid!” Hayden grouched in one of those yell whispers. She chewed nervously on her lip ring as we stared at the door…A FOURTH knock came seconds later…

“What are we going to do? They already know we are here…” I said, still gazing nervously at the door.

“I guess we have no choice…” Hayden said with a sigh.

Tom’s POV

As promised we went to that apartment the next morning. Bill knocked first and thinking quickly I covered that damn peep hole. If they knew it was us they wouldn’t answer for sure…After a moment or two we could just vaguely hear two people arguing and then one person shouting in the back round. I knocked next and they still didn’t answer.

‘What the hell?!’ We heard someone yell from the other side of the door and then silence again…Gustav knocked next and still we waited.

“We know they’re home…They might as well just answer…” Bill said, crossing his arms over his chest impatiently. Georg knocked last and we were left waiting once more. But finally…FINALLY the door was opened and we were greeted by our imposters in their pajamas…
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo hoo! 2 in one day kids! Allie here of course with Chapter 3! Hope you enjoy it cause I know Zitrone and I are having a blasty blast with this story!