Status: Indefinite Hiatus.

The Adventures of the Mini-Kaulitz Twins!

Chapter 33

Tom’s POV

Sleeping is such a chore when my mind is so full of wondering what the hell it was I did to land myself in such hot water with Hayden again. No one will tell me what I did and I can’t seem to figure it out! If anyone out there would like to fill me in I would be eternally thankful…But seriously…I have been drifting in and out of sleep all night and just when I think I’m going to fall into a nice deep sleep, SHE pops into my head at random and I’m wide awake again! It’s almost 5am already and I still haven’t gotten any sleep!

So much has happened in such a short amount of time that it’s kinda hard to pull one thing up and say ‘This has to be why she’s so mad at me right now!’. I’m never gonna get a good nights sleep again if I don’t sort this out!

Sasha’s POV

Alright, let me set this up for it. Its 8am right now…And I’m completely awake. And I’ve got to wake everyone but Tom and Hayden up so that we can discuss the current issue of their constant fighting! So I am armed with a large pillow…And my current target is Gustav, who is sleeping like a baby…He’s almost too cute to wake up right now…But TOO BAD! Swinging the pillow hard it made the loudest noise and poor sleeping beauty woke up screaming…Which is my cue to run like hell.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!?!” Gustav yelled, making me laugh at the top of my lungs as I ran.

“TIME TO GET UP!” I yelled, still laughing. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see him emerging from the bedroom looking murderous. “Shit!”

“Was that really needed?!” He growled, chasing after me around the hotel suite.

“Yes! You’re a heavy sleeper and we have planning to do!” I yelled back, running in circles around the couches.

“Planning for what?! Me killing you for waking me up?!”

“No! To get Tom and Hayden to stop fighting once and for all!!!” I squealed, continuing to run. I’m really running out of steam quick here, this sucks! I should have found a nicer way to wake him up!

“Oh…Right.” He said, finally stopping and yawning. “Well…Who are we waking up next? I think YOU should wake up Bill and Joss and I’ll wake up Georg and we can meet in Bill and Tom’s suite.”

“Why do I have to wake them?!” I replied, trying to catch my breath.

“Because you decided it would be a good idea to wake me up by HITTING ME WITH A PILLOW AS HARD AS YOU COULD! Have fun.” He said, smiling brightly and walking out to wake Georg.

“Ugh…This is going to suck…” I muttered to myself. Of course I get stuck with the two hardest people to wake up ever. Fun times…So I walked out, heading for Bill and Tom’s suite, knowing that Joss had probably stayed with him and walked in to find the whole place completely silent. I walked straight into Bill’s bedroom, seeing nothing but a pile of blankets and a very strange looking tangle of limbs that could only be Joss and Bill. “Well…Here it goes…GET THE FUCK UP NOW!” I yelled into Joss’ ear, knowing she would be the best bet.

“Oh my god what the hell do you want…?” She grumbled without opening her eyes.

“We have planning to do to get Hayden and Tom to make up again. So wake up lover boy here and meet us all in the living area pronto!” I ordered, crossing my arms over my chest.

“You’re out of your head…” She bitched, cuddling closer to Bill.

“Get the hell out of bed before I go get the ice bucket!!!” I threatened and her eyes popped open almost instantly.

“Fine, fine…Just get out. We’ll be out in a minute.” And through all that, Bill didn’t even MOVE! I swear I could have probably set a bomb off right next to his ear and he wouldn’t budge…That kid has problems. So I walked out and was instantly greeted by a very tousled looking Georg following Gustav over to the couches. I followed suit, sitting down next to Gustav and leaning my head against his shoulder.

“If I didn’t want the fighting to stop so badly I would kill you both right now…” Georg muttered through a large yawn, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair in an attempt to tame it. Not soon after he said this Joss and Bill came stumbling out of his room, red eyed and looking ready to drop back into sleep at the first possible moment.

“I hate you so much right now…” Bill bitched as he and Joss both dropped onto the couch with Georg and collapsed into each other.

“You won’t hate us after the fighting is done with.” I said, glaring at the three of them.

“So what are we gonna do about it? The only time they seemed to get over their problems was when they were trapped in that elevator…” Georg said, leaning back into the couch and closing his eyes…All was silent for a moment until Joss suddenly sat up, making Bill fall over with her eyes suddenly as wide open as they could ever get this early in the morning without coffee in her.

“That’s it…We just have to trap them in close quarters again so that they have no choice but to talk!” She said, smiling and getting that very Hayden like gleam in her eyes.

“And how are we supposed to do that?” Bill asked as he slowly sat back up.

“Just shove them in a closet and lock them in or something…” Gustav finally spoke up.

“That’s…Surprisingly simple and brilliant.” I said, smiling. “Let’s do it. And we’ll leave them in there until its time to go…What time ARE we leaving anyways?”

“Around 2pm I think…” Georg piped up.

“That should be enough time…We’ll wake them both at 11 if they aren’t already awake, let them get ready and make them think we’re just going to drag them to breakfast, have Hayden meet us in here and shove them both in a closet and lock it up!” I’m brilliant and I didn’t even know it! Hah! This is gonna be fun.

Tom’s POV

Oh my god…It feels like I just got to sleep finally and now I can hear people talking in the living area…Why are people even UP right now anyways! So of course, I got up to see what the fuss was all about, binding up my dreads quickly and pulling on a pair of sweats. I yanked the door open and was met with the site of everyone but Hayden awake and sitting on the couches…Even Joss and Bill were up!

“What…The…HELL ARE YOU DOING AWAKE RIGHT NOW!!! GET OUT! I HAVEN’T SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, scaring everyone and making them halt whatever conversation I had just interrupted.

“Holy shit. Sorry man…” Gustav said first as everyone else stared at me with wide eyes.

“Just…Go away or stop talking.” I said gruffly before slamming the door shut again and collapsing back onto the large bed. “They’re all insane…” I grumbled to myself, turning onto my side and trying to fall asleep…

Hayden’s POV

“Hayden get up and get ready we’re going to breakfast!!!” Man is her voice annoying first thing in the morning…

“Go away Joss, I’m not hungry.” I growled, pulling the thick blankets over my head in an attempt to ignore her presence.

“To bad you’re getting up and coming with us anyway! GET UP YOU USELESS LUMP!!!” She screamed at the top of her voice, making me wince as she yanked the covers from over me.

“I hate you…Go die in a hole.” I growled back, finally opening my eyes and sitting up.

“Sure, sure. Whatever, just get up and get ready. We’re all meeting in Bill and Tom’s room.” She said, waving off what I said and walking out. Knowing that I wouldn’t get back to sleep anyways I got up and showered, pulling on a pair of jeans and a tank top for the day and pulling my dreads back in a pony tail out and out of my way.

The suite was empty when I left my bedroom and I sighed, shaking my head a little when I remembered that she said we were gonna meet up in the twins room…Great. A whole morning spent in Tom’s company. I hope my temper holds out long enough to get some coffee…So I headed over, yawning still and walked into the room to find everyone in there.

“Lets get this over with…I still need to pack.” I said, catching everyone’s attention.

“Don’t be so grumpy, you can go back to sleep on the bus.” Sasha said, smiling a little as everyone started getting up and heading my head…Which of course wasn’t unusual since I was still standing in front of the door…But then something incredibly horrible happened…THEY ALL GANGED UP ON ME AND TOM AND SHOVED US INTO THE DAMN CLOSET RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOOR!!!

“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ALL ABOUT!!!” Tom shouted, banging on the door. I just barely heard the faint sound of a lock clicking into place and soon joined him.

“We aren’t letting you out until you’ve sorted out this mess you guys call a relationship! Have fun!” Joss’ voice sounded.

“We’ll see you in a few hours!” Sasha added and then the only sound to be heard was the sound of Tom and I yelling and beating on the door. We soon gave up though and sank onto the floor as far away from one another as the small space would allow.

“I can’t believe they did this…” Tom grumbled, hitting the door with his fist one last time.

“Well I don’t blame them, they have all been in the middle of this shit.” I snapped back, crossing my arms over my chest.

“If you would just tell me what the hell I did to piss you off I could have tried to fix it by now and we wouldn’t be in this mess!” Oh yeah…Here we go again. Thanks guys…

Joss’ POV

Yay! It worked!! And we don’t have to deal with their stupid fighting ALL MORNING!!! And I still have gummy bears left, so all in all today is a success!

“I hope they don’t kill each other in there while we’re gone.” Bill said as we walked hand in hand behind everyone else on our way to breakfast.

“Nah…Hayden has enough sense left not to kill him.” I said, “Let’s just hope that they make up.”

“They better! Cause I’m not spending a whole 2 weeks locked on that bus with them if they’re still fighting!” Sasha said over her shoulder.

“Well if they haven’t made up we’ll just have to have an intervention. It’s not like they can run very far on the bus.” Georg said, shrugging his shoulders. After that was said we changed the subject, talking about how we should deal with the new chaos emerging already from the pictures of Bill and I in the magazines…Man I hope I don’t get hunted down and killed for this…And if I do I will haunt Gustav for the rest of his natural life!!

Tom’s POV

“Just tell me what I did…” I sighed out finally after a full 20 minutes of silence…The silence was worse then her yelling at me to tell you the truth, at least when she yells at me I know she’s paying attention.

“Fine, how about we start with your inability to figure out what the hell you want?!” She snapped out, the glint of her eyes just visible from the small amount of light filtering in from under the door.

“What do you mean? I always know what I want!” I said back, totally confused now.

“At the bar the other day you didn’t.” That thought triggered it and suddenly I remembered when she started being mad at me all over again…Georg asked if me and Hayden were together and I just shrugged it off like it was nothing after what happened in the elevator…The image of her stalked off after telling me she wouldn’t want to tarnish my playboy reputation flashed in my mind and I groaned aloud.

“Figured it out have you?” She snapped again, her arms still crossed tightly over her chest.

“Yeah…I didn’t know something like that would upset you!” I said back, watching her as my eyes finally adjusted to the darkness of the small closet.

“Well maybe if you thought with something besides your dick you would realize that I actually do have feelings for you!” My eyes widened as far as they could go when she let that slip through her anger and she quickly silenced herself, closing her eyes.

Gustav’s POV

It’s been so nice having a quiet and relaxing morning for once. No bickering, no shouting, no fist fights and no pranks. Now if only every day could be this enjoyable…

“How do you think its going?” Sasha asked everyone around the table. We hadn’t gone too far, just to a small café down the street from the hotel, but both the food and the coffee was great.

“Probably better then it would be going if we just left them to continue fighting about stupid shit.” Georg said, setting his coffee cup down on the table.

“Well, it’s not exactly stupid…Tom’s just stupid for not realizing that he made a mistake.” Joss said next, adding her two cents to the pot.

“He is a bit clueless isn’t he?” Bill said with a sigh, “How I ended up with him for a twin is beyond me sometimes.” He continued with a shake of his head.

“Well, hopefully they figure it out and we can start getting a little bit of peace and quiet.” I said, smiling a little as Sasha leaned over to rest her head on my shoulder.

“You do know Gustav…That if I get murdered by crazy fans because of those pictures from YOUR camera…That I will haunt you until you die right?” Joss said suddenly, making my eyes widen. Shit…She’s really pissed about that still…

“Wow, that’s really sounded like something Hayden would say. Hah. Good luck Gustav!” Georg said, barking out a loud laugh as I glared at him.

“Go to hell Hagen…” I muttered, making him straighten in his chair.

“Don’t call me that!!” He yelled, catching the attention of most of the people in the café.

Hayden’s POV

“I don’t know anything about being in a relationship Hayden…I wouldn’t know what to do at all!” Tom said finally after a long, tense moment of silence had passed between us.

“Its not rocket science Tom…And besides, I’m not going to force you into a relationship just to make peace. You’re a womanizer, it’s what you do.” I said, though not really happy about it…Especially since I knew it was the truth.

“I want to try though…” He said and it took me a minute to work out what he’d just said.

“You…You what?!” I shouted suddenly, making him jump as if I’d slapped him.

“I didn’t stutter did I? I want to try. I do like you despite all the stupid shit you’ve pulled on me since we met.

“Seriously…?” I asked, kind of disgusted with the hopeful tone in my voice.

“Will you go out with me?” He said so quickly that I almost didn’t understand him. But a smile spread across my lips as I replied.

“Yeah…Now call your brother and tell them to get back here and let us the hell out! I’m starving!” He smiled in return and nodded, fishing his phone out of one of his huge pockets and quickly dialing Bill.

Joss’ POV

I jumped at the sudden blaring of someone’s cell phone and pouted a bit when Bill had to move away from me to answer.

“You better be calling to tell me that you’ve-,” He started quickly as soon as he answered, but was apparently interrupted. “You aren’t just messing with me right…?” He said after a moment and now had everyone’s attention. “Holy shit it’s a miracle. We’ll be back in a few.” He said, a huge grin breaking out across his face as he clicked his phone shut.

“What, what?!” Sasha exclaimed.

“Apparently they’ve made up…And Tom grew some balls and asked her out!!!” Bill said loudly as we all practically jumped out of our chairs.

“This is way too good to be true man.” Georg said as we all rushed to leave, throwing money on the table to pay for everything. It didn’t take us all long to get back to the hotel and before long we were all bursting into the Twin’s suite and finally unlocking the closet door. And there they were, sitting on the floor together…SMILING! Oh my god I could cry right about now.

“Holy shit it’s bright!” Hayden said as they both stood up and clamored out of the little coat closet. “I think I’m blind…” She grumbled, rubbing at her eyes and blinking against the light of the world outside the closet.

“Damn…I hate you guys, never do that again, it was like the elevator all over again.” Tom said, shaking his head.

“So you guys really made up?” Sasha said quickly.

“Yeah.” Hayden replied as Tom nodded. “And now I want food. And since you bastards already ate me and Tomi boy get to go on our own while Joss packs my stuff for me!” Well, things SEEM to be…Wait a minute…WHAT?!

“Excuse me?! Who said I was going to pack your stuff for you!?” I shouted, making everyone laugh.

“Well, you’re my room mate still and you guys locked us in a closet with no food. So…Have fun packing! See ya later!” She quipped, grabbing Tom by the arm and practically dragging him from the room before I could say anything else on the matter.


“Well, its better then those two fighting still. I’ll help you.” Bill said, making me smile.

“Great. Let’s just hope they aren’t planning any payback…” I said and a shudder passed through the whole group.

“Didn’t think about that now did we…?” Gustav said, shaking his head.

“Nope…Oh well, nothing can be worse then those two at each others throats…I hope…” Georg said. This is going to suck…
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Holy crap its ALLIE! Oh my god you guys I'm sooo sorry for how long its been since an update...Seriously. I was dealing with some major writers block and then when I got it back my writing style changed so dramatically that it was hard to come back to this style again...And then writers block hit again and I'm just really sorry...And I'm really sorry if this isn't up to your standards...Ugh. SORRY!!! And much love to anyone who is still sticking to this story!!! THANK YOU! And I'm also sorry if anything is not right...Its been to long...Its only 9 pages. FORGIVE MEEE!!!!