Status: Indefinite Hiatus.

The Adventures of the Mini-Kaulitz Twins!

Chapter 35

Hayden’s POV

Of all the things for those two to think they could whip US at…Bumper cars. Honestly? They’re out of their damn minds if they think they can take us. When they accepted our challenge I looked at Tom and threw a smirk his way and as soon as he saw it he returned it and leaned in close to whisper in my ear as we waited for other people to be finished with the ride.

“If you can get Sasha stuck in a corner the both of us can take Gustav out easy…” He muttered and I nodded, watching the pair in front of us to see if they were paying attention…Luckily though, they probably already thought that our revenge on them was complete and didn’t notice a thing. Finally the other people started getting out of the cars and heading for the exit gate, so I took the opportunity to peek around Tom and was glad to see that we were the only people interested in riding the bumper cars at the moment.

“This is just to perfect…” I muttered, grinning like a fool.

“Okay, you four just wait a moment while I get most of the other cars out of the way.” The operator said once the last person had vacated the area.

“I haven’t been on bumper cars in so long.” Gustav commented, looking a bit less sick then he did when we showed up to torment them.

“Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” Sasha asked again, leaning against him. It was kind of weird to see if you weren’t used to it because Sasha was, unfortunately, quite a bit taller then Gustav, but they didn’t seem to care.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” He assured her for the millionth time.

“Anyway, after this we’ll need to find Georg and get back to the bus, we have to be at the venue in an hour.” I reminded them, watching all the cars being moved away until there were just four left. Once the operator was back he opened the gate and the four of us rushed in, Tom and I going for the two closest cars and hopping in while Gustav and Sasha took the remaining two.

“Bring it on wimps!” Tom shouted, smiling broadly.

“You couldn't beat us even if we were blindfolded and driving with one hand!” Sasha shouted back, making me laugh.

“When’s the last time you drove a car Sasha!” I said, grinning wickedly when her face dropped.

“You do know how to drive right…?” Gustav asked, now looking a little worried.

“Of course I do! I just don’t do it that often because I have really bad luck with car accidents…” She told him, making me laugh hard and as soon as the operator told us we were good to go, both Tom and I stomped on the accelerator. I went straight for Sasha, slamming into the front ride side of her little car.

“Damn! Take it easy Hayden!” She yelled, laughing a little and trying to get away. I looked over at Tom to see that he had successfully pushed Gustav out of the way so I went for it, backing up just enough to ram into the front of her car this time, pushing her towards a corner while she turned the wheel in an attempt to get away…but all she did was help me wedge her into the corner good and tight.

“Hah!” I shouted, laughing my head off and wheeling myself away from her while she cursed and tried to get herself out of the corner. I turned my head just in time to see that Gustav had broken away from Tom and was heading straight for me, so with a large smile I accelerated. I could see Tom coming in behind him in his own little car, and this was the perfect moment to smash him…Hah. Gustav finally seemed to realize that I wasn’t backing down, but just a little to late. The front of our two cars smashed together and not a moment later did Tom’s car collide with the back of Gustav’s.

“Alright! I give up! I’m hurt! Just stop already!” Gustav shouted, one hand wrapped around the back of his neck. The operator, having heard the shout, shut off whatever makes the cars be able to move then and told us to get the hell out.

“Was that really necessary you guys?!” Sasha shouted as she ran over, having pulled herself out of her bumper car. She helped Gustav out and glared at the pair of us as we got out of our own.

“Didn’t mean to injure him or anything…But yeah. It was necessary.” I responded.

“Ugh…I think I have whiplash…” Gustav groaned, heading off with Sasha.

“You two can go find Georg while we go back to the bus then!” Sasha shouted, back to us as they headed towards the exit of the ride.

“Oh shit…I forgot about Georg. Oh man…He’s gonna hate us. I hope he hasn’t died in there.” Tom said and we rushed off to let Georg out of the porta-potty. “How are we gonna get him out?” Tom asked as we found the one we left him in.

“Is that you Tom?! GET ME OUT OF HERE NOW BEFORE I DIE!” Georg yelled dramatically, making me roll my eyes.

“Just wait a second you big baby.” I said, searching through my pockets for the knife I usually carried on me. I plucked it from the very bottom of my back pocket and flicked it open, ignoring the strange look I got from Tom and hacking away the duct tape. The door came flying open then and out stumbled Georg, looking a horrible mess and smelling, well…Like an outhouse. Hah!

“Oh man…You should probably shower before the gig or something. You reek.” Tom said, laughing and still holding the Unicorn stuffy I’d won.

“I hate you guys…At least I’m not carrying around a girls toy!” Georg spat, following us glumly back to the bus.

“Hayden won it for me…” Tom grumbled, hanging his head a little. I just laughed loudly, pulling open the door of the bus and getting in, the two guys following right after.

Tom’s POV

I only felt bad about Georg smelling like shit until he made fun of my Unicorn. It isn’t MY fault that game was rigged! As soon as we walked onto the bus I saw Joss and Bill sitting at the table with sour looks on their faces.

“Holy…Oh my god what is that smell?!” Joss yelled suddenly, pulling her shirt up over her nose as Bill tested the air and gagged, following suit.

“These assholes locked me in a porta-potty for TWO HOURS!” Georg wailed, rushing up the stairs to the bunk area to change.

“We’ll have to burn those clothes…I don’t think that smell is ever gonna come out.” Hayden said, looking proud of herself as she sat down on the couch. I joined her, laughing my head off.

“Whats with you two? You look awfully unhappy for two people who just got laid.” I quipped, throwing an arm over Hayden’s shoulders and setting the stuffed animal off to the side.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bill’s voice said through his shirt.

“We were TRYING to have a nice dinner together, but thanks to you jerks injuring Gustav it was ruined!” The bus was moving now, heading for the venue so we could get set up and do the sound check.

“We didn’t mean to hurt him.” Hayden said, a look of actual guilt flashing across her face.

“Well you did! You should have been more careful!” Joss yelled, “I hope you guys are satisfied, you’ve gotten us all back alright?”

“Yeah, yeah. We’re done messing with you guys.” I said, snatching the remote up and turning on the TV.

Gustav’s POV

Oh…I hate them so much right now. My neck hurts like a bitch! I know that injuring me was not their intent, but they were definitely careless…Then again, having Sasha giving me a massage is a lovely reward for dealing with those two.

“Is it feeling any better?” Sasha asked just as I started drifting off into Lala land.

“Mmm…We’ll see when we make it to the venue and I actually have to get up…” I murmured, receiving a chuckle from the red haired girl.

“They should have been more careful.” She said, using her long artists fingers to work through the knots in my neck.

“They didn’t mean to. I’ll be fine. It’s not like I broke anything.” I said, finding it hard to still be mad at them when I got a free massage out of it.

“Still though, you could have and then who would play tonight?” I didn’t bother responding to that, knowing that she knew full well that if I had broken anything the show would have to be canceled.

“I just hope they’ve gotten it all out of their systems…Georg is going to smell like an outhouse for days.” I said, laughing just a little about that. My band mate and friend had come up stairs, cursing and muttering dark things under his breath as he changed.

“HEY! STOP FUCKING AND GET DOWN HERE! WE’RE ALREADY THERE!” The loud voice of Hayden shouted for us and I groaned, not wanting to get up yet.

“FUCK YOU HAYDEN! IT’S YOUR FAULT HE HAS WHIPLASH IN THE FIRST PLACE!” Sasha yelled back, but still she stopped and got out of the bunk.

“Sorry Sasha! I can’t take you up on that offer anymore! I’m taken!” Hayden said back, which brought out a loud barking laugh from Tom. As I got out of the bunk I rolled my neck around, it still ached like hell, but it was good enough to play.

Sasha’s POV

The sound check went alright for the most part, Bill is a little upset though because Tom and Georg kept messing about. But I’m sure that once the show turns out to be a total success he’ll forget all about it…Oh yeah, and did I mention that Hayden is now is a sour mood? She’s been sulking around ever since we saw on the schedule that there would be fans back stage again after the show…Tom has been trying to console her since they finished the sound check but she’ll have none of it.

“Come on Hayden…You know we can’t go public or anything, think of the backlash that would cause you if everyone knew about us.” Tom said, following his dreadlocked counterpart about the green room as she put the finishing touches on all of the stuff we had to set up. The rest of us were just sitting around on the couches, watching the pair with cautious eyes.

“That doesn’t mean I have to like the fact that you’ll be flirting with mindless skanks.” She quipped, heading over to the guitar rack that was still yet to be moved to side stage for the show and pulled one down, checking the tuning.

“She’s trying to keep herself busy so she doesn’t rip his head off.” Joss whispered to all of us and I nodded in agreement.

“It’s just flirting though! It’s not like I’ll be going home with them or anything.” It was a little pathetic watching him try so hard, but amusing all at the same time.

“This is actually kinda funny…” Georg muttered, “I’ve never seen Tom try so hard to get a girl to not be mad at him.” He laughed a little and we all echoed that sentiment.

“No, but they’ll be hanging all over you, giggling like idiots, trying to grope you. I really don’t want to talk about this anymore.” Hayden answered, putting the first guitar away after she was satisfied that it was tuned correctly and pulling down another to repeat the process.

“And you’ll be watching like a hawk to make sure they DON’T grope me. And I give you full permission to step in and say you need me for something if they get out of hand, but I can’t just ignore everyone and sit in a corner until they’ve gone!” But the dreadlocked girl had ceased paying any attention to him at all, and when he didn’t get a response from her he hung his head and slunk off towards us, sitting on the couch beside his twin and Joss.

“Tough break Tom, and you guys just stopped fighting.” Georg said, receiving a scathing glare from the elder twin that could send anyone running off in the opposite direction.

“And just how are you going to explain smelling like an outhouse to the fans huh?” He snapped, slouching in his seat and crossing his arms over his chest, totally defeated.

“Wow, that’s way harsh.” Gustav said, but still not managing to hide a laugh.

“Haha, very funny, yeah I get it. I smell bad. Thanks.” Georg grumped.

“Come on Tom, lay off. It’s not his fault you’re striking out with Hayden already.” Bill jumped in, nudging his twin, who sent a glare his way as well.

“Seriously though, Hayden will be fine again once it’s all over and we’re back on the bus.” Joss said, trying and failing to help Bill out to make Tom feel better.

“Yeah, she won’t stay mad for long now that you’ve found your brain and asked her out.” I offered, but it seemed like he had stopped listening to all of us as he turned his gaze back to said girl, who was still making herself completely busy and ignoring everyone. And it seemed like he wasn’t ready to quit just yet as he got up and headed her way once more.

“She’s gonna hurt him if he doesn’t quit.” Joss said, shaking her head as we, once again, made like we were watching some program on TV and watched the pair. Just as Hayden put the guitar she was messing with back on the rack Tom walked up and snaked his arms around her waist, leaning down and whispering things I don’t think any of us wanted to hear to her. Ew…Stupid perverts.

“Quit it Tom. I’m not in the mood. Now get the hell off me before I hurt you.” Hayden growled and I swear everyone’s jaws dropped to the floor. Hayden, not in the mood for perversion? Oh god…I think the world is ending! Completely startled, Tom released her and took a step back, staring at the back of her head with wide eyes.

“Please don’t be angry with me Hayden…” Tom said, his voice sounding oddly sad and deflated. We were all now watching intently, none of us having seen either of them so…Crazy for someone else before.

“Don’t be such a baby Tom, it’s not like I’ve never been mad at you before.” She said gruffly, taking down one of the electric guitars and messing about with it for a moment before returning her attention to the acoustics, knowing that Tom would tune the electric ones himself on stage if they really needed it. Tom flinched as if she’d hit him though.

“It’s different now though, and I’m tired of you being mad at me all the time.” This sentence more then anything else he had said caught everyone by surprise, including Hayden, who paused in her work to sigh. She turned to him now, looking at him for a moment before shaking her head.

“I’ll be fine later, and its not like I’m really mad or anything, just upset that it has to be this way for us.” She said in return. We were all so sucked into their conversation that all of us jumped when Saki and a few others from the regular crew turned up and started up a chaotic storm of getting the guys wired up for the show, which would start in 15 minutes. Wow…Time had really flown by.

With no more time left to do anything but rush about getting things finished, we were all left to wonder if some poor girl would be on the receiving end of Hayden’s wrath after the show…

Joss’ POV

While the guys did their show Sasha and I were stuck listening to Hayden rant and rave about the whole situation with Tom, but it was alright with us because, well, neither of us had ever seen her act this way over a guy before…But that also meant that we had no way of knowing how to consol her at all! It sucks dealing with new shit sometimes…

“Come on, it won’t be that bad…And like he said before, you can always drag him off and claim that something is wrong with one of his guitars or something.” I said, smiling a little when she just grunted back at me.

“Think of it this way, he may be flirting with skanks tonight, but THEY don’t share a bed with him.” Sasha said, nodding at her own words.

“I suppose you’re right…But still, wouldn’t you guys be frustrated too if you were in my position?” She asked, messing with one of her dreads. I thought about this for a moment…Trying to picture just how I think I would react if it had to be Bill flirting with fan-girl whores…Across from me, I could see a thoughtful look on Sasha’s face and knew she was thinking about it as well.

“I would be furious.” I said after only a moments thought, because it was the truth. “But I would get over it, because he’s mine, not theirs.” I tried to keep her going in a positive direction with this whole thing…

“Same here, which is what you’re going to have to do. We’ll do something fun together tomorrow, just the three of us, get a break from the guys for a while.” Sasha said and Hayden seemed to perk up at that idea.

“It’s been so long already since the three of us have done something together…” She said and I bounced about excitedly.

“We could do a spa day!!” At the mention of going to a spa she cringed a bit, but nodded all the same, making me squeal and flutter clap like a child.

“The guys are going to be so lost without us! Hah! I can’t wait to hear them bitch and moan about it when we tell them.” Sasha said, making Hayden laugh a bit…

Tom’s POV

After the show the four of us rushed back to the green room to clean up and change…And after that I simply mustered up every ounce of courage and strength I had left in me to prepare for what was to come…The moment the fans started appearing I felt her eyes on me like a brand against my skin…And I couldn’t help but shudder a bit. It was scary…Like knowing when someone is watching you walk down the street but you can’t ever seem to spot who it is.

After a flurry of excited screams, autographs and pictures things started to settle down a bit as everyone got drinks and started to chit chat about whatever…I, unfortunately, was being hung on by some blond whose name I can’t remember already. I’ve been trying to pry her off of me for the last 10 minutes without success and with every minute that goes by the eyes on me seem to be burning further into me…God this sucks.

“You’re still single right?” The girl asked, capturing my attention momentarily.

“Uhm…Yeah I am, why wouldn’t I be?” I said, laughing uncomfortably as I shifted my gaze to where Hayden was currently standing not to far away, watching me like a hawk. She bristled visibly at the statement, but remained where she was for the moment, taking a long drink of her beer.

“You’ve hardly paid any attention to me though.” She said, batting her eyelashes and wiggling her slip hips suggestively. I’m assuming that was the straw that broke the camels back as they say because just after that Hayden marched up to us.

“I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to steal your toy for a moment.” I flinched a bit at the look in her eyes and the words she spoke, but she paid no mind to it as she grabbed my arm. “There is a problem with a few of his guitars and they really need his attention more then you do, so, please excuse us.” The poor girl was left standing there, slack jawed as Hayden pulled me again. On the other side of the room I could see all three of my band mates and the other girls laughing at the display…

I would have laughed at the display of possessiveness from Hayden, but I really wasn’t looking to push my luck where she was concerned at the moment, so the laughter would have to wait. So I let her drag me off, away from the green room and back towards the main arena area, and she picked a nice unoccupied spot near the stage where no one was working.

“UGH! The nerve of that little whore…” She spat, releasing me and leaving against the side of the small stair case leading up to the stage. “And you! Letting her practically dry hump you and just standing there laughing like an idiot.”

“Hey! I wasn’t even paying attention to her! You were glaring over at me so damn hard I’m surprised I don’t have a pair of Hayden shaped eye holes somewhere on my body. We’ve already talked about all this…” I said, groaning a bit.

“Whatever. I’m going back to the bus. Feel free to join me when you’ve done being MOLESTED.” She snapped, turning around in a twirl of blond dreadlocks and was gone before I could even open my mouth to protest.

“Fuck…I quit.” I sighed out, hanging my head and going back to the green room.

Joss’ POV

The complete and utter defeat written across Tom’s face when he returned to the little party without Hayden made me nudge Bill and gesture in his direction.

“Looks like strike 2 for Tom…” Bill muttered, shaking his head. “This day couldn’t get any worse. Pranks all day, our dinner getting ruined, Gustav getting whiplash, Georg smells like shit still, and now Tom is going to be sulking around drinking until the fans leave. What a wonderful day.” He said. I really wanted to hug him and make him feel better, but of course, the general rule for dating the twins…No affection is to be displayed in front of the fans…Bah. I HATE that rule.

“It’ll turn out alright. Hayden will get over it by the time the night is done with and they’ll be humping like rabbits in no time…Oh god ew…That is the WORST mental image ever…” I said, grimacing as Bill gagged to relate his disgust. We both watched as the same blond tried to claim Tom as hers once more, and were surprised when he shook her off, muttered something that almost had her in tears, and stalked off to grab a drink.

“Whoa…He’s in a foul mood…Think we should go over there?” Bill asked and I cringed a little, but nodded all the same. It was his brother that was being all emo after all…So, after bypassing a few over excited girls that were chittering about how lucky they were to be backstage and whatnot, we made it to where Tom was unhappily draining his beer.

“What happened?” I asked, a bit afraid to ask him anything about it really…Not wanting him to rip MY head off…

“Oh nothing. Hayden is just being Hayden and marched off back to the bus after telling me that I could join her once I’m done being molested.” He growled, quickly finishing off the last of his beer and tossing it into the trash can before grabbing up another.

“What the hell did you say to the blond Tom? She looked about ready to cry.” Bill asked, sounding just a little amused about the whole thing.

“I told her that I wasn’t interested in sluts…” He muttered, making the both of us howl with laughter. Man was this relationship between Tom and Hayden getting interesting already…I couldn’t wait to see them after a week. Hah!
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Omg...I'm sorry if the ending is a little abrupt. lol. I had to make myself stop at 10 pages or I wasn't gonna stop at all! This should make up for the long time of no updating though. lol.
