Status: Indefinite Hiatus.

The Adventures of the Mini-Kaulitz Twins!

Chapter 5

Still Hayden’s POV

“What do you mean?” Josceline asked, starting to calm down a bit from her outburst.

“What I mean is…There is that concert this Friday in Berlin…” I started and both girls just stared at me, waiting for me to continue. “Well, we already have our tickets do we not? I have a plan that will make it so they REALLY have a reason to be pissed at us…” I said, rubbing my hands together with a mischievous smile gracing my lips.

Tom’s POV

Damn Bill, they were all HOT! Just because we’re angry doesn’t mean that I can’t at least attempt to get some ass out of this situation…Bill was still riled up when we got to our place.

“I can’t BELIEVE them! How is it not a big deal?!” Oh yeah, he’s still on that by the way.

“Bill…There is nothing we can do about it. Just settle down. We still have to go over the set list and stuff for the concert.” Gustav said. He was the only one that had remained calm and not screamed. But that’s just Gustav for you. He doesn’t get angry to much and he wasn’t as irritated about it as the rest of us. He was embarrassed about the whole ordeal sure, but we are all only human I guess…

“Fine! You’re right…” Bill said, taking a deep breath before plopping down next to me on the couch. We went over what songs we were going to do, what would be first, and what would be last. By the time we got the set list written out and agreed on it was already mid afternoon…Yeah. We tend to argue a lot about the songs. Especially Bill since he has to sing them. We had actually gotten a lot of requests for Geh and Hilf Mir Fliegen…So we put Hilf Mir Fliegen in the middle somewhere and decided to close out with Geh…It seemed fitting enough anyway.

“Do you think we should send the police over there?” Georg asked randomly as we all rummaged through the kitchen for something edible. We hardly ever keep food here because we are gone a lot so what’s the point right?

“Nah…I don’t think they’ll try it again. Not after this. They may not have been bothered by it or anything but they should probably have gotten it into their heads that if they pull it again we WILL send the cops after them…” I said, pulling the fridge open and finding only bottled water and a few cans of coke.

“Face it Tom, there is no food.” Bill whined, jumping up onto the counter and crossing his arms over his chest.

“I guess that just means we have to go out again…” Georg murmured. Oh boy…He’s going to be like this all damn day. He can be worse then Gustav sometimes about how bitchy he is…

Josceline’s POV

We have the plan for the concert finalized! And NEIN! I’m not telling you what we are doing because I don’t want to spoil the surprise…But I will tell you this is the BEST idea Hayden has ever come up with on her own…I swear. We are all EVIL MASTERMINDS! But anyways, back to it. It’s Wednesday now and we haven’t heard anything from the guys of Tokio Hotel, and the cops have yet to beat down our door so we figured they were over it. It was still all over the news though and every slash mag in the country had it all over the front page. They even played some clips on the news from our videos and the part of the interview that we were in! Seeing it now…It is kinda scary JUST how well I did doing Bill’s ‘I get to answer all sweet first because I’M the boss’ bit. Yeah…We are all at work today and it is busy as hell…

“JOSS! Order up!” Hayden yelled through the window, dinging that ANNOYING bell about a million times…She only does it because when we slow down and she goes outside I ring it at her just to piss her off. Yeah, Hayden is a cook, and a damn good one too. But unfortunately the reason she is so damn grumpy today is because she got stuck alone…

“I’m coming! Don’t get your hair in a…Never mind…” I said, hurrying to the window to grab the plates. I spun around Sasha who was carrying a tray full of drinks to the large table on the other side of the room. Thankfully I didn’t spill any of the food this time before I set the plates down in front of the customers…I’ve done it twice and once the food landed in the persons lap. NOT a fun experience I must say…CRASH!!!!

“OH MEIN GOTT!!!!” I heard multiple voices yell right after and I whipped around to see that Sasha had run right into some people that had just walked in…And spilled the tray of drinks ALL OVER them…Oh god…

Gustav’s POV

What a way to be greeted right? The waitress ran right into us as we came in…And now we are all covered in Soda and water…And our string of good luck (Note the sarcasm please…) continued when we recognized her as Sasha! The girl that had filmed the Bill and Tom imposters! Imagine the horror on her face when she saw it was us…

“Oh great…Just one more thing for you lot to bitch about…” She grumbled, scrambling to get the scattered cups off the floor. “Joss, we need towels from the back!” She called over her shoulder as she placed the now empty cups on her tray. I looked over to the girl she called out to and my jaw dropped…No way…NO WAY could ALL three girls work in the same place…But it was true. Josceline, the Bill girl, ran behind the counter and through a door and I saw the dreadlocked Hayden staring out the window at us with her eyes wide.

“Is your boss here?” Oh no…I looked over at Bill when he spoke and saw that his hair had gotten COMPLETELY soaked…And now it was deflated…Sheisse…

“Nope, you are shit out of luck on that one hon. And it isn’t like I did it on purpose! You dolts RAN in here!” She griped, taking the tray behind the counter and dumping the cups in something that I couldn’t see. Josceline came out seconds later with her hands full of white hand towels and she passed them out amongst us.

“Sorry for humiliating you again!” She quipped sarcastically before sauntering off to help Sasha get more drinks. Hayden came out from the kitchen after that and grabbed a handful of menu’s as we all dried off.

“You still eating or are you turned off to the food here now?” She asked, quirking an eyebrow up at us.

“I don’t know about the food…But I don’t get turned off with pretty girls around to easily.” Tom said. Typical right? Bill slapped him in the arm as we followed Hayden to an empty table near the back away from the windows.

“Glad to hear it Tomi boy! And you’re lucky you came in when I’m cooking.” She said with a little smile as we sat down. She wiggled her eyebrows at him a bit and I couldn’t help but start laughing. She really does act like him quite a bit. She sauntered off right before Josceline came over.

“Sorry about your hair Bill. Hayden actually pulled something like that on purpose to me once. She dumped her coffee on my head one morning because apparently I wouldn’t shut up.” She said, pulling a pad of paper and a pen out of her apron pocket. Bill actually looked a bit shocked that she was being nice now…Hayden had been the calm one between the girls when we had confronted them at their apartment so I had kind of expected it from her…But not Josceline.

Hayden’s POV

I told the girls to be as nice as possible for now…Just so they wouldn’t think that anything was up. And of course as you already know, we are FABULOUS actresses, so we pulled through it without a hitch. I even flirted with Tom a little just for shits and giggles. He ended up actually passing me his number before they left without Bill noticing or knowing that he was going to. I’m not even planning on calling him though. No way. By the time our shifts were over we were all exhausted…

“I CALL THE FIRST SHOWER!!!” Joss yelled and she was about to run for it but Sasha grabbed her around the waist and fell to the floor with her.

“No way!” So I took my shot and ran past their bodies for the bathroom. I slammed the door behind myself and locked it, laughing when they started pounding on the door.

“That is SOO not fair!” Joss yelled but they quieted when Mr. Hitzig started pounding on the floor.

“I don’t even take half as long as either of you in the shower. So shove some Lemon Sorbet in it already!” Oh yeah, I’m good…I stripped down and took a quick shower, washing my dreads out carefully with the hemp soap that I loved so much…I was not looking forward to having to have one of the girls help wax and twist them tonight…

Sasha’s POV

Joss and I had a total blast doing Hayden’s dreads after she had stolen the first shower. We pulled on them hard on purpose when we twisted the roots and tugged a bit when applying the new wax.

“I know you hate me but PLEASE don’t take it out on my dreads…” She whined, trying to pull them from us but failing of course.

“So are you two sure you want to go through with your little plan on Friday?” I asked idly as we continued with the waxing process.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t we be after all that shit they said on Sunday?” Joss asked and I shrugged.

“I’m not video taping it this time.” I said and they nodded in understanding. Would you QUIT asking me to tell you what we are planning?! I’m not telling. And neither are Hayden and Joss. So get over it! The rest of our night was spent fine tuning our plan and arguing on who was the cutest in the band. Of course I thought it was Gustav…And if you can’t tell already Joss thinks Bill is the hottest thing alive and Hayden…Well…That should be more then obvious guys.
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MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Yes. Tis Allie here with chapter 5! Hehe. You love us. We know. But you have to wait until tomorrow for more!!!