Status: Indefinite Hiatus.

The Adventures of the Mini-Kaulitz Twins!

Chapter 6

Sasha’s POV

Friday night, it’s 6 o’clock. I can’t believe they are going through with this. I sat on the couch shaking my head slightly at them and laughing.

‘I can’t believe you are making them go through this again! It hurts!’ Joss squealed.

‘Well, they won’t mind it. I’m sure they’ll understand.’ Hayden replied finishing off her coke and throwing it in the bin, or at least trying. She failed successfully. ‘Oh man.’

‘But it’s not fair on them! So much pain. The have to go through so much for all of this. I just wish there was something else we could do.’ Josceline sat raising her eyebrow while biting her lip to think.

‘Look, our boobs can take this for one last time! They don’t mind the pain! Our chests will thank us later when we get a kick out of this.’ Great they’re on about putting the straps on again. For a moment there I thought Joss was trying to talk Hayden out of this. How wrong could I have been! ‘Anyway, go on. You need to do your hair and make-up. Need to look the part. We can leave the straps till last at least.’

‘Fine. I think we should where bigger shoes this time. Just for that extra boost y’know? So they don’t catch us out on the height thing again!’ She ran off into her bedroom and changed her top. ‘Oh man, you know what I just realised? I’m gonna have to out the strap on first. I need my top on before I do my hair otherwise I’ll never get it over my head! Damn this sucks! Someone help me please?’ Hayden and I pulled it as tight as we could without her stopping breathing. ‘It’s ok, you’ll be out again soon.’ She said apologising to her chest.

Hayden’s POV

‘So, we ready to go?’ I stepped out of my room and waited as Joss came hoping out putting on her boots. They had a small heal on, she could get away with them I think. ‘Ok Sasha, you got your ticket?’

‘Y’know. This was a waste of our ticket money. If we’d have known we were getting in for free I wouldn’t have bothered buying it.’ Joss jumped up causing the floor to creek. ‘Well we may as well all go. We know the plan right?’

Nodding we put on our shades and locked up the door. We had an old mini half broken down car but it got us to where we needed to go. One of the doors fell off once, that wasn’t good. We arrived at the venue it was already rammed with girls outside. ‘We’ll see you later Sasha!’ We dropped her off and parked up around the corner where none of the fans would see us. Walking up to the back door I kept tripping over my trousers.

‘Sometimes I wanna meet Tom JUST so I can see which of us is more perverted.’ I thought out loud.

‘That’d be awesome to see... perv fight!’ Joss giggled to herself.

‘YES! Kinda like battle of the sex's...just with sex jokes and perverted refferences instead! Sounds like fun.’

‘I’d end up arguing over who has the better or most accessories and Bill. And over make-up.’

‘Seriously… I can see it now.’ We laughed about day dreaming to have petty arguments over things with the twins. We approached security. This was the only part of our plan that we have to take a chance on. That the twins weren’t around with anyone. Our plan is to be the twins again [hence why Josceline was moaning about her breasts] only this time, we’re going for the big time. Only thing is, we have to get past security.

‘I didn’t see you two come out.’ The security said folding his arms and stepping in front of us. He looked angry, some great fat, bald guy with a beard.

‘You were looking the other way. We did say, we just went for drinks. But you can’t have heard us obviously.’ I replied hoping it would get by him. We had to assume these people were stupid to get past them.

‘Plus, I needed my Gummy Bears.’ Joss took out a packet. I don’t think I’ve been anywhere with her when she hasn’t got some.

‘Well hurry up and get back in. you’ve only got 45 minutes before you go on.’ He pushed the door open for us and we stepped through inside. We wandered through long corridors until we found a door the said “Tokio Hotel”. We put our ears to the door to see if we could hear anyone in there. There was no sound. We pushed the door open and found Gustav sat listening to music. He seemed oblivious to the fact we’d just come in. Shutting the door we stepped back outside.

Josceline’s POV

‘Ok, so we’ve found 1 of 4. I suppose we’d best find the real deal huh?’ Hayden turned down into a dark hallway. There was a light at the end and we could hear loud voices. We crept down quietly to find an open door. ‘How do we see who’s in there?’ Hayden whispered at me.

‘Don’t worry, got an age old trick up my sleeve.’ It was literally up my sleeve. I pulled out my mirror and got it at an angle so I could see in. We were whispering to each other to make sure the people in the room didn’t hear us. ‘It’s the twins, and a table tennis table. There’s no one else in there.’ We looked at each other thinking the same thing, “This is our chance”. We stood up straight and locked the door behind us.

‘Shut up Bill! I beat you hands down! Just face it, I’m a better player than you.’ Tom was holding a table tennis racket. ‘Since when have there been moving mirrors in here?’

‘Last time I check I was a person, not a sheet of glass. But anyway getting down to business. We can do this the easy way or the hard way.’ Hayden started taking off her glasses and smiling broadly. The boys both took a step back and had looks of disbelief on their faces.

‘I thought we said to stay away?! And what’s the easy way?’ Bill asked quite cautiously.

‘The easy way, is that we sit on the chairs like good little boys and let us tie you up with no fuss and without making a sound.’ I answered smiling sweetly popping a Gummy Bear into my mouth.

‘And the hard way?’ Tom sat on the table.

‘You fight back and we have to force you onto the chairs and hold you down. You’re choice either way we’re taking to the stage tonight.’ Hayden sounded so convincing it was unreal. If I was in their position I’d be terrified of her right now. Mind you, I’d be terrified of anyone threatening to tie me to a chair.

‘What do you mean, you’re going on stage tonight. I was right the first time. You girls are crazy. There’s no way you can’t have broken out of a mental home. Or at least belong in one.’

‘Bill, calm down. We just want revenge. If you can’t take a joke we’ll keep playing them on you until you decide you’ve had enough. It’s simple. Until you find the funny side of all this we may as well start to all become good friends shall we not? So sit down.’ Hayden grabbed their hands while I pulled up two chairs and tied them to them. Though it wasn’t without struggle. Tom got free and made a run for the door, but he trouser got him down.

‘This tape should do I think. I’m really sorry Bill, I don’t want to ruin you beautiful skin. But it’s for your own good I guess. Or our fun, either way, I’ve got to put tape over your mouth. Oh Tom, it’s a good job you’re not going on stage with a nose bleed like that. You should really wear smaller trousers, you wouldn’t fall over when trying to make a quick get away otherwise.’ We said goodbye to them while they wriggled about making indistinguishable gargling noises through the tape. We made a B-line for the green room where we joined Georg and Gustav. Where we also took a copy of the set list to try and memorise it with what little time we had.

‘Come over here quick we need to mic you guys up. Where have you been?!’ One of the crew members asked panicking slightly.

‘Playing table tennis. I won, but Bill doesn’t want to admit it.’ Hayden looked at me with a smirk. A typical Tom smirk.

‘It’s only because I hit my finger on my necklace, it hurt! Anyway be quiet. I need to do my scales.’ I just started humming different scales. Singing lessons with my granddad are finally paying off.

‘Come on guys! It’s time…’ Heading down stairs we were swallowed by darkness. All we could hear were the chants of thousands of fan girls waiting to see ‘us.’ Sasha included. I took the microphone of someone and stood biting my finger while tapping my foot for comfort. Hayden/Tom and Gustav were sent round the back of the stage to the other side. Georg looked at me but I looked to the floor and then out to the stage. Could I really pull off singing like Bill Kaulitz…?
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Soo... you guys like Hayden's smart plan?
Stay tuned in for more Adventures of the Mini-Kaulitz twins!