Status: Finished

Be My Unicorn?


Bob licked his lips, still tasting Frank on them. He hated leaving Frank like that but he wasn’t going to be just a another mark in Frank’s bedpost or…couch rendezvous. Bob was going to make him work for his sexy ass.
so Bob made his way toward the bus door.

Frank licked his lips as he walked after Bob, he slid his arms around the other man's waist and nuzzled his neck, "Why so mean, Bob?"

Bob rolled his eyes, “Mean? Ha, I’m not mean. I’m just not easy.”
But Bob couldn’t bring himself to leave Frank’s embrace.

Frank smiled softly against Bob's skin, he felt so right, just as if it was meant to be, as if they were supposed to happen. He bit his lower lip, "Can't you just be easy, unicorn? Just this once? just one time for me?" he asked even though he hoped that this wasn't just the only time it ever happened.

Bob turned around in Frank’s arms, “One time? That’s all you would want me for?” Bob looked into Frank’s eyes, and bit his bottom lip. He searched for anything that would give him hope he wasn’t just another guy to Frank, that he would actually mean something afterwords.

Frank smiled, "depends, will you treat me good more than once?" he held Bob to him and leaned up the few inches to lick his tongue over Bob's lips, "you could be more." he lowered his eye lids, "so much more"

Bob grinned, “I could treat you good for a very long time, Frank.” He ran his finger tips over Frank’s cheek. Bob licked his dry lips and leaned down to capture Frank’s lips with his own. His eyes slipping shut. “Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone,” He mumbled, smiling.

Frank held back a chuckle, the seriousness of the situation forcing it all back down his throat as his lips were touched by Bob's. He kissed Bob back softly before pulling away, "Where the world never moves and reality is only us, where we can live and be happy for eternity just you and I in our own cozy home? Where time seems to stand still and it's just you beside me?" he let his fingers trail down bob's chest, "where we can be each other's for a life time and more?"

Bob laughed, “You do realize how corny that sounded?” He leaned down until his forehead was resting against Frank’s.

Frank bit his lip and began to move back and away from Bob as he realized it, "no not until you said something" he whispered insecure now, his heart beating crazily as he felt a slip of rejection glide under his radar and into his thoughts.

Bob’s smile faltered a bit but he quickly recovered and pulled Frank back to him, he moved his hands to cup Frank’s face and smiled at him. “I love corniness, don’t worry about it.”

Frank shook his head, "No you don't." but Frank looked at Bob and let his hands wander a bit over the other man's body, "so no one else is here, unicorn" he chuckled, "wanna show me that horn of yours?"

Bob snickered, “You mean the one that tastes like Cotton Candy?”

Frank chuckled and bit his inner cheek, "oh yes." he replied and rubbed his body against Bob's, a teasing hand playing over the guy's pants.

Bob bit his lip, to keep from moaning. He slid his hands around Frank's neck to play with his slightly long hair.

Frank felt vulnerable, his heart beating crazily as he slid hand into Bob's pants, he pulled back slightly now scared to go further for no known reason

Bob's eyes snapped open, "Is something wrong, Frank?" He questioned.

Frank bit his lower lip, "I dunno, Bob, I'm just kind of unsure Don’t know why"

Bob thought on this, THE Frank Iero was being unsure and scared about being with him. Bob was confused that’s for sure, just five minutes before Frank was begging him to be his sexual purple unicorn. Bob put that behind him and tried to smile, "Its okay Frank, I understand. We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Frank smirked, that was all he needed to hear before he placed his arms over Bob's shoulders and jumped onto Bob wrapping his legs around the guy's waist.

Bob's jaw dropped, Frank had just manipulated him. He was torn between majorly turned on and minorly pissed off.

Frank kissed Bob's forehead, "I know what you're thinking but in order to have a purple unicorn first you must trick it or else it'll run away."

Bob smiled and held Frank tighter to him, "Oh, I had no plans to run away. I thought you were starting to come to your senses about wanting to be with me."

Frank smiled and blushed his hands playing with Bob's hair, "Can you be in me instead of with me?"

Bob's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as Frank's words sounded in his mind over and over, "I think I could manage that." He smirked.

Frank giggled childishly and bat his eyelashes before playing fingers over Bob's naked torso, "We might wanna make that happen before the others get here."

Bob giggled, slightly ticklish where Frank ran his fingers, "Alright, I wonder where they are anyways."

Frank bit his lower lip and bounced on Bob's body.

All thoughts escaped Bob's mind as he cried out from the sudden movement of Frank's body on his.

Frank blushed even brighter, "my bad" he chuckled before slipping a hand between them and rubbing a hand over Bob's sex.

Bob let out a low moan and his eyes slipped shut, focusing on the feeling of Frank's skilled fingers.

Frank licked his lips and kissed Bob as he closed his eyes, "Bob" he whispered softly as he gripped Bob through the jean of his pants, "Take it off take it all off."

Bob bit his lip, and released Frank from his waist letting him slip to the floor. He fumbled with his belt and finally got it unbuckled and threw it somewhere across the room.

Frank sat on the floor patiently waiting for Bob's pants to come down , his mouth watering with wait for having Bob's hard cock down his throat.

Bob carefully popped the button to his jeans and slid the zipper down, he wiggled the jeans down his hips until they met his feet and stepped out of them.

Frank gasped and lurched forward a hand gripping bob's cock in his hand, "it better fucking taste like cotton candy"
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Just so you know This was Written by my friend Jess and I Comments are nice... =D so are hugs