Status: Finished

Be My Unicorn?

"I-I've never done this before..."

Frank bit his lower lip and smiled slightly as he held Bob's cock in his hand, "So it's going to taste like cotton candy... right?"

Bob smirked slightly, "Yeah, uh, you wanna give it a try?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Frank nodded and leaned forward flicking his tongue over Bob's cock, "mhmm" Frank moaned and sucked softly on the tip.

Bob threw his head back, and closed his eyes. Focusing on the feel of Frank's soft lips on his hard shaft.

Frank sucked a tad bit harder before letting most of Bob's length to slide down his throat, he looked up at the other man and smiled, then hummed around Bob's cock.

Bob opened his eyes, looking down to see Frank's gorgeous face staring back at him. "Mm, god." He moaned softly.

Frank growled low in his throat and closed his eyes, flicking his tongue along Bob's cock, pulling off and trailing his tongue on the underside then dipping his head down to suck softly on one of Bob's balls.

Bob bit down on his lower lip hard, suppressing the loud moans trying to
escape from his throat. He slid his hand down to entangle in Frank's dark hair.

Frank pulled off and glanced up to Bob, "Bob? can we...?"

Bob let out a confused whimper, "Huh? Can we what?"

Frank blushed profusely, "Like.. Can you stick it in my ass?"

Bob leaned in to kiss Frank's blushing cheeks, "Baby, don't be embarrassed. We can try whatever you like."

Frank licked his lips, "So.. how does this work?" he questioned and his gaze turned down.

Bob bit his lip, thinking hard. He'd never had sex with another man before. He took a deep breath, "Um, I think we need some kind of lube before we do anything."

Frank blushed even brighter and stood up, running a finger over Bob's cock and nipped the other man's collarbone, "okay.. I've got some in my bunk"

Bob shuddered, leaning down to cup Frank's face in his hands, kissing his nose lightly, " you have lube, baby?"

Frank grinned and turned away bounding to his bunk as he dived in he said, "Because You touch yourself at night" he stayed in the bunk ruffling around.

Bob stared after him, blinking in confusion, "I-I touch myself? What are you talking about Frank?"

Frank laughed, "I was joking baby" he smiled and rolled over in his bunk, "Come 'ere"

Bob let out a relieved sigh, "Okay, Frankie," He walked over to Frank's bunk and leaned down to kiss him.

Frank kissed Bob and pulled the other man into his bunk, showing the guy a half empty bottle of lube, "Here it is"

Bob scooted close to Frank in the tiny space, and took the lube from his hands. Biting his lip, he leaned down to kiss Frank softly on the lips before pulling away.

Frank moaned slightly and licked his lips when Bob pulled away, "Bob!" he pouted and wrapped his legs around Bob's waist.

Bob smiled, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to look at you. So gorgeous..." He said, stroking Frank's cheek.

Frank grinned and looked up at bob, "you're pretty" he giggled and rolled his hips down, grinding against Bob's body.

Bob moaned softly, moving his hands down to grip Frank's hips tightly.

Frank whispered something softly and blushed before turning his head away.

Bob smiled slightly, "What was that Frank?"

Frank shook his head, "you'll laugh at me."

Bob cupped Franks face with his hands, "No, I won't baby. What was it that you said?"

Frank smiled but his blush never lightened, "I asked if you could just stick it in already." then he turned his face even further away and covered his face with his hands.

Bob looked at Frank in shock, "I don't want to hurt you, baby."

Frank shook his head, "We can take it slow... Don't rush it." he whispered trying to take charge.

Bob bit his lip softly, "Okay, we’ll take it slow. I've never done this before and... I-I'm kinda nervous."

Frank nodded and blushed, "I've watched some gay porn... maybe I should take charge...? I still want you in my ass though..."

Bob smiled at Frank, nodding, "Yeah, I don't know what to do. I don't want to mess this up."

Frank smiled crookedly and began to wiggle out of his clothes.

Bob took that as a hint and began tugging his shirt over his head, and kicking his shoes off.

When Frank was finished he grinned widely, "Okay, now, Bob, spill the lube into your hand... and stroke it all over your cock."