I Can't Live Without You

Chapter one

*Flash back*

Gerards POV

"So Gee what do you think?" Bert asks me nervously. After school today he had taken me up to the top of a local hill. Looking up I can see a beautiful veiw of the sunset. Around me is a picnic and a candels.

"Bert it's beautiful, thank you," I say leaning over to Bert and kissing him.

"I waas scared you wouldn't like it," Bert says "Oh and Gerard?"


"I love you," Bert said pulling me into his arms.

"I love you too Bert," I smile.

*End flash back*

I miss the days where me and Bert were happy and did romantic things for each other. All we do now is fight. I still love him but he doesn't seem to love me back.

"Gerard have you even been listening to me?" Bert shouts.

"No Bert I'm not I was thinking," I sigh.

"You were what?" he shouts at me. This happens every day. He continues to shout at me. I love him and it hurts me that he's doing this , but I have to stop seeing him. But I can't and mean can't break up with him. Thats when i heard him say it...

"Gerard you never listen to me any more," He says.

"Why should I when all you do is shout at me?" I shout back.

"Fine if thats how you feel I don't want to be with you any more," he shouts.

"W-what?" I stutter I can feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'm breaking up with you," he says and turns around and leaves. As soon as he's gone I break. I'm shakeing but I can't stop. The tears fall uncheacked down my face.