The Diary of a Young Vampire Man

I'm a Vampire

I’m a Vampire V..V

Yes, I Salem Eric Van Black, am a vampire. V..V
I know no one would believe such a silly idea.V..V
But yes it’s true. I drink blood. And this is why V..V

I’m all alone.V..V

Never wanting to be too close to someone V..V
You know? I might accidently bite them V..V
Or some other crazy thing a young teenage vampire V..V
Like myself might end up doing.

Can’t believe it can you?V..V

Sometimes I yearn for that special someone to be in V..V
My arms. To hold her tight. Feel her warm body V..V
Against my cold statue like figure. Someone V..V
Who would understand me? Think the way I do. V..V

No one V..V

I know everyone wants that girl. V..V
The girl you always thought would be there. V..V
“Surprise, I’m here to be your soul mate,” V..V
She’d say and give you that knowing smile. V..V

But I need it. V..V