Living Without Landon

The Makeup

Why does the world have to hate me?I thought to myself as I complied with my mother’s request to clean my room; even though I wasn’t in the mood to do anything of the sort.

All I really felt like doing was crying. My boyfriend of two years had broken up with me the week before, and I still wasn’t over it. On top of that I failed my geometry test and now I had to wake up early on a Saturday to watch the twins while my mom was at a meeting.

I grappled with myself on whether or not it was to call Georgia, or Gee as we all called her. She’s been my best friend since first grade and she always knew how to fix problems. She was one of the elite advice givers that I knew, next to my mom, and she would help with the twins. In the end I called her.

She picked up on the first ring “Hey Fee!” Fee is the nickname that everyone refers to me as.

“Hey, Gee would you mind coming over to help me watch Jack and Sam?” she loved the twins, so I already knew the answer.

“Of course, is there anything bothering you? You sound….well down?”

“I’m just not over the Landon thing just yet”

“We’ll talk when I get there,” she assured



As soon as I put the phone down the phone the myriad yells, screams, and complaints for the day started. In other words Mom had woken the twins up.

“Sophie! I need your help hon,” my mom yelled from down the hall “Ouch! JACK NO, NOT NIC!. Sam DO NOT throw that out the window! SHOPHIE NOW!!”

Jack and Sam were only 4, but they were audacious! They definitely knew how to make trouble.

Once mom and I got the boys to calm down enough for us to get them down stairs Gee gave a warning knock on the door.

“Hey anyone home?” she called as she let herself in.

“We’re all in the kitchen!” I yelled

“Looks like you guys finally figured out how to get these two into their clothes without me,” she said gesturing to the twins and giving them each a big hug.

“Yea that cookie bribing thing you taught us really does work,” I responded as I gave Sam his Captain Crunch

“Thanks so much for coming Georgia,” said my mom

“No problem Ms H I love the boys, and I know how hard it’s been on you and Fee,” she was referring to my parent’s split up last year.

It had been a hard one, but because there was a devoid of love in their relationship they decided to call it quits. And really I don’t blame them; they work so much better as friends now.
Anyway, after breakfast I went to take Fringe inside. I never really liked tethering him up on that tree, but if it kept him from eating the boy’s breakfast, then I guess it’s relevant.

“DOGGY!” the twins called in unison. They loved Fringe, they had even named him, fringe was Sam’s first word, and when he saw the puppy 2 years ago when we got him he started yelling “Fringe! Fringe!” then Jake started saying it too, and that was that.

While Jake and Sam played with Fringe Gee and I talked about Landon.

“So what’d he say?” she asked

“Ok” I breathed “So, last night we were talking online and everything was going fine until he mentioned our breakup. I don’t have a clue how it came into conversation but he stated talking about how in his perspective I was always too busy with other things to be with him, and how he thought I was losing interest. Then I told him that, that wasn’t the case at all, and that I always tried to spend as much time with him as possible, and how if that was the case then why did he ask me why I wasn’t spending as much time with him as he’d liked. And then he just got all mad and signed off.”

“Ok it seems like we have the classic jealousy situation thing going on.”

“What do you mean?” I asked

“Well…you know how you’ve been spending a lot of time with Spencer?”

“Yea, but he’s my lab partner, and has in all of my classes! How can I help that? I don’t even like Spencer he’s more like my big brother!”

“That’s not what Landon thinks. He saw you hugging Spencer after Chemistry last Monday. He told me how upset he was, and told me to tell you if you ever asked me why I thought he broke up with you”

“IS HE KIDDING!?!?! ME AND SPENCER! HES JOKING RIGHT?!?!” I exploded “Gee he should know I love him more than life itself!”

“I know, but he didn’t. He was just being insecure,” Gee said in a pacifying voice “You should call him and tell him that”

“Maybe I will!” I said “I’ll call him right now. Watch the twins while I go get the phone”

“Sure, but make sure you don’t yell at him, and also compromise with him about the situation. If he doesn’t want to get back ask him to be just friends, and if you do get back tell him that you’ll try harder to spend more time with him.”

“Ok,” I ran up to my room and called Landon’s cell. After a few rings he picked up. His voice always melted my heart.

“Hullo?” he sounded groggy

“Hey,” I said into the phone

“Oh hey Fee,” he replied “What’s up?”

“Oh um…er nothing, I was just talking to Gee and...” he cut me off

“Oh she told you,” He sounded embarrassed “it’s just I couldn’t stand to spend so little time with you, so I decided not to spend anytime with you at all. And when I saw you with Spence I figured that you’d be ok without me”

“Landon, for a smart person that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say. I told you that I was busy; Mrs. Nicolson assigned a 10 page essay on Macbeth due on Friday! On top of that my mom has had to work extra this past month because they’re short on staff at the Hospital, so I’ve had to watch the twins, I would have asked you to come over and watch with me, but Sam and Jack can get out of hand. And about me and Spencer, he’s just a friend, I would never do that to you, and you should know that”

“Oh.” He said “well I thought that…”

“Well you thought wrong,” I retorted

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly

“It’s ok. But don’t feel so insecure next time. That is if there is a next time?” I asked hopefully

“Of course there’s a next time!” he said “I was being stupid, I’m really sorry, I should have asked you. And Gee even tried to tell me, but I didn’t let her. So do you think we could go out tonight or something?” he asked

“Well my mom is working double shifts tonight, but I think I can get Gee to watch them”

“So movies, them maybe a little dinner?” he asked

“Works for me,” I said

“Around seven?”

“Yea, I’ll see you then”

“Can’t wait”

“Love you”

“Love you too”

As soon as I put the phone down I ran downstairs to hug Gee. She was officially the best friend I ever had!

“GEE HE TOOK ME BACK!!” I yelled “We’re going out tonight, can you…” she cut me off

“I’ll watch them,” she said graciously

“Gee what would I do without you?” I asked

“Hmm I don’t know,” She said scratching her forehead “I’ll tell you when I think of it”

“I love you so much Gee,” I said giving her a hug feeling as if I would never succeed had I never met her.
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Please comment and subscribe, I have the next 7 chapters written, but not typed, please don’t eat me for not being able to post immediately.
