So Here's to Living Life Miserable

The lowest of all the fowl creatures

I spent the whole night beating myself up. How could I even look at another man? I loved Ben so much how could I even think of kissing someone else.

I felt disgusting, like the lowest of all the fowl creatures that walk the earth. I was a snake in human clothing.

I couldn’t even bring myself to eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I was in a never-ending pit of self-loathing.

“Come on just eat a spoon full” Ryan pleaded for the millionth time, “for me, please?”

I looked into his sad eyes. Everyone had already given up on trying to get me to eat, let alone make me happy. Except for Ryan. I guessed it was because he figured he made me this was so it was his job to fix me.

I sighed and opened my mouth so he could feed me.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he mumbled as he looked away.

I nodded and got up. I walked into the living room and climbed behind the couch that was in front of the corner, and laid there looking up at the ceiling. No one tried to talk to me. They all knew I needed time.

After around an hour of lying behind the couch and hating myself, there was a knock on the door. Heard someone get up and answer it.

“Get out from behind the couch and see who’s here!” Hayley called

I didn’t reply. I didn’t move for that matter. I just continued to look up at ceiling.

“She’s been like this for hours now, she didn’t even eat breakfast” Alex explained to the stranger

“Come on now” Bens beautiful face popped over the back of the couch, “I think you should eat now love”

I shot up from the floor, embracing Ben in a tight hug that resulted in us falling backwards onto the floor.

“I take it you missed me” he laughed giving me that devilish grin that always gave me butterflies

“Of course I missed you!” I cried grinning from ear to ear, “Did you miss me?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” he kissed me

Oh! How I missed Bens kisses. They were always so loving, sweet, and full of passion. I always hated it when he pulled away; it always left me wanting more.

Brendon cleared his throat, “so are you going to introduce us?”

“Oh yeah” I smiled as I got up and helped Ben to his feet, “Brendon and Ryan this is Ben. Ben, Brendon and Ryan”

“Ah the infamous boyfriend, its nice to meet you” Brendon smiled

“I’m infamous?” Ben raised an eyebrow

I nodded, “not only is he that, he also has a nice bum!”

I twirled a laughing Ben around to show off his bum. I looked over at Ryan and Brendon. Brendon clapped and Ryan glared, but he quickly faked a smile when he noticed I was frowning at him.

“Is this the boyfriend?” Spencer asked as he entered the house

“Yup, Ben this is Spencer. Spencer, Ben” I introduced them

“Nice to meet you” Ben smiled as he and Spencer shook hands

“You two seem pretty good together” Spencer smiled approvingly as he sat down.

“So Hayley what do you think of my nice bum?” Ben asked as he started to booty shake at her.

“Hell yes booty shakin’ time” she called as she jumped up and began to booty shake with Ben, “and it’s alright, but I like Alex’s better”

They exchanged a glance at the mentioning of Alex and they quickly started to booty shake in Alex’s face.

Everyone, except for Alex, was laughing.

“Oh sweet Jesus! Make it stop!” he cried as he flung his arms around his face protectively.

“Alright you two” I choked out in-between laughs, “stop harassing my brother”

They stopped.

“Its my job to harass him” Hayley stated as she plopped down in Alex’s lap.

“Touché” I nodded and sat down on the floor.

“I was actually more concerned about Bens bum, I don’t really know where its been” Alex shrugged, “I can keep track of Hayleys”

“What are you subjesting Alex?” Ben asked with an offended tone.

“Oh you know” I winked at him

“Ooooh” Ben nodded giving me that grin again.

“Those two are perfect for each other” Spencer laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I’ve decided since Heartbreakisforever is the only one commenting/ reading, I’m going to dedicate the entire story to her! Woo!!! Haha :D
Comments are still nice… so you should comment, and make my day even better!