So Here's to Living Life Miserable

Like puzzle peaces

It was finally Bens last day with us. Not that I was looking forward to him being gone, I was just at the end of my rope with this dumb thing that was going on between him and Ryan.

Alex was leaving as well, seeing as Ill Scarlett was joining the tour.

Hayley and I were going to stay for a few more days. Because there wasn’t anything really important happening at home. Alex got me two months off on stress leave somehow, so I didn’t have to worry about that. And well… Hayley was a free sprit who worked when she had to, doing odd jobs here and there.

Ben was making sure he had everything packed and I was sitting on the bed watching him quietly.

“What’s wrong love?” he asked as he zipped his bag up

“You have to leave me again,” I pouted

He crawled over me and held his torso up with his left arm, while he pushed the hair off of my face with his right hand.

“Its not going to be that long this time” he kissed my nose, “only a few weeks left”

I kissed him, “its only forever,” I sang

He smirked and sang, “Not long at all”

He leaned down and kissed me. It was worm and sweet at first, but it soon became more heated. Clothes were shed and Ben’s suitcase was knocked on the floor. Luckily the door was already closed.

Hayley’s P.O.V.

I was snuggled up to Alex in the chair while Ryan and Brendon were having a thumb was on the couch.

“Man Ben takes forever to pack” Alex sighed

“Psh, you haven’t even started” I smiled

He shrugged and opened his mouth to say something but immediately closed it again when we heard a moan.

We all looked at each other. Ryan had murder in his eyes, while Alex looked disgusted, and Brendon looked terrified. I too was disgusted and terrified.

We heard Ben moan quite loudly and within seconds Ryan had stormed out of the house.

“I’m going to go get him,” Brendon said as he hurried out after Ryan.

Alex turned on the TV to drown them out. Luckily we didn’t really need it, they didn’t make another sound after that.

Normal P.O.V.

Ben and I straightened ourselves back out before we made our way down stares and into the living room.

Ben put his bag by the front door so he would be ready what it was time to leave.

“Where did Ryan and Brendon go?” I asked

“God only knows” Alex shrugged and got up, “time to pack”

“I’ll help you. You’re no good at packing” Hayley smiled

“Here” Alex tossed me the remote as they left.

A few minutes later Ryan and Brendon came back. Ryan was smiling until he laid eyes on Ben, he immediately glared at him. Ben just smiled back.

I was about to ask where they were when a very loud moan came from upstairs.

I screamed, covered my ears, and threw my head into Bens lap. I continued to scream. I could feel Ben shaking from laughter.

I didn’t see what was so funny about my older brother having loud sex!

Ben's P.O.V.

I was glad to see that dick face wasn’t in the living room when Sara and I came down stares.

I put my suitcase by the door before Sara and I joined Alex and Hayley in the living room.

Sara looked around as we sat on the couch, then asked:

“Where did Ryan and Brendon go?”

Why did it matter where he was? This was our last day together and she was worrying where Ryan was!

Alex and Hayley were talking, but I was too lost in violent thoughts to hear what they were saying.

They left a few seconds later and Alex tossed Sara the remote.

She absentmindedly leaned her body into mine as she watched the show that was already on. Her body fit perfectly with mine, like puzzle peaces. And Ryan was trying to take us apart. Well that wasn’t going to happen.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts as king asshole waltzed into the room with Brendon close behind him.

I smiled as Ryan glared at me. I knew how much he wanted to be in my position; because I would feel the same if I was in his. But he lost her, and I wasn’t going to anytime soon.

Sara was about to say something; she was probably going to ask where they were, when a very loud moan came from upstairs.

She suddenly screamed and covered her ears, then threw her head into my lap.

I was startled to say the least, but I looked over at Ryan and smirked.

He shot me a murderous glare and stormed out of the room and into the kitchen.

I couldn’t help but laugh, “I take it he doesn’t like hearing people have sex”

“I don’t know anyone who does” Brendon slightly smiled. I continued to laugh as Sara continued to scream.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well thanks, again, to Heartbreakisforever for commenting! And thanks to Fangsup for commenting! You guys made my slightly shitty day better :D
And I found out why they were calling Sam Winchester ‘puppy’!