Its all or nothing babe.

The day she met her neighbors.

We arrived a few days later. It took longer then I expected to get to New Jersey, but when we crossed the border line it was about six days after my father told us we were leaving.

We pulled up to the curb and my father threw his keys to my brother.

"Go and start unpacking, Kay?"

My brother grunted in response and went to open the trunk. My father and us weren't really on speaking terms yet. Me and Luke spent the whole drive down with our iPods in out ears and texting each other. It was quite the uncomfortable ride for my father. I hope the cell phone bill is through the roof.

Luke grabbed some boxes from the trunk and I followed suit. We walked up to the door and went inside. I swear we were both speechless for a second.




I mean I could tell that from the outside, but wow. It was amazingly amazing on the inside.

"Wow." Luke whispered.

I nodded and remembered what we were doing. I elbowed Luke in the ribs and started walking toward the stairs. Upstairs there were five doors. Three bedrooms, a bathroom, and a storage closet. I quickly claimed the master bedroom because it had a separate bathroom and I really didn't want to wait an hour each morning for Luke to finish straightening his hair. I'm serious. The boy takes two hours to do his hair. He gets up an hour and a half before me, takes a ten minute shower, puts on clothes, then spends an hour in the bathroom. I am simple. Get up, take shower, put on clothes, throw on eyeliner and glitter eye shadow, and I am ready to go. Like sheesh. Aren't girls supposed to be the fussy ones?

"When your done unloading the car go to bed! We have a long day tomorrow!" calls my father from downstairs.

"Whatever." replies Luke.

I just stay quiet. Like I always do.

About five minutes later, the moving van shows up. The mover dudes get out beds and crap out of it and into our house in less than a half an hour. God bless them. About 10 minutes after that, we finish unloading the boxes from the car and we are up in our separate rooms unpacking our stuff. I went out onto my balcony and looked at our backyard for the first time. HOLY CRAP! We have a pool! I run into Luke's room and grab his arm and pull him outside.

"Woah! We should totally go swimming!"

I nod eagerly and go into my walk-in closet to put on my swimsuit. I pulled out one that was purple with black polka dots and my black board shorts. I walked downstairs to find my brother waiting eagerly by the kitchen door.

"Lets go! I wanna swim!" God hes adorable. Like a puppy!

We walk outside and put our towels down. The water looks so inviting, a cool oasis in this stinking desert. We run and jump in. It feels so good.

After an hour of swimming we head back up to our rooms. Five minutes later, when we are in the living room watching TV, we hear the door of our neighbors open and a few seconds later our doorbell rings. My father answers it and calls us to the door. When we get there, there are four boys and an older woman standing in out foyer.

"Shay, Luke, these are our next door neighbors. They came over to say welcome to the neighborhood."

"Hi!" says the youngest boy, bounding up to me and Luke.

"Hello." says Luke, extending his hand. The boy shook it eagerly then held his little fingers out to me. I smiled and took it.

"Hey." says one of the older boys. He looks like the oldest. Luke says hi and I wave. The other two say hi and I wave at them in turn. The woman introduces them as Frankie (the youngest), Nick (the second youngest), Joe (the second oldest, and Kevin(the oldest). The woman says her name is Denise and that she is really glad to have us in the neighborhood. My father asks if they want to stay for dinner and Denise says sure. We go into the dining room and my dad tells e to make dinner good because we have guests.

"Shay makes dinner?" asks Denise.

"Yes, she does. Well you see, me and my son are kind of clumsy. Shay and her mother-" Me and Luke both flinch at the sound of our father mentioning her "-are both quite skilled. So when her mother died, Shay took over the kitchen duties."

"Oh my. I am so sorry."

"Hmm? Why would you be sorry?"

"Because I just brought up the subject of your wife without intending to."

"Oh. Well we get by." Both mine and Luke's heads snapped around to glare at him when he said that. Get by? Get by? How in hell is having your daughter stop talking, your son start slitting his wrist, and not being able to live in the same country (yes I did say country. We used to live in Toronto, Canada.) getting by?!?

My father caught both our glares and we quickly looked away. I continued to walk into the kitchen and Luke continued his conversation with Kevin.


After dinner was over, Denise and her sons asked us if we ever heard of the Jonas Brothers. Our reactions was quite strange to them.

"Who?" Luke asked. I just cocked my head to the side and gave them a confused look.

The stared at us like we were aliens from the planet dork.

"The famous band of three awesome brothers ring a bell?" Joe asks.

I shook my head.

"Not at all?"

Shaking the head.

"Never even heard the name?"

Getting headache now.

"Oh really? Well then. I guess we have to tell you. We-" He motioned to him and his brothers "-are the Jonas Brothers."

"And?" asked Luke.

"Well, aren't you surprised that your living next to celebrity's?" I was staring to get tired of all this guys cockiness so I turned around and threw a small wave over my shoulder.

"Night Shay." said Luke.

"Goodnight Shay-la!" my dad called from the kitchen.

I went upstairs and pulled the covers of my bed up to my nose. I drifted into a dreamless sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am getting tired because I had a UBER busy day and its like 11 here.
So I am gonna stop writing.
Don't blame me if you get bored!
Your reading it!