Show Me The Light In This Dark World

Chapter One

I decided to start this journal today. I don't know why. I think it's because I want someone to remember me.

Before this journal goes any further, I'd like to apologise for any bad English which happens in this. I'm from Afghanistan, but I chose to write this in English because it's the language I have to learn, and I love it. Writing this in English I hope will help me learn better.

This is my story.

My father, worked as a poppy farmer. He supplied the men who came sometimes with something called opium. I don't know what it is, but I think it's bad because suddenly everything was shut down and my father owed a lot of money to the men. That's when the trouble started. My parents would argue, my siblings would cry, I would have to look after them. The shouting got worse and worse and we were having serious money problems. Then one day, the men came.

They came, they left.

They left with me, even though I struggled. My father said it was for the best, for the family. But what about me?

So now I'm on an aeroplane. I think that's how it's spelt. They're taking me to America to work for them. I don't know what they want me to do but I'm scared. I hope it's notto too bad.

I can dare to dream, can't I?