Show Me The Light In This Dark World

Chapter Two

America is scary. It's really big and I don't like it. I'm in a huge town called New York. A city. It's all so loud and bright. I want to go home, to see my family again and give my sisters and brothers lots and lots of hugs. I think it's called "homesick." Well whatever it is, it's horrible.

I'm in my room right now. It's wet, no wrong word, damp. The walls are damp, it has a damp air and it's cold. My bed is great compared to my old one back home. I have a frame and a mattress and a blanket, but it's called a duvet. Oh and apilow pillow as well.

I started work last night. Weird..last night. It should be yesterday morning, but it wasn't. Night. That's what I am, "a creature of the night" apparently. That's what my first customer told me. I didn't understand what the men wanted me to do. They gave me to another man who put me in my room. He's called Daniel. It's pronounced Dan-yil. Anyway, he told me I had to make the customers happy. I didn't know what that meant until my first one arrived. I struggled against him, but he seemed to like that. It hurt a lot, he didn't care. There was only one thing he wanted from me, and it didn't matter if I struggled. He would get it. It was sick. I feel sick and dirty. If this is what I have to do the whole time, I don't think I can stand it.

I cried a lot after that. And then I had to do it again, two more times. The last one I was numb for. I tried to ignore what was happening, maybe that's how I'll live through this. By pretending it's not happening.

I'm tired, and hurting. I'm going to sleep.