Rise Above This

First Letter

Dear Asha Nicole;

I know that right now it's difficult to grasp that you will make it out of the house and keeping strong seems very redundant at the moment but let me tell you. You will make, you'll get away from all the craziness and you'll finally be happy. Yes, it may feel like forever until you're 18 but just keep your head up and you'll make it. You'll rise above everything your grandmother has done, you'll finally finish school even though she made that very difficult to catch up. You will finally go out and experience life, you will accomplish your goals. Just relax, breathe and everything will eventually work itself out. There will be times when you're so angry you want to just give up but don't, that's just what your grandma wants, prove her wrong. Be yourself, keep your chin up and just pass the time anyway you can until you're free. Write, read, hang with your siblings and sister. You may not be able to spend tons of time with them but cherish what time you do have outside of the house and when you have to go back, just remember what it felt like while you were free. It may not seem like much but it will help you get through this awful situation. 18 isn't that long to wait, it'll come so fast and you'll be free. Keep your morals and your head planted firmly on your shoulders. You'll make it out of this, trust me. I know.
