Rise Above This

Tenth Letter

Dear Samantha,

I don't really know how to tell you this, but in a few short months, your father will be found, unconsious on the bathroom floor of his small appartment. I hope you know that it's not going to be your fault, no matter how much you think it is. It's not because you're going to fight, the last time you see him. It's not because you're worthless, like he told you so many times before. It's not your fault. It's his fault.

You will feel devistated. He is your hero, your role model, your best friend. I understand. But what he is going to do is wrong.

You will find out a few months after the suicide attempt what the reason behind it is. Unfortunately, it is going to be nothing you expect. Only then will you understand why it isn't going to be your fault.

You will not cry when you hear that judge say the words that will change your entire life emotionlessly. "Dennis Melanson, you are hear by convicted guilty of possessing over thousands of images of child pornography, and are charged with thirty to sixty days of house arest, followed by five years of probation. You are also stripped of your custody of your two children."

You will be angry. Angry at everything, and everyone. But please know that your Mother understands why you are going to hide from the world, as you watch your fathers face plastered across every news brodcast across the country. She understands why you aren't going to feel like talking to anyone. Your mother loves you very much.

After a year, he will begin to come back, uninvited. He will show up on your doorstep pleading for you to love him again. He is going to guilt you until you feel as if you don't deserve to live anymore. But I'm telling you now, that you always deserve a chance to live. Everybody deserves to live.

Sleepless nights of fear and terror will end when your mother decides to move out of the province and start a new life, away from your father. You will finally feel free from his grasp, and no longer have to look over your shoulder to make sure he isn't following. This is when your life will begin to turn around.

Or so you thought.

Your mother is going to become very ill. Your one and only parents life is going to be in danger. She will stop working, and stop bringing in the only money your family of now three people is getting. You will be reduced to eating food from the local Food Bank. Things won't seem bright. Luckily, her hope and optimism will keep you and your younger brother sane.

And eventually, her hope will be her cure. She will begin to feel better. You will begin to make friends, and life will take your side for once. Things will slow down, and get better.

And through all of this, you will have your family, and the friends you will make in your new town- your new life. Keep them close to you, because they are the people that you should always trust and love. Never take anything for grantit, whether it be food or someone you love, or your own life. Sam, no matter how bad life seems, you have to remember to not be affraid to keep on living, no matter how alone you feel. And as your hero, Bob Bryar will say to you in the future: "You're never alone."
