Rise Above This

Thirteenth Letter

Dear Casarina,
the excitement that rushes through you in '03 from moving will be good. Keep your hopes high- you'll need it.

Life as you know it, and the perfections of childhood will change as you become a young lady. On the west coast, where you'll move to, will force you to deal with things you might not have ever imagined, or wanted.

Family, and friends is what makes you strong, though you may not see this. You'll believe they are the ones destroying the life you thought you wanted, but they too make up what is the best of your memories. Summer of '04 will prove this, the friends you make will hold you up.

Sometime after settling into a habit of belief that nothing good will happen, only the worst will come again. But don't blame Papa and Mama, they only try the best they can to take care. It'll take time, lots of time, and plenty of patience. Trust them.

In that time, there will be moments you think you've hit rock bottom, so follow your heart, and pray to God. Cry if you have to, it'll make you feel much better. Don't forget you are still quite young you're gonna change (thoughts, actions, body, beliefs.) but much of this is what you will built your character off of.

A change will come, and it will truly be a gift from God. It may come in an odd way, and you'll resent it for a while- but in the end it's for the best. And at the end of the first hit of chaos, you'll begin a new life, slowly. Here you will become a young and mature lady.

Even though things clear up a bit, after 2 more moves around, life still brings it's troubles. You'll share concerns with your brothers, mother, and father. But you'll rise above this.

Don't ever forget who you are, don't lose yourself for anything or anyone.

"There's only us, There's only this, Forget regret, Or life is your to miss, No other road, No other way, No day but today."

Love, Casarina