Rise Above This

Second Letter

Dear Krista;

Love, lust, and finding that person are a huge part of everyone’s life; yours will not be all that different.

Sophomore year you’re going to meet this guy and you think it’s going to be simple like every other insignificant relationship you’ve had in the past. It will be anything but.

This boy, we’ll call him Al, falls short from perfect but is far from appalling.

Good looks, funny, seemingly a dream and he wants to date you.

It ends up just being a constant circular pattern. ‘Round in circles, let’s start over’ quickly becomes a motto and it is just a constant cliché; break up, get back together, break up, get back together, and do all that two more times. Then there’s the big finally; life isn’t a movie with a happy ending all the time.

The break up that is ‘for good.’

The problem?

Being just friends has never been easy, especially not when six months of both your lives was spent with the other.

What should have been a break up will become a catastrophe that will send you into an emotional whirlwind.

Al’s mood changes as often as his clothes. One week he’s a sweetheart and wants to be with only you. The next he acts less gentlemanly and barely speaks a word to you.

It turns into a ridiculous type of open relationship that’s heavily criticized by both your friends and his. But letting go isn’t that easy even if it is the ‘right’ thing to do.

Fast forward through a summer of hookups between Al and you.

September; school is in full swing. New people, new faces, new boys, new classes. A totally different setting with limitless options.

The plus side of this odd relationship is beginning to show; a freedom to flirt with other guys, though you’ll feel guilty even when you shouldn’t. You get to hang out with other guys and should be able to not feel guilty. You should be able to carry on life without taking another’s feelings into account when you do what you want.

But that isn’t how it’s going to work.

You’re still going to count his feelings in everything you do. You’re still going to feel guilty when another guy even offers the change to hang out. Nothing is easy about it.

Plus you will majorly question your morals, ethics, and views on love and life because of this whole thing.

This boy is going to have the power others don’t; the power to break you down with a simple look or lack of a phone call.

He talks and talks about how much he cares, actions are the cash, talk only the meaningless credit.

Coffee Shop Soundtrack will become your favorite song.

‘This wasted time on you has left me shaking in waiting, shaking in waiting for something more.’

This is an everyday struggle with no clear answers and lies both from him to you and from you to yourself.

But the thing is, you will rise above this.

One boy and one relationship can not stop you from all that you are, all that you will become.

One day this really cool thing is going to happen; he’s going to put another girl right behind you on his top friends. Lame, right?

But it’s going to be the turning point.

You’re going to cry and feel horrible. But it’s only going to last for ten minutes. That one thing was all it took to tip the scales, finally after seven months of non stop pain you really will be done.

You really will rise above this. Promise:)

“Peace, my heart, let the time for the parting be sweet.
Let it not be a death but completeness.
Let love melt into memory and pain into songs.
Let the flight through the sky end in the folding of the wings over the nest.
Let the last touch of your hands be gentle like the flower of the night.
Stand still, O Beautiful End, for a moment, and say your last words in silence.
I bow to you and hold up my lamp to light you on your way.”
