Rise Above This

Twenty-Third Letter


I want you to know that everything that you have gone through in the last few years is going to make you a stronger person. All of the decisions you have made...you might regret them now, but I promise you that now, at twenty two, you are using them to become better. It may not seem like it now, but it will all work out in the long run. You have my [your] word on that.

Mom and Dad’s divorce definitely wasn’t your fault. Please don’t blame yourself anymore for it. There’s always something that we don’t recognize, something we don’t always see, that causes two people to fall out of love. And there’s always someone to come along and pick up the broken pieces. Remember that love never ends, it never fails. And it will never fail you.

I know that you’re struggling with your faith right now, and I know that you’re questioning just what God has in store for your life. I want you to know that you don’t have to pretend anymore. It may seem like the right thing to do right now, but it really is going to hurt you in the long run. You’re going to get better. You’re going to get stronger. God is going to be a bigger part of your life than ever before. But you have to get there on your own. No one can bring you back to His glory but you. Once you get there, you can lean on your friends. But repair your relationship with God first. He’s the most important.

You know that wild and crazy girl at Grace named Margaret? Believe it or not, and trust me I know you’re closer to NOT believing it, but that girl is on the way to becoming your best friend. You have other amazing friends, but not like her. She’s just…she’s incredible, Catherine. You are basically going to be attached at the hip in a few years. She’s going to be like your twin.

And finally, don’t stop writing. I know that it’s starting to become a big thing to you, and I’m here to say that it’s starting to become a big thing to you now. However, there’s going to be a time between then and now where you forget about it all together. You’ll still have your lyrics, but try and keep up your fiction writing going. Trust me, once I got it back a few years ago, I realized just how much I did miss it.

Just remember this –

Nothing lasts forever.
So live it up,
drink it down,
laugh it off,
avoid the bull shit,
and never have regrets
because at one point
everything that you did was exactly what you wanted.

Everything happens for a reason.

In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.

With God, all things are possible.

mucho amor,