Rise Above This

Twenty-Eighth Letter

Dear Abigail-Louise,

Everything’s gone wrong since you turned thirteen last month. Your dad broke his ankle two days after your birthday all because your mother forced him to take you out for a treat just this once. This injury caused your parent’s break up not even a week later; the guilt runs through your veins still to this very day even though that deep down inside, you know it wasn’t your fault they broke up no matter what he told you…

Your depression is getting worse; the tablet’s you’ve been taking for just over a year aren’t working and you have no one to really run to. Sure, you have that therapist lady, Clare but, she just doesn’t understand you, does she? Don’t worry, not even a year after this all you’ll meet a boy named Dean who will be that shoulder to cry on you’ve needed for all these years.

I understand that because of your father being so careless and trying to cook the Christmas dinner drunk late on Christmas Eve of that year, 2006 you nearly died as your bedroom was right underneath the kitchen and your room filled with so much smoke that Patrick, your eldest brother nearly chocked to death saving you but, don’t worry little girl, it’s 2010 and you’re still very much alive. I also understand that since that night, you’ve had such bad health problems since that night; you’ll be diagnosed with asthma in early 2009 but before then, you’ll be on so much medication you’ll die a little on the inside…

You’ll end up moving house in late 2008 after you dad tries to kill your sister the year before, a day after she’s sixteen. Don’t worry about it though, no matter how much you hate it at first you make some amazing friend’s and get to start doing more and more Youth Work. Did I forget to tell you about how in 2008, two years after you started attending Youth Groups you become a volunteer Youth Worker, the youngest one in Cambridgeshire? Well, anyway, you do and everyone is so proud of you; I’m still so proud of you for that great achievement.

Abigail Louise, I can tell you now, up until late October 2009 you go through a hella lot of break ups with prickish guys (including one called Andy who tried to talk you into having sex but, you being you, you beat him up pretty bad…) but, a week before Halloween you meet a guy called Sam at a party that ex Andy took you too. You hit it off pretty much straight away and end up going on a date two days after you meet; I can say because I’m living in this moment not that you make it at least four months – I wish I knew how long you really do make it but, I can’t tell you just yet.

And I can tell you that a day before and a day after your sixteenth birthday you sit your English GCSE’s early only to achieve a really high C; you’re aiming for an A when you re-sit it in the summer but this time, you’ll be on the higher paper.

And Abigail-Louise? From the moment you enter your new secondary school in year nine, The Voyager School, you become known as Skittle to your tutor group because you are so different but in a good, unique way and also, you decide to start going by Abi and more importantly, Abi Fazzi because still after all these years, you’re madly in love with Matt Fazzi still but now, he’s in a band that you’ll grow to love called Taking Back Sunday – they don’t save your life like Facing New York did but they make it.

Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours Abigail-Louise; everything is to get better, believe me. In 2010, you will be so brave and strong and you will be able to look back on those broken years and know that you rose up against it all and beat your demons.

All my love and hope,
Abi Fazzi