Rise Above This

Thirtieth Letter

Dear Vienna,

When you’re 17, the most important, longest lasting relationship you’ll have will start to unravel. Not the one with your parents. Not the one with Caleb. (Though that will come soon.) The one with a girl that you’ve known so long, you consider her a sister rather than your best friend. The girl you’ve been in every class with since pre-school,and every softball team since 3rd grade. The girl you took drivers ed. with and the girl you got into your first car crash with. The girl who knows absolutely everything about you, and vice versa.

It’s going to start off with small changes. No more late Saturday nights watching movies. No more three hour phone calls. No more all day shopping trips in the city. It’s going to be two hour hang out sessions and calls simply to say you guys won’t be hanging out.

You’re going to spend hours in your room crying at night. Everything is going to feel wrong in your life. You’re not going to understand how you can make a friendship work and have a boyfriend, but she can’t. Things are going to be hard. Really hard. But, don’t fret just yet. You’re going to make a great group of friends. Ten people who are going to be in your life for longer than you would ever expect. Hold on to them, they’ll get you through some really hard times.

You’re going to get through senior year. You’re going to have your graduation party together and you’re going to go away to school together. This is when things will really start to change.

You’re going to make different groups of friends, and you’re going to become completely different people. It’s still going to sting like hell, but you’re going to get through that first year of college as friends, and still keeping your heads above water.

Then you’re going to break up with Caleb. The boy you’ve been with since freshmen year of high school. The boy you had made so many plans with. It’s going to hurt like hell, and you’re going to think you won’t make it through. And she won’t even be there for you. She’ll be out getting drunk, instead of helping you. That’s when you’ll see her true colors.

It’s when you decide to transfer home that things will really begin to end. You’re not going to talk, and you’re hardly going to hang out. There isn’t going to be a big fight, more of a falling out. But, you’re going to come to terms with this. Because, that other group of friends you made in high school will be there. Those are the people that you’re going to realize are your true friends, your true family. The people that you were really meant to be with. You’re going to be able to rise above this and see that things truly do fall apart in order for better things to fall together.

Then, a year later, you’re going to see her at a party, and she isn’t even going to look at you. This is when you’re really going to see that things will never, ever be the way they were before-and you’re not even going to care.
Keep your head up, sunshine. Things will always get better.

Love, Vienna.